An overview of integrating mutation testing into Foundry based off the Gambit framework.
The suggestion is to use subcommand forge mutate --sample-seed ..<...>
. Another suggestion is to use a flag forge test --mutate
but that's not recommended because it would introduce the mutation test flags into test and could become confusing for developers.
pub struct MutationTestArgs {
/// Output mutation test results in JSON format.
#[clap(long, short, help_heading = "Display options")]
json: bool,
filter: MutationTestFilterArgs,
/// Stop running mutation tests after the first failure
pub fail_fast: bool,
/// List mutation tests instead of running them
#[clap(long, short, help_heading = "Display options")]
list: bool,
evm_opts: EvmArgs,
opts: CoreBuildArgs,
#[clap(value_enum, default_value = "function")]
test_mode: TestMode,
We aim to support 8 types of mutation filters
pub struct MutationTestFilterArgs {
/// Only run randomly chosen mutation based on this seed
#[clap(long = "sample-seed", visible_alias = "ms", value_name = "number")]
pub sample_seed: Option<u64>,
/// Only run mutations on functions matching the specified regex pattern.
#[clap(long = "match-function", visible_alias = "mf", value_name = "REGEX")]
pub function_pattern: Option<regex::Regex>,
/// Only run mutations on functions that do not match the specified regex pattern.
long = "no-match-function",
visible_alias = "nmf",
value_name = "REGEX"
pub function_pattern_inverse: Option<regex::Regex>,
/// Only run mutations on functions in contracts matching the specified regex pattern.
#[clap(long = "match-contract", visible_alias = "mc", value_name = "REGEX")]
pub contract_pattern: Option<regex::Regex>,
/// Only run mutations in contracts that do not match the specified regex pattern.
long = "no-match-contract",
visible_alias = "nmc",
value_name = "REGEX"
pub contract_pattern_inverse: Option<regex::Regex>,
/// Only run mutations on source files matching the specified glob pattern.
#[clap(long = "match-path", visible_alias = "mp", value_name = "GLOB")]
pub path_pattern: Option<GlobMatcher>,
/// Only run mutations on source files that do not match the specified glob pattern.
name = "no-match-path",
long = "no-match-path",
visible_alias = "nmp",
value_name = "GLOB"
pub path_pattern_inverse: Option<GlobMatcher>,
/// Only use this select mutation rules
#[clap(long = "mutation-rules", visible_alias = "mtr", value_name = "String")]
pub mutation_rules: Vec<String>
Mutation testing can take quite a lot of time, this aims to support different testing mode
that enable faster development and better developer UX.
pub enum TestMode {
/// Only run tests matching the contract file name
/// e.g. for Counter.sol mutations run tests in Counter.t.sol
/// Only run tests matching similar function names
/// e.g. for Counter.sol:addNumber mutation run tests in test suite
/// matching a regex test_addNumber, testAddNumber, test_AddNumber,
/// testFuzz_[a|A]ddNumber, testFail_addNumber
/// Run the entire test suite. This should be used in a CI
/// environment as it would take quite sometime
We support similar mutation rules as in Gambit
pub enum MutationRules {
Output of running mutation tests
| File | Killed | Survived | Equivalent |
| src/Counter.sol | 100 | 50 | 3 |
| Total | 100 | 50 | 4 |
| File | Mutation | Diff | Result |
| src/Counter.sol:10 | BinaryOpMutation | number -= 1 | Killed |
This is similar to Gambit JSON output with the addition of "result" property.
"id": "1",
"name": "BinaryOpMutation.sol",
"description": "BinaryOpMutation",
"diff": "--- original\n+++ mutant\n@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@\n \n contract BinaryOpMutation {\n function myAddition(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns (uint256) {\n-\treturn x + y;\n+\t/// BinaryOpMutation(`+` |==> `-`) of: `return x + y;`\n+\treturn x-y;\n }\n \n function mySubtraction(uint256 x, uint256 y) public pure returns (uint256) {\n",
"original": "BinaryOpMutation/BinaryOpMutation.sol",
"result": "killed"