# 2019q3 第 16 週測驗題 :::info 目的: 檢驗學員對記憶體管理的認知 ::: --- ### 測驗 `1` [Gap Buffer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gap_buffer) 是種動態陣列的實作方式,廣泛用於文字編輯器一類的程式。其手法是將「空白」(gap, 指字串沒有填滿緩衝區的部分) 移動到緩衝區中間,如下圖: ![](https://i.imgur.com/qPd8icC.png) 當我們執行插入或刪除動作時,緩衝區中的 gap 會隨之移動。例如,下面一句話中,初始情況下空白在緩衝區的最後: ``` This is a smple txt.[ ] ``` > 這裡我們使用中括號 (即 ==`[ ]`==) 表示空白 當我們想要在 `smple` 中插入 `a` 字元時,編輯器首先把空白移動到 `s` 後面: ``` This is a s[ ]mple txt. ``` 然後在 `s` 後面插入 `a`: ``` This is a sa[ ]mple txt. ``` 若我們想在 `txt` 中插入一個 `e`,則需要同樣的步驟: ``` This is a sample t[ ]xt. This is a sample te[ ]xt. ``` 這種方法所基於的假設是,編輯文本時通常為連續接受輸入,其他時間則較少更動。 部分 Emacs 變種使用 Gap Buffer,包括古老的 [Emacs on TECO](https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/TecoEmacs)、現代的 [GNU/Emacs](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/) 及早期 [Gosling Emacs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gosling_Emacs) (Java 之父 James Gosling 在 1981 年用 C 語言撰寫的 Emacs 編輯器,後來 Richard Stallman 取用部分程式碼打造出 GNU Emacs),和 [Scintilla](https://www.scintilla.org/) (包括 [Code::Blocks](http://www.codeblocks.org/) 許多整合開發環境裡頭使用的程式碼編輯器元件) 也使用 Gap Buffer。某些 Emacs 版本改用 [Linked Line](http://web.mit.edu/~yandros/doc/craft-text-editing/Chapter-6.html)。 一個實作案例:假設文字編輯器的編輯區已有 `Hi, world!` 字串,然後游標 (cursor) 在 `,` 前面,我們用下方表示法: ``` Hi<cursor>, world!。 ``` gap buffer 會先建立下方的陣列,在此我們假設 gap 的長度是 4 且僅有一個 (事實上可能有不少這種 gap),`\xx` 表示 ASCII 編碼為 16 進位 xx 的字元: ``` [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [a] [b] [c] [d] 'H' 'i' \00 \00 \00 \00 ',' ' ' 'w' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd' '!' ``` 當使用者刪去一個字元後,變成這樣: ``` [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [a] [b] [c] [d] 'H' \00 \00 \00 \00 \00 ',' ' ' 'w' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd' '!' ``` 使用者輸入 `ello`,變成這樣: ``` [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [a] [b] [c] [d] 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' \00 ',' ' ' 'w' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd' '!' ``` 然後使用者右移游標,變成這樣: ``` [0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [a] [b] [c] [d] 'H' 'e' 'l' 'l' 'o' ',' \00 ' ' 'w' 'o' 'r' 'l' 'd' '!' ``` 需要注意的是,當遇到緩衝區填滿的情況,需要重新配置記憶體再複製資料內容,所以 gap buffer 對於大檔案的處理會有效率疑慮。 走訪上述的編輯過程: ``` Hi<cursor>[ ], world! H<cursor>[ ], world! Hello<cursor>[ ], world! Hello,<cursor>[ ] world! ``` 考慮以下 Gap Buffer 實作程式碼: ```cpp #include <stdlib.h> typedef struct { char *buf; size_t size; size_t lb, rb; } gapbuf_buffer_t; typedef enum { GAPBUF_SUCCESS = 0, GAPBUF_ENOMEM, /* Out of memory */ GAPBUF_ERANGE, /* Range error */ GAPBUF_EARG, /* Invalid argument */ GAPBUF_EMAX /* Max error number */ } gapbuf_error_t; gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_insert(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, const char *buf, const size_t n); gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_delete(gapbuf_buffer_t *gap, size_t n); #include <limits.