Big change: 2021 was year of the DAO and like thousands of others our team dove into Discord and joined our first DAO
Winners and losers: The best DAOs will be those who delight their new users, especially who never seen Discord before. Show them what the loser slide looks like (pictured) personal
Promised land: Imagine if joining an online community was like starting a new game
A) storytelling, pathways, quests
B) identity, profiles, loot
C) skill levels, engagement to continue
Magic gifts to promised land:
A) customisable conversational flows and quests for any community. for anyone to use.
B) Updatable NFT profiles
C) updating attributes and rewarding achievements
Vision and plan
We are making everything we do customisable and no code so any community can their own brand specific Tavern Keeper
-vapourware mockup of Bufficorn, DAOhaus, Bankless
We're gamifying PM (optional, probably better without)
*-show monsters *
We're finishing our MVP to enable Raid Guild to asynchronously onboard new contributors and then looking to expand to the wider ecosystem.
Big change: 2021 was year of the DAO and like thousands of others our team joined up at a DAO
Winners and losers: The best DAOs will be those who seamlessly onboard new users, who may have never seen Discord before. We started at our new DAOs a few months. Show them what the loser slide looks like (pictured) personal
Promised land: Imagine if joining an online community was like starting a new game
A) storytelling, pathways, quests
B) identity, profiles, loot
C) skill levels, engagement to continue
Magic gifts to promised land:
A) customisable conversational flows and quests for any community. for anyone to use.
B) Updatable NFT profiles
C) updating attributes and rewarding achievements
Vision and plan
We are making everything we do customisable and no code so any community can their own brand specific Tavern Keeper
-vapourware mockup of Bufficorn, DAOhaus, Bankless
We're gamifying PM (optional, probably better without)
*-show monsters *
We're finishing our MVP to enable Raid Guild to asynchronously onboard new contributors and then looking to expand to the wider ecosystem.
More people are joining Discord and DAOs than ever before, drawn by the best way human beings have ever been able to work together.
Imagine joining your first DAO. You're DM’d from a couple of bots, there are a milion channels, you don’t know who to talk to and if you are lucky enough to access some documentation you're welcomed with a firehose . You are now more lost then you were to start with.
Everyone has been in a video game where they got lost and didn't know what to do next, what happens? A lot of people just give up.
The same thing is happneing in our DAOs and online communities.
How can you contribute? How do you make friends and gain a good reputation? What does this communtiy value?
Now, imagine joining an online community was like starting a new game.
When you start, your world is small, you are guided by a friendly NPC and as you progress you discover new quests, places and allies in your world. The experience of discovery and prgression is what keeps you motivated.
And when you meet another player, you can see from your profiles, skill levels and achievements where each other are at.
Even though you don't know the poeple around you and the landscape is unfamiliar, you have a sense of belonging and are motivated to perservere and make an impact in this new world.
Tavern Keeper is a community-based game building platform, powered by creative Discord bot interactions, NFT profiles and achievements,
enabling these kinds of magical experiences in your Discord server.
It transforms using Discord into a game and turns community managers into game creators
What is it?
NFTs are mintable to Harmony or Polygon.
What it allows
Magic gifts in bold
Create discord choose your own adventure stories and interactive documentation. Turning bloated documents into pathways so that the user can find the right information at the right time.
that mint NFT profiles
update attributes of those NFTs
manage discord community members based on their NFTs
What is does: Tavern Keeper is customizable Discord bot which
sends users down convestational flows pathways
Allowing new members to progress through a conversation flow using emoji reactions, select quests personal to their needs
that to allow communities to
We've created a game for Raid Guild, a fantasy themed freelancing agency but Tavern Keeper is
It's hard to join a DAO but Tavern Keeper is there to guide the way, at a pace users engaged.
First, community members start a new quest on a Discord channel, progressing through a conversation with an NPC.
Next, they then mint a community profile NFT and as they progress through their journey with the community, the NFT is updated to reflect their accomplishments and achievements.
