Simple BoxHead/kill enemies with upgrades that needs typing:
Automatic turrets:
repairs by typing 'repairs'
upgrade by typing 'upgrade', then:
Enchantment in game (think Fairy Tail)
Building a character + type training for code
Simple roguelike with keys to collect to go to the next level. Keys should be picked up in a certain order. If that order is not respected, the next level is harder but with the same order; otherwise it's the same difficulty but with a different order.
A wheel of fortune battle royale game:
People pay to play it
It's luck based
First to win the jackpot win it all.
You get ??% of the "total" pay
Game like magic the noah blind game: see this video
Extension to copy only the description in errors
Generate JSON data from Django HTML template
Discord bot that notifies when 100% promotion on steam games or assets -> use freetchio data
Boring Man
Map editor for Boring Man
Survival & Weapon deal
pair waves -> vices
impair waves -> cash (10k * wave)
betmode for survival
bet on the number of people who will survive during all the next wave
reward: number of people that was bet -> number of vices won
that's also the number of bosses that will spawn
roulette mode:
start with 10k
random effects
reminder bot:
reminds you stuff for survival like super vices, bosses, missions, objectives
last to do <insert objective> dies, last to survive win
kill losers but them let respawn -> allowed to sabotage others