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> /* Calculates the capacity of the gap buffer given a requested size. */ static size_t _gapbuf_calc_buf_capacity(const size_t n) { size_t v = n - 1; v |= v >> 1; v |= v >> 2; v |= v >> 4; v |= v >> 8; v |= v >> 16; #if (__WORDSIZE == 64) v |= v >> 32; #endif v++; return v; } /** * Grows the buffer such that `n` more characters fit in the gap. * * The functions tests if adding `n` chars to the buffer would * overflow and then reallocates buffer capacity if necessary. * * @param gap Pointer to the gap buffer instance. * @param n The additional number of chars to provision for. * * @return Nonzero on any failure. Consult `errno`. */ static int _gapbuf_provision_buf_capacity(gapbuf_buffer_t *gap, const size_t n) { /* check if we need to extend the size of the buffer */ if (gap->lb + n >= gap->rb) { /* allocate new buffer */ size_t new_siz = _gapbuf_calc_buf_capacity(gap->size + n); char *new_buf; if (!(new_buf = malloc(new_siz))) return -1; /* ENOMEM */ /* copy contents */ size_t new_rb = KCCC - gap->size; size_t rlen = gap->size - KDDD; if (gap->buf) { memcpy(new_buf, gap->buf, gap->lb); memcpy(new_buf + new_rb, gap->buf + gap->rb, rlen); } /* update gap buffer struct */ char *tmp = gap->buf; gap->buf = new_buf; gap->rb = new_rb; gap->size = new_siz; free(tmp); } return 0; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_alloc(gapbuf_buffer_t **gb, const char *content, const size_t len) { if (!(*gb = malloc(sizeof(gapbuf_buffer_t)))) return GAPBUF_ENOMEM; (*gb)->size = 0; (*gb)->lb = 0, (*gb)->rb = 0; (*gb)->buf = NULL; KAAA; return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_free(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb) { if (gb) { free(gb->buf); free(gb); } return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } size_t gapbuf_read(const gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, char *buf, const size_t bufsiz) { if (!(gb && buf) || (buf && !bufsiz)) return GAPBUF_EARG; /* copy lhs */ size_t lsiz = gb->lb; size_t n = (bufsiz < lsiz) ? bufsiz : lsiz; memcpy(buf, gb->buf, n); /* copy rhs */ size_t rsiz = bufsiz > 0 ? KBBB : 0; n = (n < rsiz) ? n : rsiz; memcpy(buf + gb->lb, gb->buf + gb->rb, n); /* terminate string */ size_t total_len = gb->lb + rsiz; size_t term_index = total_len < bufsiz ? total_len : bufsiz; buf[term_index] = '\0'; return term_index; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_insert(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, const char *buf, const size_t n) { if (!(gb && buf)) return GAPBUF_EARG; if (_gapbuf_provision_buf_capacity(gb, n) != 0) return GAPBUF_ENOMEM; memcpy(gb->buf + gb->lb, buf, n); gb->lb += n; return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_delete(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, size_t n) { if (n > gb->lb) /* cannot move beyond left boundary */ return GAPBUF_ERANGE; gb->lb -= n; return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_fwd(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, size_t n) { if (n + gb->rb > gb->size) return GAPBUF_ERANGE; memmove(gb->buf + gb->lb, gb->buf + gb->rb, n); gb->lb += n; gb->rb += n; return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } gapbuf_error_t gapbuf_rwd(gapbuf_buffer_t *gb, size_t n) { if (n > gb->lb) return GAPBUF_ERANGE; memmove(gb->buf + gb->rb - n, gb->buf + gb->lb - n, n); gb->lb -= n; gb->rb -= n; return GAPBUF_SUCCESS; } #define my_assert(test, message) \ do { \ if (!