tags: computer-arch
# Quiz7 of Computer Architecture (2022 Fall)
:information_source: General Information
* You are allowed to read **[lecture materials](http://wiki.csie.ncku.edu.tw/arch/schedule)**.
* That is, an open book exam.
* Even [ChatGPT](https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/) is available for consultation, however keep in mind the restrictions below. $\to$ Please let the instructor know if you do receive the right answers through ChatGPT.
* We are using the honor system during this quiz, and would like you to accept the following:
1. You will not share the quiz with anyone.
2. You will not talk to anyone about the information on the quiz until the answers are made public.
* Each answer has 4 points.
* You must answer in valid numeric/C99/assembly representation and/or English alphabet except your formal name.
* Message **[the instructor via Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/JservFans)** if you found something wrong.
* :timer_clock: 09:10 ~ 10:15AM on Dec 27, 2022
## Problem `A`
[Coroutines](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coroutine) are computer program components that generalize subroutines for non-preemptive multitasking, by allowing execution to be suspended and resumed. In order to implement general-purpose coroutines, a second call stack must be obtained, which is a feature not directly supported by the C language. A reliable (albeit platform-specific) way to achieve this is to use a small amount of inline assembly to explicitly manipulate the stack pointer during initial creation of the coroutine. Once a second call stack has been obtained, the [setjmp](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/siglongjmp.3.html) and [longjmp](https://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man3/longjmp.3p.html) functions in the standard C library can then be used to implement the switches between coroutines.
These functions save and restore, respectively, the stack pointer, program counter, callee-saved registers, and any other internal state as required by the ABI, such that returning to a coroutine after having yielded restores all the state that would be restored upon returning from a function call. Minimalist implementations, which do not piggyback off the setjmp and longjmp functions, may achieve the same result via a small block of inline assembly which swaps merely the stack pointer and program counter, and clobbers all other registers. This can be significantly faster, as setjmp and longjmp must conservatively store all registers which may be in use according to the ABI, whereas the clobber method allows the compiler to store (by spilling to the stack) only what it knows is actually in use.
Let's implement a minimalist coroutine in RV32I, assuming no floating points in 32-bit.
- [ ] `Makefile`
CFLAGS = -march=rv32i -mabi=ilp32 -O2 -Wall
OBJS = \
context.o \
BIN = coroutine.elf
%.o: %.S
$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
%.o: %.c
$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
all: $(BIN)
$(BIN): $(OBJS)
$(CROSS_COMPILE)gcc -o $@ $^
- [ ] `main.c`
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct {
uintptr_t ra;
uintptr_t sp;
uintptr_t s0;
uintptr_t s1;
uintptr_t s2;
uintptr_t s3;
uintptr_t s4;
uintptr_t s5;
uintptr_t s6;
uintptr_t s7;
uintptr_t s8;
uintptr_t s9;
uintptr_t s10;
uintptr_t s11;
void (*entry)(void *);
void *data;
} context_t[1];
extern void switch_context(context_t from, context_t to);
extern void helper(void);
static void initialize_context(context_t ctx,
void *stack_base,
size_t stack_size,
void (*entry)(void *data),
void *data)
#define RED_ZONE 128
uintptr_t stack_end = (uintptr_t) stack_base + stack_size - RED_ZONE;
stack_end &= -16; /* ensure that the stack is 16-byte aligned */
memset(ctx, 0, sizeof *ctx);
ctx->sp = stack_end;
ctx->ra = (uintptr_t) helper;
ctx->data = data;
ctx->entry = entry;
#define ITERATIONS (1000 * 1000)
#define STACKSIZE 32768
static context_t thread1, thread2, thread3;
static void thread1_fun(void *data)
for (int i = 0; i < ITERATIONS; ++i)
switch_context(thread1, thread2);
printf("%d context switches\n", 3 * ITERATIONS);
static void thread2_fun(void *data)
/* thread 2 -> thread 1 */
switch_context(thread2, thread1);
/* thread 2 -> thread 1 */
switch_context(thread2, thread1);
/* thread 2 -> thread 3 */
switch_context(thread2, thread3);
/* thread 2 -> thread 1 */
switch_context(thread2, thread1);
/* thread 2 -> thread 3 */
for (int i = 0;; ++i)
switch_context(thread2, thread3);
static void thread3_fun(void *data)
/* thread 3 -> thread 2 */
switch_context(thread3, thread2);
/* thread 3 -> thread 1 */
switch_context(thread3, thread1);
/* thread 3 -> thread 1 */
for (int i = 0;; ++i)
switch_context(thread3, thread1);
#define ALIGN 64 /* cache line */
static void *aligned_malloc(int size)
void *mem = malloc(size + ALIGN + sizeof(void *));
void **ptr =
(void **) (((uintptr_t) mem + ALIGN + sizeof(void *)) & ~(ALIGN - 1));
ptr[-1] = mem;
return ptr;
#define RED_ZONE 128
static void init_context(context_t ctx, void (*entry)(void *data), void *data)
void *stack = aligned_malloc(STACKSIZE + RED_ZONE + 8) - 8;
initialize_context(ctx, stack, STACKSIZE, entry, data);
int main()
init_context(thread2, thread2_fun, (void *) 0xDEEEECAF);
init_context(thread3, thread3_fun, (void *) 0xF000000D);
thread1_fun((void *) 0xBABEBABE);
return 0;
- [ ] `context.S` (incomplete)
.align 4
.globl switch_context
.type switch_context, @function
* All we have to save is the callee saved registers. Everything is
* dumped to the stack and the only thing stored in, and restored from,
* the context is the stack pointer.