As the NFT profile is updated, the user gains access to new channels, quests and opportunities to contribute to the community.
-Customise the text based on the server pathways and cultue. Here RG has fantasy theme.
-Mint an NFT profile based on your experience
-Interact with documentation and follow pathways
-Do quizzes and finish a quest
-Check out your updated NFTs metadata - you now have a new property and a counter has been updated.
* One new user has voted on 10 propsals, which updated their counter on the meta data and have progressed to level 2.
Extra promised land
Games create coordinated decentralized communities where members can reflect their contributions through skill points, loot and status.
different users to coordinate, through the game's architecture.
When you continue through your adventure at the DAO your profile is updated
The game shows you what needs to be done
coordinated decentralized communities where members can reflect their contributions through skill points, loot. And join a community and konw what that community values and what to do
Other use cases
Overview: Tavern keeper is a game-building platform for Discord communities powered by NFTs.
More people are joining Discord and DAOs than ever before, drawn by the best way human beings have ever been able to work together.
However, these communities have a hard time on-boarding and engaging users. Individuals have a hard time knowing how to contribute to a community and displaying their community contributions.
Instead, first present a “teaser” vision of the happily-ever-after that your product/service will help the prospect achieve—what I call the Promised Land.
“You’ll have the most innovative platform for ____.” Nope: the Promised Land is not having your technology, but what life is like thanks to having your technology.
Imagine joining your first DAO. DM'd from a couple of bots, there are a milion channels, oyou don't know anyone, hesitant to contact people, if you are lucky you access some documetnation but yuo open it you become completely overwelmed. You are now more lost then you were to start with.
Promised land:
Imagine you join a DAO and as soon as you join someone starts talking to you and showing you around the DAO. On your adventure you learn about the community's mission, and values. As you continue down your jounrey, you are given an NFT whihc is your profile. On you NFT you can see specific action and attributes your community values. For example, one community value voting in governance proposals. One enthusaitc new user has voted on 10 propsals, and to their delight, they are now level 2.
Now that you have minted your NFT and gained some experience, you've completed your first quest. This grants you access to a gated part of the community, a new Discord thread for example. Once they get there, they can see the
As their map opens up little by little they are
Community profiles - onchain. Know who you are talking to.
Grow in the community, developing your own reputation on chain, understand what it's about and start adding value to it.
Communities own this data. Users own this data.
Expands the map little by little. Now you can see the paladin hall, and talk with people you can identify with.
Then you run into someone in a thread who starts talking to someone in a
WOW example:
Daily and weekly quests for little rewards.
Why? Quantifying the intangible, visual, identity that rewards users. We do things just for status. Status in a virtual community should be contribution based. The community should decide what is a contribution, and each contrubtion sould be one step fruther on a quest.
How do we convince DAOs that what we are doing is making their life easier?
4 ways to update profile.
If it’s not clear by now, successful sales decks follow the same narrative structure as epic films and fairy tales. Your prospect is Luke, and you’re Obi Wan, furnishing a lightsaber to help him defeat the Empire. Your prospect is Frodo, and you’re Gandalf, wielding wizardry to help him destroy the ring. Your prospect is Cinderella, and you’re the fairy godmother, casting spells to get her to the ball.
When you introduce your product or service, do so by positioning its capabilities like the lightsaber, wizardry and spells—as “magic gifts” for helping your main character (prospect) reach that much-desired Promised Land.
Imagine if everyone voted in your DAO.
Tavern Keeper transforms using Discord into a game and turns community managers into game creators.
Community members start a new quest on a Discord channel. They then mint a community profile NFT and as they progress through their journey with the community, the NFT is updated to reflect their accomplishments and achievements.
As the NFT profile is updated, the user gains access to new channels, quests and opportunities to contribute to the community.
The future of work is fun and opt-in. This is what Tavern Keeper can enable.
All you have got to do is show up and start adding value. Tavern Keeper gives players the ability to join communities and start building amazing things.