(test)) \ return message; \ } while (0) #define my_run_test(test) \ do { \ char *message = test(); \ tests_run++; \ if (message) \ return message; \ } while (0) int tests_run = 0; static char *test_gapbuf_alloc_happy_path() { printf("%s... ", __func__); char *expected = "0123456789"; gapbuf_buffer_t *gap; my_assert(gapbuf_alloc(&gap, expected, strlen(expected)) == GAPBUF_SUCCESS, "Could not allocate buffer"); my_assert(gap->size == 16, "Unexpected allocation size"); char data[32]; size_t n = gapbuf_read(gap, data, 32); data[n] = '\0'; gapbuf_free(gap); my_assert(strncmp(expected, data, n) == 0, "Initialization string is not consistent"); printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char *test_gapbuf_alloc_zero_length() { printf("%s... ", __func__); gapbuf_buffer_t *gap; my_assert(gapbuf_alloc(&gap, "", 0) == GAPBUF_SUCCESS, "Could not allocate empty buffer"); my_assert(gap, "Empty buffer allocation failed"); my_assert(gap->size == 0, "Unexpected allocation size"); my_assert(gapbuf_insert(gap, "asdf", 4) == GAPBUF_SUCCESS, "Could not insert into empty buffer"); char data[8]; size_t n = gapbuf_read(gap, data, 8); my_assert(strncmp("asdf", data, n) == 0, "String inconsistency"); gapbuf_free(gap); printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char *test_gapbuf_read_into_insufficient_buffer() { printf("%s... ", __func__); gapbuf_buffer_t *gap; my_assert(gapbuf_alloc(&gap, "0123456789", 10) == GAPBUF_SUCCESS, "Could not allocate buffer"); char too_short[4]; size_t n = gapbuf_read(gap, too_short, 4); my_assert(strncmp("0123456789", too_short, n) == 0, "String inconsistency for short buffer"); printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char *test_suite() { my_run_test(test_gapbuf_alloc_happy_path); my_run_test(test_gapbuf_alloc_zero_length); my_run_test(test_gapbuf_read_into_insufficient_buffer); return 0; } int main() { char *result = test_suite(); if (result != 0) { printf("%s\n", result); } else { printf("ALL TESTS PASSED\n"); } printf("Tests run: %d\n", tests_run); return result != 0; } ``` 參考的執行輸出如下: ``` test_gapbuf_alloc_happy_path... OK test_gapbuf_alloc_zero_length... OK test_gapbuf_read_into_insufficient_buffer... OK ALL TESTS PASSED Tests run: 3 ``` 請參照程式碼註解,補完程式碼。 ==作答區== KAAA = ? * `(a)` 空白即可 * `(b)` `if (content) return gapbuf_insert(*gb, content, len)` * `(c)` `if (len > 0) return gapbuf_insert(*gb, content, len)` * `(d)` `if (content && len) return gapbuf_insert(*gb, content, len)` KBBB = ? * `(a)` `gb->size - gb->rb - 1` * `(b)` `gb->size - gb->rb` * `(c)` `gb->size - gb->lb` * `(d)` `gb->size - gb->lb - 1` * `(e)` `gb->rb` * `(f)` `gb->lb` KCCC = ? * `(a)` `gap->lb` * `(b)` `gap->lb + gap->rb` * `(c)` `gap->lb + new_siz` * `(d)` `gap->rb + new_siz` KDDD = ? * `(a)` `gap->lb` * `(b)` `gap->rb` * `(c)` `(gap->rb - 1)` * `(d)` `(gap->rb + 1)` * `(e)` `(gap->lb - 1)` * `(f)` `(gap->lb + 1)` :::success 延伸問題: 1. 解釋上述程式碼運作原理並指出實作的缺失; 2. 透過 gcc builtins 和硬體指令去改進 `_gapbuf_calc_buf_capacity` 的效能; 3. 以上述程式碼為基礎,開發簡易的文字編輯器; 4. 學習 [Mazu-Editor](https://github.com/jserv/mazu-editor) 實作手法,探究其原理; ::: ---