# 2024q1 Homework2 (quiz1+2) contributed by < [`teresasa0731`](https://github.com/teresasa0731) > ## 教材閱讀 * [基於 C 語言標準研究與系統程式安全議題](https://hackmd.io/@teresasa/linux_readingNote#%E5%9F%BA%E6%96%BC-C-%E8%AA%9E%E8%A8%80%E6%A8%99%E6%BA%96%E7%A0%94%E7%A9%B6%E8%88%87%E7%B3%BB%E7%B5%B1%E7%A8%8B%E5%BC%8F%E5%AE%89%E5%85%A8%E8%AD%B0%E9%A1%8C) ## Problem 1-1: non-recursive QuickSort ### 運作原理 基於參考資料[ Optimized QuickSort — C Implementation (Non-Recursive) ](https://alienryderflex.com/quicksort/),將資料儲存由陣列改為鏈結串列後,其運作原理如下分析: 每次挑選**最左邊節點**作為基準值 `pivot` 分割序列,以指針`p`走訪序列,,並用`L`與`R`標示待排序序列的起訖點。為了以非遞迴方式實現每輪操作,使用陣列實現堆疊,將當前子問題之開始/結束節點存入`begin[]`與`end[]`中,並用`while(i)`迴圈模擬堆疊操作,當非空時(`i>=0`)進入循環。 ```graphviz digraph structs { node[shape=plaintext]; pivot [fontcolor="red"]; L [fontcolor="blue"]; R [fontcolor="blue"]; p [fontcolor="dimgray"]; node[shape=box]; struct0 [label= "4"]; struct1 [label= "1"]; struct2 [label= "3"]; struct3 [label= "5"]; struct4 [label= "2"]; struct5 [label= "7"]; { rank="same"; struct0 -> struct1 ->struct2 -> struct3 -> struct4 -> struct5 } pivot -> struct0 [color="red"]; L -> struct0 [color="blue"]; R -> struct5 [color="blue"]; p -> struct3 [color="dimgray"]; } ``` 在迴圈內,若尚有未處理序列(子問題內元素個數多於一個),則依照當前子問題的`pivot`分割為左右子序列:指針`p`由左向右走訪,大於`pivot`者放入`right`,小(等)於者放入`left`中,後依序將 `left`->`pivot`->`right` 放入堆疊紀錄;否則將此`pivot`放入`result`中,表已排序過。 ```graphviz digraph structs{ node[shape=plaintext]; left [fontcolor="blue"]; pivot [fontcolor="red"]; right [fontcolor="blue"]; node[shape=box] struct0 [label= "4"]; struct1 [label= "1"]; struct2 [label= "3"]; struct3 [label= "5"]; struct4 [label= "2"]; struct5 [label= "7"]; pivot -> struct0 [color="red"]; left -> struct1 -> struct2 -> struct4; right -> struct3 -> struct5; } ``` 在更新堆疊位置後,繼續進行新一輪的子問題直至堆疊為空,此時串列排序完成。 根據以上,可以歸納出此種實作手法的特點: * 堆疊的最大層級設為節點數的兩倍: `max_level = 2 * n` * 基於 Lomuto partition scheme 原理,選擇第一個節點(最左)作為 pivot * 依放入堆疊性質,優先從右序列`right`開始排序 ### 改進方案 延伸上一節提到的實作手法分析,提出以下的改進方向: * 引入 lab0-c/list.h 的雙向鍵結串列加快排序&搜尋速度 * 儲存 `begin[]` 跟 `end[]` 的堆疊大小 `max_level` 理論上不須使用到$2n$ * pivot 的位置會決定此輪排序的效能,以隨機分佈的數列來看挑選的位置並無差異,但若是恰好遇到已排序串列如降序數列,則挑選第一個節點會有 worst case 產生 #### 雙向鏈結串列 在引入 `lab0-c/list.h` 的雙向鏈結串列後,除了不需要 `end[]` 紀錄序列尾端外(減少堆疊使用空間),也將尋找隊列末的速度從遍歷序列須花$O(n)$降至使用 `head->prev` 的$O(1)$。雖然相對單向鏈結串列而言在維護結構上較費時,但根據對 quick sort 函式的測試結果可看出,雙向鏈結串列的效率有提昇。 > 完整更動可見 [commit 421c25e](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/commit/421c25eecf6ac6ef64992363f37551531fbdd5ea) ```shell ## random input sequence with 100000 items ## Original version: single-linked list > quick sort time [original] : 36316 ## Improved Version: double-linked list > quick sort time [double-linked]: 30261 ``` #### 堆疊大小改善 先測試序列大小與堆疊深度的關係: ```shell $ ./check > size = 10 max level 4 > size = 100 max level 14 > size = 1000 max level 26 > size = 10000 max level 38 > size = 100000 max level 48 ``` 可以觀察到大小增加10倍時,堆疊深度大約會多10層,根據以上觀察,設計一個計算堆疊的函式: ```diff +int count(int size) { + int cnt = 0; + while (size != 0) + { + cnt++; + size /= 10; + } + return cnt * 10; +} + long int quick_sort(struct list_head **head) { clock_t time = clock(); long int quick_sort(struct list_head **head) int n = list_length(*head); int i = 0; - int max_level = 2 * n; + int max_level = count(n); ``` #### pivot 挑選位置 Quick Sort 的效率受到 pivot 位置選擇影響很大,若不斷地選到最大/最小元素作為 pivot 則會產生 worst-case ,時間複雜度退化成跟 Selection Sort 一樣的$O(n^2)$。 