# Ethcon Korea bounties We have 4 ETH in total for bounties! Below we have described our three prize categories, as well as resources to help you get started building. If you want to discuss and further unpack any ideas mentioned below or are needing help in any way, please reach out to us! We're super excited to see what you build for Ethereum. ## **Deploy on Taiko 👷** Deploy your dapp, tool, or whichever useful smart contract you are building on Taiko. This could be in the realm of DeFi, NFTs, social, gaming, and much more. As an Ethereum-equivalent ZK-EVM, this means you can build exactly as you do for Ethereum L1 and just change the RPC—your Solidity code and favorite tooling work out-of-the-box. 2 ETH **(split among maximum top 4 projects)** ## Infrastructure **🧱** Help build out infrastructure for Taiko with core or surrounding components that increase the robustness of the network. This can be in domains such as inception layers (using Taiko as an L2 and deploying the exact codebase as an L3 on top for more scale), MEV on L2, cross-layer communications gadgets, node running tools, etc. Hint: given Taiko's Ethereum-equivalence, much of what exists on Ethereum can be repurposed for Taiko! 1 ETH **(split among maximum top 2 projects)** Ideas to consider: - A UI/CLI wizard to allow anyone to easily deploy their own Taiko rollup (can integrate with existing wizards as well) - An improved node running CLI - An updated block explorer (e.g., unified explorer with multiple L2/L3 data) - Integrate L1 searcher-builder-proposer infrastructure like “mev-boost” for Taiko - Improve block proposing mechanism (e.g., taking into account calldata cost, or even future-looking towards blobspace considerations) - Help bring about based rollups by making it extra easy for Ethereum validators to participate as Taiko proposers - Implement account abstraction with ERC-4337 components ## Ethereum **Public Goods 🌏** We’re here to extend Ethereum. And because we are Ethereum-equivalent, almost anything you build for Ethereum, we can likely make use of! That goes both ways, building on Taiko naturally contributes upstream to the broader Ethereum space. So go deep and build something that pushes Ethereum and its overarching mission forward. 1 ETH **(split among maximum top 2 projects)** Ideas to consider: - Help further decentralize the L1 validator set with solo-staking tools and resources - Get ahead of notable upgrades by contributing to efforts like enshrined-PBS, EIP-4844, etc. - Something that meaningfully pushes forward the well-being of humanity ## Get started building **🛠️** - Docs: https://taiko.xyz/docs - Guides: https://taiko.xyz/docs/guides - Taiko GitHub: https://github.com/taikoxyz - Taiko Discord: https://discord.gg/taikoxyz