This time I have a combined update for weeks 5 & 6. I've been mainly going through the Lighthouse code and docs, figuring out the implementation, which I'm going to try and slowly start on right now after the update, starting with adding Ephemery to other testnets included in the implementation. There are some other details I would like to emphasize from the previous weeks:
There are now two issues for each of the clients: Reth and Lighthouse. This opened a communication channel with other contributors to these clients, which was really helpful, as @michaelsproul immediately suggested a possible solution based on additions for the new Holesky testnet. I will look into it further this week, it seems to be quite useful at first sight. For now I've been going through the Lighthouse code, leaving the Reth implementation for later.
I reworked my project proposal and also made some additions. I already got some great feedback from Mario for the first version before these changes, I've taken these into account and added the finalized proposal to the repository. I've tried to keep the proposal brief and to the point, partly because I feel like it's difficult and mostly inaccurate to plan the implementation into detail, as the process changes all the time according to new findings during the implementation process.
I took some time to try and do my best following the Lighthouse contribution guide. I did not want to start writing code incorrectly or in an incorrect envorinment, therefore I've been spending some time following the Contributors' guide and the Contributing section in the Lighthouse book.
Based on the guides, I set up my git to be able to sign my commits using SSH. I've never contributed to open-source and mostly did private projects before this fellowship, so this was new to me and I'm happy to have my commits verified now!
I've been mostly successful in setting up the environment for now, everything compiles and runs. I ran into some trouble when I was unable to install anvil (by Foundry) according to the guide in readme linked by the Lighthouse book and later I found out the command used in readme is outdated and does not correspond to the commands in the Foundry book, so I fixed it and did my first baby contribution in the Ethereum tooling ecosystem! 🎉