## An Island by Any Other Name **Miles:** This question is called: “An Island by Any Other Name“ Whoa, this is huge! It’s the Thousand-Question Question! **Miles:** A Thousand-Question Question is worth a thousand normal questions. But the value gets lower and lower the longer you wait, and only the first person to answer gets the prize. Oh, and you can’t answer until the options appear on the screen. Start your engines, because the time starts… now. **Miles:** In what island in Wales is— *[stumbles on the word “Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ge­ry­chwyrn­dro­bwll­llan­ty­si­li­o­go­go­goch”, and tries to pronounce it a couple times]* What the hell is this word? **Candy:** *(slams the door open, shouting)* What year is it?! **Miles:** *(happily)* Candy! Good to see that you’re up and running again. *(sternly)* Now what did I tell you about caffeine-fueled all-nighters? **Candy:** That I’m young enough to take them. **Miles:** *(briefly annoyed)* That’s not—Nevermind, do you know how to pronounce this? **Candy:** Oh, that? It’s Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ge­ry­chwyrn­dro­bwll­llan­ty­si­li­o­go­go­goch. **Miles:** Clan-vyre-what? **Candy:** Llan-fair-pwll-gwyn-... *[continues until interrupted]* **Miles:** *[tries to imitate syllable per syllable]* Screw this, read this question for me. **Candy:** I mean, that’s what I’m hired to do anyway. Gimme the cue card. There. Okay. Ahem. In what island in Wales is Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ge­ry­chwyrn­dro­bwll­llan­ty­si­li­o­go­go­goch? Anglesey, Skomer, Cardigan, or St. Catherine’s? * [Skomer] I’ll tell the puffins there you said hi. * [Cardigan] Warmer… Warmer…! No, you’re cold! You need a cardigan! *[Faint audience boo]* *(annoyed)* What?! * [Anglesey] The Isle of Anglesey is an island in the northwest of Wales, and home to Llanfair PG, as the locals call it. **Candy:** Also, make sure you don’t travel to Llan­fair­pwll­gwyn­gyll­go­ge­ry­chwyrn­dro­bwll­llan­ty­si­li­o­go­go­goch if you have recently contracted pneumono­ultra­micro­scopic­silico­volcano­coniosis. **Miles:** How does she do that...? ## Birds vs. Bees ### Intro **Candy:** The next question is: **voice coming from PA system:** Attention: Will the owner of the pink compact car with the license plate starting with 5 4 L 7, **Candy:** Wait, that’s me. **PA:** please immediately move your car, which is illegally double-parked. Otherwise, we will tow it away at your expense. Thank you. **Candy:** Oh, god damn it, really? During a recording? Well, guess I have to go get that. *[sound booth door opens]* **Miles:** Hey, wait, didn’t you— **Candy:** I’ll be right back. *[sound booth door closes]* **Miles:** —come on foot today... Daisy, did you do that? **Daisy:** *[grinning]* Huh? I have no idea what you’re talking about. **Miles:** *[sternly]* I am absolutely not buying that. **Daisy:** Anyway, you need someone to host this question, right? I can hop right in. **Miles:** *(sigh)* I have no choice, do I? **Daisy:** Oh yes~ This question is called: “Birds vs. Bees”, and it’s a Sorta Kinda! ### Tutorial **Daisy:** I’m gonna list 7 names, and to mess things up a bit, for each of them, you have to answer if it’s: not a type of bird, not a of bee, or both! By which I mean neither of them. If it’s: not a bird, press left. If it’s: not a bee, press right. And if it’s neither, press up. And don’t even think of using a Lifesaver on this question, okay? Let’s begin! ### Question * Valley carpenter! * Willet! * Amaretto! * Mason! * Sugarbag! * Caracara! * Hillock! *Reaction if a player gets all 7 correct.* **Daisy:** Wow, you saw right through me! Nobody’s done that before. *Reaction if a player gets at least 5 correct.* **Daisy:** Very clever, not bad at all! *Reaction if a player gets at least 3 correct.* **Daisy:** Are you feeling alright? I see you could barely keep up. *Reaction otherwise.* **Daisy:** Oh, did I leave you in the dust? Sorry not sorry! ### Outro **Candy:** *[opens the door]* *(angrily)* Daisy, you lukewarm mug of decaf! I know it was you! **Daisy:** *(mischievously)* Huh? What do you mean? **Candy:** Don’t you give me that sass, girl! First of all, I didn’t find my car down there, because— **Daisy:** You came on foot today. **Candy:** Exactly! Second of all, you have control of the speakers in this sound booth, so— *[suddenly calmly and confusedly]* Wait, you knew I came on foot, yet you went ahead with the fake announcement? **Daisy:** Yuh huh. **Candy:** *(ashamed)* I’m just hurt at how gullible you think I am. **Daisy:** *(smuggly)* Hey, it worked anyway, didn’t it? **Candy:** Shut up, Daisy, go backstage and stay backstage! **Daisy:** Sure, little miss gullible. **Candy:** Argh!