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The State of 1559 - Update 008 πŸ”₯

TL;DR πŸ‘€

  • 1559 has been acceped in London πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§πŸŽ‰
  • This is the last 1559 update… but something new is coming soon πŸ”œ

One Last Update πŸ‘‹πŸ»

Good news first: after over 2 years since it was originally proposed, and one year since we've revived the effort, EIP-1559 has been accepted into an Ethereum network upgrade. London, which will come sometime this summer, will bring EIP-1559 to mainnet 🍾

That being said, there is still a lot of work to do between now and then: all clients need to finish their implementations against the latest spec, reference tests needs to be written, adjacent EIPs for JSON RPC endpoints need to be created, etc. At this point, though, the work on 1559 moves from being a "working group side effort" to becoming part of the "AllCoreDevs process".

On that note, I'm also making a similar change! Starting from the next AllCoreDevs call, I will be taking over from Hudson Jameson as a facilitator of the call.

These updates were read much more widely than I anticipated, and that one major issue with AllCoreDevs has been a lack of broader communication to the community. Given this, I've decided to keep writing updates, but will focus them on "everything AllCoreDevs", rather than only EIP-1559. Expect the first one in a few weeks!

Finally, thank you to everyone who read this updates, contributed to the extensive list of 1559 ressources, or engaged in conversations about how to make 1559 work. It's been real πŸ”₯ .