sw ra, 0(a0)
sw sp, 4(a0)
sw s0, 8(a0)
sw s1, 12(a0)
sw s2, 16(a0)
sw s3, 20(a0)
sw s4, 24(a0)
sw s5, 28(a0)
sw s6, 32(a0)
sw s7, 36(a0)
sw s8, 40(a0)
sw s9, 44(a0)
sw s10, 48(a0)
sw s11, 52(a0)
lw ra, 0(a1)
lw sp, 4(a1)
lw s0, 8(a1)
lw s1, 12(a1)
lw s2, 16(a1)
lw s3, 20(a1)
lw s4, 24(a1)
lw s5, 28(a1)
lw s6, 32(a1)
lw s7, 36(a1)
lw s8, 40(a1)
lw s9, 44(a1)
lw s10, 48(a1)
lw s11, 52(a1)
.size switch_context, .- switch_context
* The helper function is the first to be entered in a new context
* and serves to call the user entry function with the correct
* argument. The reason we need a helper is that user entry function
* argument is not one of the saved registers.
.align 4
.globl helper
.type helper, @function
lw A01 # Implement this!
lw A02 # Implement this!
jr t0
.size helper, .- helper
Please implement `helper` with minimal offset to make it work on [rv32emu](https://github.com/sysprog21/rv32emu). You should answer with register ABI names.
> * A01 = ?
> * A02 = ?
## Problem `B`
Assume that we are about to implement [spinlock](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spinlock) with [RV32A](https://hackmd.io/@P31nISeeTvau1gKumIykRA/SJ3LH14aF).
#include <stdint.h>
volatile uint32_t lock;
static inline void spin_lock(volatile uint32_t *plock)
uint32_t t = 1;
while (t)
asm volatile("B01 %0, %0, (B02)" : "+r"(t) : "r"(plock));
inline void spin_unlock(volatile uint32_t *plock)
asm volatile("B03 x0, x0, (B04)" : : "r"(plock));
The above is shown with GNU [inline assembly](https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Extended-Asm.html).
Both B02 and B02 MUST contain `%`. You should pick one of `%0` and `%1`. Both B01 and B03 are atomic instructions and containg `.w.` in their mnemonic form.
> * B01 = ?
> * B02 = ?
> * B03 = ?
> * B04 = ?
## Problem `C`
Given the following RISC-V machine code (and instruction addresses), disassembly manually and fill in `C01` and `C02` for the following instructions.
0x002cff00: loop: add t1, t2, t0 |_0000000|___00101|___00111|_____000|___00110|__0x33__|
0x002cff04: C01 |_____________0x14|_____________________00001|__0x6F__|
0x002cff08: C02 |_1111111|___00000|___00110|_____001|___11001|__0x63__|
0x002cff2c: foo: jr ra ra=0x002cff08
> See [RISC-V instructions](https://github.com/sysprog21/rv32emu/blob/master/docs/instruction.md) for encoding.
Both `C01` and `C02` MUST contain label names. That is, `loop` and `foo`.
> * C01 = ?
> * C02 = ?
## Problem `D`
We are going to write a function `sumsqr` in RISC-V that, when given an integer $n$, returns the summation below. If $n$ is not positive, then the function returns 0.
n^2 + (n − 1)^2 + (n − 2)^2 + . . . + 1^2
You are provided a RISC-V function named `square` for this problem, which accepts an integer and returns its square. Square is used as a subroutine in `sumsqr` to be implemented.
addi sp, sp, -12
sw ra, 8(sp)
sw s0, 4(sp)
sw s1, 0(sp)
add s0, a0, x0
add s1, x0, x0
D01 # Implement this!
add a0, s0, x0
jal ra, square
add s1, s1, a0
addi s0, s0, -1
j loop
D02 # Implement this!
lw ra, 8(sp)
lw s0, 4(sp)
lw s1, 0(sp)
jr ra
Fill the above `D01` and `D02` with valid RISC-V assembly.
