# Jellyfin on iOS Hack Week ## To Do - [ ] Investigate iOS remote (and in some cases local?) playback being broken since server version 10.5.0 - Maybe this is just a generic error when the max bitrate is exceeded? iOS would be affected more since it lacks support for detecting the bandwidth and uses a low hardcoded value instead... - Manually setting bitrate limit seems like it may prevent the issue. - ~~Possibly related to the changes in [jellyfin#2160](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/pull/2160)?~~ - [jellyfin#4053](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/pull/4053) Fixes issue with audio transcoding to AAC failing to play. Potentially other issues exist with video playback? - **Issues:** [jellyfin#3726](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/3726) [jellyfin#3815](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/3815) [jellyfin#3924](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/3924) [jellyfin#3957](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/3957) - **PR:** [jellyfin#4053](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/pull/4053) ## Blocked - [ ] Fix initial rotation being wrong in app (upgrade expo-screen-orientation) - **Issue:** [jellyfin-expo#74](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-expo/issues/74) - Release has not been published to npm yet for some reason. Filed issue [upstream](https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/10055). - **BLOCKED** Until Expo 39 is released [expo#10055](https://github.com/expo/expo/issues/10055) ## Complete - [x] Fix PiP button showing on iPhones - **PR:** [jellyfin-web#1873](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-web/pull/1873) - [x] Fix recent iOS versions on iPads not being properly detected - This could cause various issues like the desktop interface being displayed and audio failing in Live TV playback - **PR:** [jellyfin-web#1880](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-web/pull/1880) - [x] Investigate video playback failing on old iOS versions (10 and possibly others?) since server version 10.5.0 - Old iPhone and iPad devices do not support AC-3 and E-AC-3. See this [support matrix](https://developer.dolby.com/platforms/apple/ios/device-support/). - Need to somehow improve support for detecting which devices actually support these audio codecs. - Testing with `canPlayType` reports "probably"/"maybe" for support of these codecs. Which is not a good indicator of if the device actually supports playback since devices that do support it only report as "probably". - Based on this [max iOS support matrix](https://iosref.com/ios), it looks like we can just check for iOS versions < 11. - **Issues:** [jellyfin#2546](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/2546) [jellyfin#2751](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/2751) [jellyfin#2852](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin/issues/2852) - **PR:** [jellyfin-web#1893](https://github.com/jellyfin/jellyfin-web/pull/1893)