以下實作以==隨機挑選 pivot 方式==來驗證其對程式的改善效果。 ```cpp void random_pivot(struct list_head *head) { if (!head || list_is_singular(head)) return; int r = rand() % list_length(head); struct list_head *pick; list_for_each (pick, head) { if (r == 0) break; r--; } if (head->next != pick) list_swap(head->next, pick); } ``` 為驗證效果設計了兩個實驗,其一輸入隨機序列並將大小以10倍的級距增加;另一個則是分別測試在輸入 100000個元素串列下,best, average, worse case 下的效能改進: ```shell $ ./check > max level = 4 size = 10 quick sort time 6 > max level = 14 size = 100 quick sort time 33 > max level = 26 size = 1000 quick sort time 409 > max level = 38 size = 10000 quick sort time 6733 > max level = 48 size = 100000 quick sort time 33866 $ ./test > Segmentation fault (core dumped) $ ./test > max level = 50000 quick sort time (avg. case): 6359356 > max level = 100000 quick sort time (worst case): 6359356 > max level = 100000 quick sort time (best case): 14961502 ``` 可以看到當輸入量達到100000個元素時,使用上述減少堆疊深度函式 `count()` 會產生 seg. fault,故先將堆疊大小改回$2n$後再次測試,可以看到其最大堆疊深度達到$O(n)$,除了佔用空間量大外,在排序時也即耗時(相較於隨機序列的平均結果) ```shell $ ./check > max level = 8 size = 10 quick sort time 7 > max level = 18 size = 100 quick sort time 39 > max level = 24 size = 1000 quick sort time 488 > max level = 36 size = 10000 quick sort time 3591 > max level = 52 size = 100000 quick sort time 54835 $ ./test > max level = 50 quick sort time (avg. case): 30540 > max level = 48 quick sort time (worst case): 30540 > max level = 48 quick sort time (best case): 24480 ``` 將 pivot 改成隨機挑選後,可以看到雖然須犧牲小部份時間在 pivot 處理上,但對於 worst case 有很顯著的效能提昇,其使用的堆疊空間亦減少至前面設計的$O(logn)$的假設範圍內。 --- ## Problem 1-2: Timsort ### 運作原理 * `find_run()` 先把整個資料分成小區塊(稱作 Run ) * 搜尋連續單調遞增序列(若是連續單調遞減則在完成後翻轉),並將長度存在`result.head->prev`中 * 此串列頭存在`recieve.head`中,,未分割串列則存在`recieve.next`,最後回傳結構體`struct pair` * `merge_collapse`檢查`tp`中的前三個 run 是否滿足條件: * A > B + C * B > C 當以上條件成立時,A 會放入堆疊中,並繼續取出前三個 B,C,D 比對;上述不成立則取 A,C 中較小者與 B 進行`merge_at()`合併,保持 stable sorting 的性質,並達到==每次合併的 run 大小盡量相同== * `merge()`的作法程式碼似乎與測驗二提到的合併方法(暫存較短之序列再進行逐對比較合併)不同,而是引入 [lib/list_sort.c](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/blob/master/lib/list_sort.c) 的手法,不須額外配置,在空間使用上更據優勢。 ### 改進方案 根據題目敘述,基於設計者認為==現實世界中序列大多為已部份排序(partial sorted)==,故在合併兩個 run 時引入 **Galloping mode** 取代一般 merge sort 使用的 one-pair-at-a-time,可以減少比較次數加速合併。 > 範例:假設兩個已排序 run > A: [3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 31, 45, 221] > B: [21, 22, 24, 24, 29, 1000] > 可以看到 A 中 [3, 7, 11, 12, 13] 可以整組直接排在 B 前面。 為了避免序列沒有可以整組排列的性質時,使用 galloping 會比 one-pair-at-a-time 更耗時與耗空間,timsort 引入固定參數 `MIN_GALLOP=7` 與變數 `minGallop=MIN_GALLOP` 來決定使用模式,當一組合併比較時發現連續7次都來自同一組 run 時切換為 galloping 模式,且每次進入 galloping 模式會使`min_gallop`降低,更易觸發 galloping 模式。 :::warning **Galloping search (expotential search)** 在查找整組可插入位置時需要使用到 galloping search ,是以$(2k+1)^{th }$方式查找元素。 根據作者[實驗結果](https://bugs.python.org/file4451/timsort.txt)比較 galloping search 對比 linear search 與 Binary Search 的效能差異,得出在 **Index = 7 之前 galloping search 相較來說會需要更多的比較次數,故`MIN_GALLOP`預設是 7。** ::: #### 實作挑戰 Linked list 不支援隨機存取情況下,使用 Galloping search 可以降低比較次數,但可能會增加記憶體存取次數與時間,且模式切換的判斷函式也會耗時。 