--- tags: 1559 --- # 1559 API Wishlist ## Historical Priority Fee Data * Return a list of the lowest accepted priority fee in a block for the past N blocks * Histogram? * First decile instead of lowest? * Client should filter out any blocks that were full, because in such cases the miner likely left transactions that could have been included in the pending pool, which means we may not actually see the miner minimum in the included transactions. * Consider: Can we do anything to filter out miner "own" transactions? At the least, we should filter out any transactions with a `0` priority fee. ## Historical Gas Used Data * Return gas used (% full?) for the past N blocks * Histogram? * Array of gas used per block? ## Historical Base Fees * Nice to have * Histogram? ## Latest block Base Fee + Gas Used * May be valuable to have an endpoint that returns a subset of the data in `eth_getBlockBy*` when all you want is the stuff necessary for gas price calculations. * Long-term solution would be something crazy like GraphQL. ## Next Block `baseFeePerGas` * Return the expected `baseFeePerGas` for the next block * Note: can be done now with `eth_getBlockByNumber("pending")` in Geth ## References * Geth `eth_gasPrice` current post-London implementation description: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/328#issuecomment-853234014 * Suggested approach by @zsfelfoldi: https://gist.github.com/zsfelfoldi/9ca596996f5a556c58dae3aa4f4d0049