--- title: 線性代數 II - Syllabus tags: 2021 Spring - 線性代數2 GA: G-77TT93X4N1 --- # Syllabus -- 線性代數 II ## Instructor and TAs * Instructor: 林得勝 Office: SA242 ext. 56422 Email: tslin@math.nctu.edu.tw Office Hours: By appointment * Teaching Assistant: 林永祥 Email: george851101@gmail.com Office Hours: Monday **6-8 PM** at SC207 * Teaching Assistant: 謝亞衛 Email: yawei0824@gmail.com Office Hours: Thursday **7:30-9:30 PM** at SC207 * Teaching Assistant: 何禹潔 Email: yujie.am05@nctu.edu.tw --- ## Course information ### Textbook: 1. [Linear algebra done wrong](https://www.math.brown.edu/streil/papers/LADW/LADW.html) by *Sergei Treil* 2. Introduction to Linear Algebra, International Edition by *Gilbert Strang*. ### Matlab code * [Matlab](https://hackmd.io/@teshenglin/LA2_matlab) <!-- 2. Linear algebra done right by *Sheldon Axler* * This book is freely available at NCTU e-library. --> ### Grading Policy The final grade in this course will be determined as follows: 1. Four exams (70%) * The first/second highest grade of Exam 1, 2 and 3 count as 30% while the lowest grade counts as 10%. * 30 - 30 - 10 * Exam 4 will be comprehensive, the grade can replace one of exam 1-3. 2. In-class quizzes (20%) - Every Wed. at 11:10AM(except Exam days) * Totally 12 quizzes. Four of the lowest will be drop out. 3. Extra assignments (10%) * Section summarize * Solution to exercise or extra exercises > All the extra assignments should be sent to [何禹潔] 4. In-class activities (0%) * quizizz <!-- * Text translation (to Chinese) * Text reading * [Slido](https://www.sli.do/) * Room code: 70826 --> ### Extra coding/texting references 1. Markdown * [Markdown 學習筆記](https://teshenglin.github.io/post/2019_markdown/) 2. Latex * [List of LaTeX mathematical symbols](https://oeis.org/wiki/List_of_LaTeX_mathematical_symbols) * [Latex - Integrals, sums and limits](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Integrals,_sums_and_limits) * [Latex - Matrices](https://www.overleaf.com/learn/latex/Matrices) > Quick example of markdown math mode > (simply copy-paste to hackmd to see what comes up) ```markdown= 這個函數 $\sin(x)/x$ 可以這樣打 $$ \frac{\sin(x)}{x} $$ ``` 3. [Hackmd](https://hackmd.io) * [HackMD 快速入門教學](https://hackmd.io/s/quick-start-tw) 4. Matlab * [Matlab at NYCU campus software](https://ca.nctu.edu.tw/installation/category/matlab) --- ## Course calander: | 週一 | | 週三 | | |------|---|------|--------| | 2/22 | 課程介紹 | 2/24 | quiz - Sec.1.1 | | 3/1 | **Holiday** | 3/3 | quiz - Sec.1.2 | | 3/8 | | 3/10 | quiz - Sec.1.3 | | 3/15 | | 3/17 | quiz - Sec1.4-1.7 | | 3/22 | | 3/24 | Exam 1 | | 3/29 | | 3/31 | quiz - Sec.5.1(#1-#7) | | 4/5 | **Holiday** | 4/7 | quiz - Sec.5.1-5.2 | | 4/12 | | 4/14 | quiz - Sec.5.3 | | 4/19 | | 4/21 | quiz - Sec.5.4-5.6 | | 4/26 | | 4/28 | Exam 2 | | 5/3 | sec.5.7, [classical MDS](https://teshenglin.github.io/post/2020_multi_dimensional_scaling/) | 5/5 | quiz - exam2(#2-#3) | | 5/10 | | 5/12 | quiz - lecture notes 5/5+5/10 | | 5/17 | | 5/19 | quiz - lecture notes 5/12+5/17 | | 5/24 | | 5/26 | quiz - lecture notes 5/19+5/24 | | 5/31 | | 6/2 | Exam 3 | | 6/7 | | 6/9 | | | 6/14 | **Holiday** | 6/16 | 彈性教學 | | 6/21 | 彈性教學 | 6/23 | Exam 4 | --- <!-- ## Online resources * [MIT - Gilbert Strang - Linear algebra](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-06-linear-algebra-spring-2010/) * [MIT - Gilbert Strang - Linear algebra - SC](https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/mathematics/18-06sc-linear-algebra-fall-2011/index.htm) * [NCTU - 莊重 - Linear algebra I](https://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=1&gid=1&nid=271&page=3) * [NCTU - 莊重 - Linear algebra II](https://ocw.nctu.edu.tw/course_detail.php?bgid=1&gid=1&nid=361&page=3) -->
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