參考[原始碼](https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/3.7/Objects/listobject.c#L1189)是使用 array 做為儲存結構體,但則須使用額外的記憶體空間暫存陣列,如下圖範例(圖源來自 [Timsort-wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timsort#Galloping_mode_during_merge)) ![Galloping mode](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hyluoyapa.png =50%x) 故此處對於引入 Galloping mode 對整體效能的改進還須加入其他方面考量,如記憶體使用量、排序速度、比較次數等。 ### 整合 [sysprog21/lab0-c](https://github.com/sysprog21/lab0-c) > To be processed after completing lab0-c... --- ## Problem 2-1: Construct Binary Tree ### 運作原理 基於 preorder & inorder 來重建二元樹的方法,先以 preorder 當前第一個節點為 root,在 inorder 節點中找尋並將其分成左右子樹,依此方法迭代重建二元樹。 #### `hlist` `hlist` 搭配以 `hlist_` 開頭的函式是 Linux 設計用於 hash table 實作的雙向鏈結串列,其定義在 [`include/linux/types.h`](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/include/linux/types.h) 之中: ```cpp struct hlist_node { struct hlist_node *next, **pprev; }; struct hlist_head { struct hlist_node *first; }; ``` :::warning :bulb:與 double-linked list 不同之處 * `*pprev` 指向指自身節點的指標。 * `hlist_head` 中的 `*first` 指向表頭之節點。 ::: 透過 `node_add` 將節點雜湊到表中,以`order_node`的型態儲存並以鏈結串列處理碰撞機制;存取節點時再以巨集 `list_for_each` 走訪對應的雜湊串列。 ```graphviz digraph G { rankdir = LR; node[shape=none] null1[shape = plaintext, label = "NULL"] null2[shape = plaintext, label = "NULL"] node[shape = "record"] list_head[label = "hlist_head heads[] | |list_head.first|<ht0> |<ht1> |<ht2> |<ht3> |<ht4>"] subgraph cluster_1 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; node [shape=record]; hn1 [label="hlist_node | {<prev>pprev | <next>next}"]; label="order_node 1" } subgraph cluster_2 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; node [shape=record]; hn2 [label="hlist_node | {<prev>pprev | <next>next}"]; label="order_node 2" } subgraph cluster_3 { style=filled; color=lightgrey; node [shape=record]; hn3 [label="hlist_node | {<prev>pprev | <next>next}"]; label="order_node 3" } list_head:ht1 -> hn1 hn1:next -> hn2 hn2:next -> null1 hn2:prev:s -> hn1:next:s [color="grey"] hn1:prev:s -> list_head:ht1 [color="grey"] list_head:ht4 -> hn3 hn3:next -> null2 hn3:prev:s -> list_head:ht4 [color="grey"] } ``` #### `dfs` 已知深度優先搜尋法(dfs)對樹的存取就是 preorder 順序,在每次切割的前序/中序非空情況下, 1. preorder 當前節點 `[pre_low]` 即為該子樹的 root, 2. 在 inorder 所在的 hash table 中找到根節點後, 3. 將中序切割成左右子樹,其中 `preorder[pre_low + 1] ~ preorder[pre_low + left_size]` 屬於左子樹、`preorder[pre_high - right_size + 1] ~ preorder[pre_high]` 屬於右子樹(左右子樹大小可以透過根節點的位置計算後得到), 4. 將以上分別傳入`dfs`遞迴重建。 ### 測試程式 > 測試程式碼 [`main.c`](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/blob/main/hw2/3_construct_binary_tree/main.c) 先隨機生成一個二元樹並紀錄其 preorder & inorder 順序後,使用此測驗程式碼重建二元樹,並與隨機生成樹的 postorder 進行比較,確認重建樹的正確性。 ```shell $ ./main tree height = 5, tree nodes = 5 Reconstruct time : 2 successfully rebuilt $ ./main tree height = 5, tree nodes = 13 Reconstruct time : 3 successfully rebuilt ``` ### 改進方案 > [commit 1085173](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/commit/1085173140013157d012af06e16d26f92622b8a3#diff-00b8d3961217964678f211a821f2333ddf388e08caf6f37929c06736bacf8df3) 因 preorder 的順序即為 dfs 的順序,使用遞迴重建僅有程式易讀性一項好處,故將 `buildTree()` 函式改以非遞迴方法依 preorder 順序,並將每次分割出的子樹放入堆疊。 #### 設計實驗 > 測試程式碼 [`analyze.c`](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/blob/main/hw2/3_construct_binary_tree/tree_test.c) 隨機生成的二元樹 10,000 次,其中因小於1000個節點的二元樹較看不出差異故先去除,且為比較遞迴效能,故設計不重複節點以避免 hash table 碰撞問題。 將 `buildTree()`函式的執行時間與節點數量關係做成下圖,可以看出在節點數逐漸增加後, non-recursive dfs 的效能較 recursive 版本平均而言較佳。 ![analyze](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ByQ8pHkAT.png) ### Linux kernel: cgroups 相關程式碼 >pre-order walk 程式碼位於 [/kernel/cgroup/cgroup.c](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/kernel/cgroup/cgroup.c) 中` css_next_descendant_pre`的部份 #### 結構體 `struct cgroup_subsys_state *` ```cpp struct cgroup_subsys_state { ... /* siblings list anchored at the parent's ->children */ struct list_head sibling; struct list_head children; ... u64 serial_nr; ... /* * PI: the parent css. Placed here for cache proximity to following * fields of the containing structure. */ struct cgroup_subsys_state *parent; }; ``` `css`結構體包含 `sibling`、`children`、`parent`指標,其變數關係如下: ```graphviz digraph G{ rankdir = LR; node[shape=record]; hn1 [label=" css_01 | <s> sibling | <c> child |<w>...|<p> parent "]; hn2 [label=" css_02 | <s> sibling | <c> child |<w>...|<p> parent "]; hn3 [label=" css_03 | <s> sibling | <c> child |<w>...|<p> parent "]; null [label=NULL,shape="plaintext"] hn1:c -> hn2:n hn1:s -> hn3:n hn2:p -> hn1:w hn2:c -> null hn3:c -> null } ``` 將 CSS 簡化成樹狀結構可表示成: ```graphviz digraph BST { rankdir = LR; l1 [ label = "0" ]; l2_1 [ label = "1" ]; l2_2 [ label = "3" ]; l3 [ label = "2" ]; NULL1[label=NULL,shape=plaintext] NULL2[label=NULL,shape=plaintext] { rank="same"; l1 -> l2_1 -> l3 ->NULL1; } { rank="same"; l2_2 -> NULL2 } l2_1 -> l2_2; } ``` #### 巨集 `css_for_each_descendant_pre` ```cpp #define css_for_each_descendant_pre(pos, css) \ for ((pos) = css_next_descendant_pre(NULL, (css)); (pos); \ (pos) = css_next_descendant_pre((pos), (css))) ``` 巨集中以迴圈呼叫`css_next_descendant_pre()`,並回傳 pre-order walk 中的下一個元素 ```cpp css_next_descendant_pre(struct cgroup_subsys_state *pos, struct cgroup_subsys_state *root) { struct cgroup_subsys_state *next; cgroup_assert_mutex_or_rcu_locked(); /* if first iteration, visit @root */ if (!pos) return root; /* visit the first child if exists */ next = css_next_child(NULL, pos); if (next) return next; /* no child, visit my or the closest ancestor's next sibling */ while (pos != root) { next = css_next_child(pos, pos->parent); if (next) return next; pos = pos->parent; } return NULL; } ``` 從`root`開始存取,利用`css_next_child` 尋找下一個節點並回傳;當抵達`leaf`後使用`pos->parent`回頭尋找下一個節點,因 CSS 結構體依 `serial_nr` 排序避免了重複走訪的問題。 --- ## Problem 2-2: LRU cache ### 運作原理 LRU(Least Recently Used Cache) 一般會透過雜湊表結合雙向鏈結串列,但在 worst case 下可能會達到$O(n)$的時間複雜度,而此題使用`hlist`來減少快取存取的時間,在選擇合適的 hash function 下,讓讀取/寫入時間複雜度降至$O(1)$。 #### 結構體 ```cpp typedef struct { int capacity; // 緩存的最大容量 int count; // 當前緩存中的資料數量 struct list_head dhead; // 環狀串列串接所有資料,以最近使用項目來排序 struct hlist_head hhead[]; // 頭節點數組,用於快速訪問緩存項目 } LRUCache; typedef struct { int key; // 索引 int value; // 儲存內容 struct hlist_node node; struct list_head link; } LRUNode; ``` ```graphviz digraph G{ rankdir = LR; node[shape = record]; hhead_ptr [label = "*hhead"]; subgraph cluster_0 { style = filled; color = cornsilk2; label = "LRUCache"; dhead [label = "dhead | {<p>prev | <n>next }",color = blue]; table [label = "<t0>hhead[0]|<t1>[1] |<t2>[2] |<t3>[3]|<t4>[4]|<t5>[5]|<t6>..."] } hhead_ptr -> table:t0; subgraph cluster_1 { style = filled; color = lightgray; label = "LRUNode_01"; lhead1 [label = "link |{<p>prev| <n>next}", color = blue]; hnode1 [label = "node |{<p>pprev| <n>next}"]; } subgraph cluster_2 { style = filled; color = lightgray; label = "LRUNode_02"; lhead2 [label = "link |{<p>prev| <n>next}",color = blue]; hnode2 [label = "node |{<p>pprev| <n>next}"]; } subgraph cluster_3 { style = filled; color = lightgray; label = "LRUNode_03"; lhead3 [label = "link |{<p>prev| <n>next}",color = blue]; hnode3 [label = "node |{<p>pprev| <n>next}"]; } null1[label = "NULL",shape="plaintext"]; null2[label = "NULL",shape="plaintext"]; table:t1 -> hnode1[color = "gray38"]; hnode1:p -> table:t1[color = "gray22"]; table:t5 -> hnode2[color = "gray38"]; hnode2:p -> table:t5[color = "gray22"]; hnode1:n -> hnode3; hnode3:p -> hnode1[color = "gray22"]; hnode3:n -> null1; hnode2:n -> null2; } ``` 依照下圖`dhead`的順序,可以得知最近存取的節點為`LRUNode_02`。 ```graphviz digraph G { rank = same; rankdir = LR; node[shape = record]; dhead [label = "<t>dhead | {<p>prev | <n>next }",color = blue]; subgraph cluster_1{ label = LRUNode_01; lhead1 [label = "<t>link |{<p>prev| <n>next}", color = blue]; } subgraph cluster_2{ label = LRUNode_02; lhead2 [label = "<t>link |{<p>prev| <n>next}", color = blue]; } subgraph cluster_3{ label = LRUNode_03; lhead3 [label = "<t>link |{<p>prev| <n>next}", color = blue]; } dhead:n -> lhead1:t[color = darkorchid3]; lhead1:n -> lhead2:t[color = darkorchid3]; lhead2:p -> lhead1:t[color = darkorchid3]; lhead2:n -> lhead3:t[color = darkorchid3]; lhead3:p -> lhead2:t[color = darkorchid3]; // lhead3:n -> dhead[color = darkorchid3]; } ``` #### API in `LRU.h` * 存取資料:`lRUCacheGet(LRUCache *obj, int key)` 將輸入 `key` 雜湊後查表 `hhead[hash]` 得到資料儲存位置,使用 `hlist_for_each` 走訪 `dhead` 尋找該索引值,並將其移至串列開頭以維持 LRU 存取順序。 * 新增資料:`lRUCachePut(LRUCache *obj, int key, int value)` 將輸入 `key` 經雜湊查表 `hhead[hash]` 後開始走訪,若該索引已儲存在快取中,則將其資料更新並移至串列 `dhead` 開頭;反之則先檢查快取是否已達上限,已滿則將串列末尾的資料先移除(即 Least Used Node),再將節點新增至`dhead` 與 `hhead` 之中。 ### 測試程式 > 測試程式碼 [`main.c`](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/blob/main/hw2/4_LRU_cache/main.c) 為了測試`LRU.h` 的 API 功能是否正確運行,在測試程式中新增一個大小為5的快取,並隨機產生測資100筆,執行放入/存取的呼叫,檢驗其正確性。 ### 改進方案 #### `hhead` 串列儲存順序 可以看到無論是在 `lRUCachePut` 中新增節點時,或是 `lRUCacheGet`查找節點時, `hhead` 內的資料並不會隨之更新,也就是沒有依循 LRU 的順序。 而在 `hhead` 中是否有需要多花費時間來維持串列,則須討論到 hash table 碰撞的機率與產生的成本,在高度碰撞與其可能產生較長的碰撞串列下,維護其存取順序可以提高效率;反之則增加時間成本。 ```diff int lRUCacheGet(LRUCache *obj, int key) { int hash = key % obj->capacity; struct hlist_node *pos; hlist_for_each(pos, &obj->hhead[hash]) { LRUNode *cache = list_entry(pos, LRUNode, node); // HHHH if (cache->key == key) { list_move(&cache->link, &obj->dhead); // IIII + hlist_del(&cache->node); + hlist_add_head(&cache->node, &obj->hhead[hash]); return cache->value; } } return -1; } void lRUCachePut(LRUCache *obj, int key, int value) { LRUNode *cache = NULL; int hash = key % obj->capacity; struct hlist_node *pos; hlist_for_each(pos, &obj->hhead[hash]) { LRUNode *c = list_entry(pos, LRUNode, node); // JJJJ if (c->key == key) { list_move(&c->link, &obj->dhead); // KKKK + hlist_del(&c->node); + hlist_add_head(&c->node, &obj->hhead[hash]); cache = c; } } ... ``` ### Linux kernel: LRU 相關程式碼 #### Clock Algorithm > Linux kernel [/drivers/md/dm-bufio.c](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/drivers/md/dm-bufio.c#L92) Linux應用在 **buffer-cache replacement** 中,並根據程式碼註解說明可以得知,其不是使用傳統的 LRU List 的替換方法(優先替換最久未使用的),而是使用 ==Clock Algorithm== 來實作。 