# Taiko content guide So you want to create content for Taiko. This guide aims to help you with that goal. ## 1. Choose a type of content to create or modify There are many types of content at Taiko. Specifically you could make: ### Visual content - Infographic / diagram - Video ### Written content - Tweet thread - Blog post - Official documentation at taiko.xyz ## 2. Look to see if this content has been created before Landing content into the official taiko.xyz website is desired. Take a look around to see if this content has been created before, to give you a good place to get started. You also have the opportunity here to improve existing content. ## 3. Review the content guides and resources Please refer to the following guides in order to create high quality content. ### Visual content - Consider using [Excalidraw](https://excalidraw.com/) for creating technical diagrams. - Consider using [Carbon](https://carbon.sh) for code snippets. - Consider using [OBS](https://obsproject.com/) or for screen recording. ### Written content - Create the minimum viable documentation. - Don't repeat yourself, use links to existing documentation or inherit it. - Keep documentation close to what it's describing (for example, in the source code). - Refer to our writing style guides: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/style-guide/welcome/ and [Taiko writing guide](#taiko-writing-guide). ## 4. Create the content Go for it, this is just a rough draft. Just try to get something out there. ## 5. Peer review and iterate Use a combination of asking people for help and other tooling to get peer review and improve your writing piece or content. This could have several iterations. Try to have someone with strong domain knowledge to do the final pass through, as this will help to make sure the content is accurate. ### Other tooling - Consider using [ChatGPT](https://chat.openai.com/chat), [Grammarly](https://app.grammarly.com/), or [Hemingway editor](https://hemingwayapp.com/) for peer review. ## 6. Post the content Post the content somewhere or open a PR for it. --- # Taiko writing guide The purpose of this writing guide is to help you create a blog post for Taiko. We'll cover the following topics: - Decide on a topic - Write the blog post - Tips - Boilerplate ## Decide on a topic The audience at Taiko is on the technical side. Therefore, it is always a good idea to lean into technical topics for blog posts. If you are unsure about a topic, ask the team / community for some ideas! ## Write the blog post Write the blog post however you want, but if you are lost on how to start you can try these steps: 1. Research (take notes, have fun, learn) 2. Create an outline (FYI this outline can be used for the tweet thread later) ``` # Title: The Type 1 ZK-EVM ## What is a Type 1 ZK-EVM? ## What does a Type 2+ ZK-EVM change? ## What are the impacts of these changes? ## ... etc. ## Conclusion ## Sources ``` 4. Rough draft (fill out the outline, don't worry about word count) 5. Revised draft a. Improve the draft, maybe fit it to some word count b. Run it through Grammarly or a similar site c. Add photos / diagrams to breakup the text 6. Post the draft for peer review 7. Address any peer review comments and create a tweet thread 8. Create the banner with Dalle-E or whatever, ask someone if you need help 9. Gain a final glance over the full post, banner, and tweet thread 10. Post the article / tweet thread ## Tips ### Don't fret on the draft Don't worry too much about quality when writing your rough draft. You can improve it with peer review and revision (via automated tooling such as ChatGPT or other friendly humans). ### Word count Can look here for word count inspiration: https://thewritepractice.com/blog-post-length/. But remember: our goal is to educate the community, we are not as concerned about "search engine optimization", meaning these word length guidelines can be skewed. Use your best judgement. ### Conciseness and tone You should aim to write concise and thorough material which is educative. This doesn't mean you can't be playful -- a playful tone is actually preferred, but use your own voice. ### Break it up People do not understand long lines of information very well. To combat this you can use techniques to **break it up**: - Use bullet points to convey information - Use diagrams ([excalidraw](https://excalidraw.com/) is great) - Use line breaks - Shorten paragraphs ### Topic sentences The most important sentences are usually the first ones to a paragraph. Ideally, these topic sentences are literally what you can use to create the Twitter thread. ### Spell checker / AI I wouldn't be shy to use tools at your disposal. Here are some ideas: - Grammarly - ChatGPT The risk of using these tools is generally they can take away your voice, so keep that in mind. Grammarly (or similar) is usually useful at the end, before submitting your revised draft. ChatGPT could (keyword) be useful for something like: "Write a conclusion for this article: pastethearticle". ## Boilerplate Footer boilerplate: ``` --- Thanks for reading our blog post! 🥁 ## Join us Explore open positions on our job board. ## Follow us Join the community on Discord and follow us on Twitter! To stay updated on the latest from Taiko: - Website: https://taiko.xyz - Discord: https://discord.gg/taikoxyz - GitHub: https://github.com/taikoxyz - Twitter: https://twitter.com/taikoxyz ```