Lesson #6 <span id="top"></span> === :arrow_left: [**Lesson #5**](/s/Qg_PLcpMT4C_GWVUY3_F8g) :arrow_right: [**Lesson #7**](/s/_ZU9BIRBQ5me6ih9hX_YiA) :::danger :male-teacher: **Today, you're going to...** :one: ...simplify globalization by taking a survey in which you imagine the world as a village of only 100 people :two: ...compare the average class opinion with the facts :three: ...prepare for and have short interviews about your experience with extra/private lessons :four: ...work with the German article **Indien und Amerika brauchen einander** in which you learn how the private lesson business is affected by globalization and the impact globalization has had on certain people's lives :five: ...learn about an Indian boy's life as global citizen by completing a dialogue ::: **Detailed and further instructions with reference to...** :one::bust_in_silhouette::iphone: Take the :pushpin: [**class survey**](https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/R3ZJXZB) and guess the correct number of people. <iframe src="https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/R3ZJXZB" height="350" width="100%" style="border:0"></iframe></p> --- :two::bust_in_silhouette::mag: In split screen mode, compare the :bar_chart: [**average class opinion**](https://de.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-BSBFGBF29/) with the facts you find online :earth_americas: [**here**](https://www.100people.org/statistics-100-people/) (from 2016), :earth_americas: [**here**](http://www.miniature-earth.com/) (from 2001), :tv: [**here**](https://youtu.be/i4639vev1Rw) (from 2010) and :tv::arrow_down: [**here**](https://youtu.be/A3nllBT9ACg) (from 2018). {%youtube A3nllBT9ACg %} :a::writing_hand: Focus on two striking differences and one similarity by using this :card_file_box: [**vocabulary**](https://quizlet.com/_al1h5y?x=1jqt&i=32pews) of *how to compare statistics and numbers* with each other. :b::writing_hand: Explain your reactions (thoughts, feelings...) to *any facts of your choice* in some detail. Make use of this :card_file_box: [**vocabulary**](https://quizlet.com/_al1llp?x=1qqt&i=32pews) on *how to explain your reaction*. --- :three::bust_in_silhouette::pencil2::lips: Prepare for an interview with random class mates about your experience with extra/private lessons (either as student or teacher). Take notes about: | when? | where? | how much it cost(s)? | how often? | | -| - | - | - | | **why?** | **which subject?** | **who (the teacher is/was)?** | :question: | **Bonus question:** Ask each other what you would think or how would you feel if your private teacher lived in a foreign country and taught you on the internet? --- :four::bust_in_silhouette::book: First, skim (=quickly read) the article :pushpin: [**Indien und Amerika brauchen einander**](https://cloudfiles.fds-limburg.schule/index.php/s/odLdXxxFsiwpx9p) for the different people('s names) it reports on. Afterwards, you will be assigned one person to focus on. Now, read the text again more attentively for this question: **What impact** ~(Einfluss)~ **has globalization had on your person's life?** First, sparingly ~(sparsam!)~ underline all relevant pieces of information in the text and translate each of them into English. :soon::lips: Get together in groups of three and introduce your person to each other. Talk English as much as you can! Cover your translation and only look at the German key words you ==highlighted== in the text. You don't have to write anything down at this point. Just talk once and listen twice. Help each other translate. At last, when everybody has finished introducing his/her person orally, open the corresponding page and **write down how globalization has shaped** ~(verändert)~ **all the different people's lives.** Help each other write if neccessary. :keyboard: [Group 1](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-1-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 2](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-2-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 3](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-3-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 4](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-4-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 5](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-5-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 6](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-6-365days) | :keyboard: [Group 7](https://yopad.eu/p/IuAbe-7-365days) :warning: Copy & paste your common final text into :closed_book: **OneNote**. :::success :lower_left_crayon: Compare your answers with this :key: [**answer key**](https://cloudfiles.fds-limburg.schule/index.php/s/fEXRNgNpBpmRHaR) ==Password ****== when you are done. ::: --- :five::bust_in_silhouette::writing_hand: Learn about an Indian boy's life as global citizen by completing this :pushpin: [**dialogue**](https://cloudfiles.fds-limburg.schule/index.php/s/2nJTyYBwdyZtST8) in which you need to act as mediator for two people not speaking a common language. :::success :lower_left_crayon: Compare your answers with this :key: [**answer key**](https://cloudfiles.fds-limburg.schule/index.php/s/sxzRH3YzCfrTbRo) ==Password ****== when you are done. ::: :speaking_head_in_silhouette: Act the dialogue by the help of the blank/incomplete worksheet in class. Speak freely and spontaneously not simply reading out your answers. --- :arrow_left: [**Lesson #5**](/s/Qg_PLcpMT4C_GWVUY3_F8g) [:top:**Top**](#top) :arrow_right: [**Lesson #7**](/s/_ZU9BIRBQ5me6ih9hX_YiA) ###### tags: `E12FOS`