此算法使用環形列表 (circular list),當該頁框 (page frame) 被訪問到時會標記 **reference bit = 1**;另有一個指針 `cursor` 在列表中移動,當 page fault 發生時選擇被替換頁面 (victim page): * `R == 0` 則該頁面被置換成新頁面,`cursor` 會移往下一個位置 * `R == 1` 則將其重置為 0 ,然後 `cursor` 會持續移動並檢查,直到有頁面被替換。 > wiki: [Page replacement algorithm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_replacement_algorithm) #### LRU cache > Linux kernel [/lib/lru_cache.c](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.8.1/source/lib/lru_cache.c) 另也可以看到使用類似 LRU policy 來實現 cache,其流程可以大致歸納成以下: ```graphviz digraph G{ fault[shape = "record", label = "page fault",fontcolor=red,color = red]; rankdir = LR; subgraph cluster_1{ color = white; a[shape = "point",height = 0]; reclaim[shape = "plaintext",fontcolor=blue]; inactive[shape = "record",label = "inactive|{<h>Ref|<m>...|<t>Ref}"]; active[shape = "record",label = "active|{<h>Ref|<m>...|<t>Ref}"]; reclaim -> inactive -> a [dir = "back"]; a ->active[dir = "none",label = "demotion",fontcolor=blue]; } fault -> a[color = red]; inactive:m ->active:t[label = "promotion",fontcolor=blue]; } ``` 根據Linux kernel 原始碼得知在 v2.6.28 後為了更高效的管理記憶體,將 LRU 串列又區分出 `LRU_ANON `和 `LRU_FILE`,至此 Linux 的頁面置換演算法結構大致成形。 >**vmscan: split LRU lists into anon & file sets** Split the LRU lists in two, one set for pages that are backed by real file systems ("file") and one for pages that are backed by memory and swap ("anon"). The latter includes tmpfs. ... > -- [commit 4f98a2f](https://github.com/torvalds/linux/commit/4f98a2fee8acdb4ac84545df98cccecfd130f8db#diff-320d71fc114523cf12348e74feccad156bfbc099918f82deabc7928cc2b6119e) --- ## Problem 2-3: find nth-bit ### 運作原理 目標 : 為了尋找在指定的記憶體空間內,第 n 個設定的位元位置。 > 完整函式與測試程式 [5_find_nth_bit](https://github.com/teresasa0731/2024_Linux-Kernel/tree/main/hw2/5_find_nth_bit) 在供外界呼叫的 API 中會先根據**輸入值的大小**做處理,透過巨集 `small_const_nbits(size)` 檢查是否符合==小的常數位元數==:**必須是一個 Compile-time constants,且值必須小於等於 `BITS_PER_LONG` 並大於0。** ```cpp #define small_const_nbits(nbits) \ (__builtin_constant_p(nbits) && (nbits) <= BITS_PER_LONG && (nbits) > 0) ``` #### Compile-time constants 巨集所使用的 `__builtin_constant_p(nbits)` 是來自於編譯器 GCC 的內建函數,用來判斷傳入表示式(expression, 此處為輸入值大小),若回傳 1 代表是 Compile-time constants,則可以在編譯時對該表示式進行[常數折疊(constant-floading)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Constant_folding);另提到回傳 0 不代表其表示式不是常數,但**只要有 side effects 的表示式皆會回傳 0** 。 >**Built-in Function: int __builtin_constant_p (exp)** >You can use the built-in function __builtin_constant_p to determine if the expression exp is known to be constant at compile time and hence that GCC can perform constant-folding on expressions involving that value. The argument of the function is the expression to test. The expression is not evaluated, side-effects are discarded. The function returns the integer 1 if the argument is known to be a compile-time constant and 0 if it is not known to be a compile-time constant. Any expression that has side-effects makes the function return 0. A return of 0 does not indicate that the expression is not a constant, but merely that GCC cannot prove it is a constant within the constraints of the active set of optimization options. > -- [gcc/Other-Builtins](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Other-Builtins.html) :::success **Side effect** 根據 C99 Standards,可以知道符合 side effects 的操作有以下四種: 1. Accessing a volatile object 2. modifying an object 3. modifying a file 4. calling a function that does any of those operations > Accessing a volatile object, modifying an object, modifying a file, or calling a function that does any of those operations are all side effects,11) which are changes in the state of the execution environment. Evaluation of an expression may produce side effects. At certain specified points in the execution sequence called sequence points, all side effects of previous evaluations shall be complete and no side effects of subsequent evaluations shall have taken place. (A summary of the sequence points is given in annex C.) -- [C99 §](https://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg14/www/docs/n1256.pdf) ::: 如果為 Compile-time constants,則將輸入值 `&` 與判斷式`GENMASK(size - 1, 0)` 後返回答案。 可以發現此處在巨集 `GENMASK(h, l)` 的行為就是將輸入值根據我們所設定的 `size`,來取出有效範圍 **[size-1, 0]** 。 ```cpp #define GENMASK(h, l) \ (((~0UL) - (1UL << (l)) + 1) & (~0UL >> (BITS_PER_LONG - 1 - (h)))) ... if (small_const_nbits(size)) { unsigned long val = *addr & GENMASK(size - 1, 0); return val ? fns(val, n) : size; } ``` 在找出 word 中由右數來第一個 set bit 的位置時,使用 linear search 在 worst case 的效率太差,此處採用類似 binary search 的方法,每次對剩餘數值的一半做判斷並捨棄全零部份。 e.g. 假設輸入為 $0b00001111001010000000000000000000$ * `word & 0xffff` 0000 0000 0000 0000 ==0010 1100 0000 0000== -> num = 0 * `word & 0xff` 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1100 ==0000 0000== -> num = 0 + 8, shift 8 bit * `word & 0xf` 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 ==1100== 0000 0000 -> num = 8 * `word & 0x3` 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 11==00== 0000 0000 -> num = 8 + 2 = 10, shift 2 bit * `word & 0x1` 0000 0000 0000 0000 0010 1==1==00 0000 0000 -> num = 10 ```cpp static inline unsigned long __ffs(unsigned long word) { int num = 0; #if BITS_PER_LONG == 64 if ((word & 0xffffffff) == 0) { // AAAA num += 32; word >>= 32; } #endif if ((word & 0xffff) == 0) { num += 16; word >>= 16; } if ((word & 0xff) == 0) { num += 8; word >>= 8; } if ((word & 0xf) == 0) { num += 4; word >>= 4; } if ((word & 0x3) == 0) { num += 2; word >>= 2; } if ((word & 0x1) == 0) num += 1; return num; } ``` ### Linux kernel: `find_nth_bit` 應用 #### `bitmap_remap()` > Linux kernel [/lib/bitmap.c](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/v6.8.1/source/lib/bitmap.c) 主要是用來做 bitmap 的映射,而`find_nth_bit`的作用是在找出新的 bitmap 對應位。 ```cpp void bitmap_remap(unsigned long *dst, const unsigned long *src, const unsigned long *old, const unsigned long *new, unsigned int nbits) { unsigned int oldbit, w; if (dst == src) /* following doesn't handle inplace remaps */ return; bitmap_zero(dst, nbits); w = bitmap_weight(new, nbits); for_each_set_bit(oldbit, src, nbits) { int n = bitmap_pos_to_ord(old, oldbit, nbits); if (n < 0 || w == 0) set_bit(oldbit, dst); /* identity map */ else set_bit(find_nth_bit(new, nbits, n % w), dst); } } ``` #### CPU affinity * CPU affinity 是儘量長時間運行在某個指定的 CPU 上 ,且不被轉移至其他 CPU 的傾向性。 * 在 NUMA( Non-Uniform Memory Access,非統一記憶體存取架構)下,cpu 對於訪問某些資源 (RAM, I/O) 的成本不一。 根據以上可以推測在 NUMA 系統中,透過考慮 CPU 與記憶體之間的距離將特定的執行緒綁定到 CPU 上,以最大限度地減少存取遠端記憶體所帶來的效能損失。而與 `find_nth_bit()` 相關的應用,可將任務綁定在數據所在之 NUMA 節點的相應 CPU,透過 CPU affinity 達到最小化訪問記憶體延遲。 > Because of the high cost of invalidating and repopulating caches, most operating systems with SMP support try to avoid migrating a thread from one processor to another and instead attempt to keep a thread running on the same processor and take advantage of a warm cache. This is known as processor affinit —that is, a process has an affinity for the processor on which it is currently running. > -- [Operating System Concepts §5.5.4 Processor Affinity](https://www.academia.edu/42880365/Operating_System_Concepts_10th_Edition) > > The access to certain resources (RAM, I/O ports) has different costs from different CPUs. This is the case in NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Architecture) machines. Preferably memory should be accessed locally but this requirement is usually not visible to the scheduler. Therefore forcing a process or thread to the CPUs which have local access to the most-used memory helps to significantly boost the performance. > -- [GNU manual §22.3.5 Limiting execution to certain CPUs](https://www.gnu.org/software/libc/manual/html_node/CPU-Affinity.html) #### `sched_numa_find_nth_cpu()` > Linux kernel [/kernel/sched/topology.c](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/kernel/sched/topology.c#L2132) 函式用於在 NUMA 中找到與指定 CPU 最接近的第 n 個 CPU ,其中 `cpumask_nth_and()` 便引用到在 [/include/linux/cpumask.h](https://elixir.bootlin.com/linux/latest/source/include/linux/cpumask.h#L399) 中的 `find_nth_bit()`。 ```cpp /** * sched_numa_find_nth_cpu() - given the NUMA topology, find the Nth closest CPU * from @cpus to @cpu, taking into account distance * from a given @node. * @cpus: cpumask to find a cpu from * @cpu: CPU to start searching * @node: NUMA node to order CPUs by distance * * Return: cpu, or nr_cpu_ids when nothing found. */ int sched_numa_find_nth_cpu(const struct cpumask *cpus, int cpu, int node) { struct __cmp_key k = { .cpus = cpus, .cpu = cpu }; struct cpumask ***hop_masks; int hop, ret = nr_cpu_ids; if (node == NUMA_NO_NODE) return cpumask_nth_and(cpu, cpus, cpu_online_mask); rcu_read_lock(); /* CPU-less node entries are uninitialized in sched_domains_numa_masks */ node = numa_nearest_node(node, N_CPU); k.node = node; k.masks = rcu_dereference(sched_domains_numa_masks); if (!k.masks) goto unlock; hop_masks = bsearch(&k, k.masks, sched_domains_numa_levels, sizeof(k.masks[0]), hop_cmp); hop = hop_masks - k.masks; ret = hop ? cpumask_nth_and_andnot(cpu - k.w, cpus, k.masks[hop][node], k.masks[hop-1][node]) : cpumask_nth_and(cpu, cpus, k.masks[0][node]); unlock: rcu_read_unlock(); return ret; } EXPORT_SYMBOL_GPL(sched_numa_find_nth_cpu); ```