> * D01 = ?
> * D02 = ?
## Problem `E`
Assume that our system certains memory addresses correspond to registers in I/O devices and not normal memory. That is, [memory-mapped I/O](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Memory-mapped_I/O).
* `0xFFFF0000` – Receiver Control: LSB is the ready bit, there may be other bits set that we do not need right now.
* `0xFFFF0004` – Receiver Data: Received data stored at lowest byte.
* `0xFFFF0008` – Transmitter Control: LSB is the ready bit, there may be other bits set that we do not need right now.
* `0xFFFF000C` – Transmitter Data: Transmitted data stored at lowest byte
We write the following RISC-V code to read a byte from the receiver and immediately send it to the transmitter.
lui t0, 0xffff # load memmory mapped I/O address
lw t1, 0(t1) # wait for the
andi t1, t1, 0x1 # receiver
beq E01 # "ready" state
lb t2, 4(t0) # load data from the receiver
lw t1, 8(t0) # wait for the
andi t1, t1, 0x1 # transmitter
beq E02 # "ready" state
E03 # write data to the transmitter device
Fill `E01`, `E02`, and `E03` to make it work as expected.
> * E01 = ?
> * E02 = ?
> * E03 = ?
## Problem `F`
The benefits of multi-threading programming come only after you understand concurrency. Here are two most common concurrency issues:
* Cache-incoherence: each hardware thread has its own cache, hence data modified in one thread may not be immediately reflected in the other.
* They can often be solved by bypassing cache and writing directly to memory, i.e. using volatile keyword in many languages.
* The famous Read-modify-write: Read-modify-write is a very common pattern in programming.
* In the context of multi-thread programming, the interleaving of R,M,W stages often produces a lot of issues.
To solve problem with Read-modify-write, we have to rely on the idea of undisrupted execution. Consider the following code using Amo.swap (single, undisrupted memory operation) to achieve the atomic primitive [Test-and-set](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/test-and-set) (TaS).
addi t0, x0, 1 # locked state is 1
amoswap.w.aq t1, t0, (a0)
bne t1, x0, start
# critical section
amoswap.w.rl x0, x0, a0 # release lock
1. Fill the above `F01` to make TaS work as expected.
> * F01 = ?
2. why do we need special instructions for these operations? Why can't we use normal load and store? Explain!
> * F02 = ?
## Problem `G`
The following shows a classic fully-bypassed 5-stage pipeline that has been augmented with an unpipelined divider in parallel with the ALU. Bypass paths are not shown in the diagram. This iterative divider produces 2 bits per cycle until it outputs a full 32-bit result.

In this design, asynchronous interrupts are handled in the `MEM` stage and cause a jump to a dedicated interrupt trap handler address. The interrupt latency is defined as the number of cycles from when an interrupt request is raised in the `MEM` stage until the first instruction of the interrupt handler reaches the `MEM` stage.
Consider the execution of the code below. Suppose an interrupt is raised during cycle 8, which causes a jump to `isr`. Here, `isr` stands for [interrupt Service Routine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interrupt_handler) or interrupt handler. The handler increments a counter at a fixed memory address before returning to the original context. The architectural guarantee of precise interrupts should be upheld. Assume that all memory accesses take one cycle in the `MEM` stage.
lw x2, 0(x1)
div x1, x2, x3
slli x3, x2, 1
lui x4, 0x100
addi x4, x4, 0xf
xor x5, x3, x4
sub x3, x5, x2
sw x1, 0(x0) # Save register in known location
lw x1, 4(x0) # Use register to increment counter
addi x1, x1, 1
sw x1, 4(x0)
lw x1, 0(x0) # Restore register before returning
mret # Return from interrupt handler
Note that the `div` instruction in RISC-V can not raise a data-dependent exception. To avoid pipeline stalls while a multi-cycle divide operation is in progress, the pipeline control logic allows subsequent instructions that do not depend on the divide result to be issued and completed before the divide has completed.
The RISC-V `MRET`, `HRET`, `SRET`, or `URET` instructions are used to return from traps in M-mode, H-mode, S-mode, or U-mode respectively. When executing an `xRET` instruction, supposing `xPP` holds the value y, `yIE` is set to `xPIE`; the privilege mode is changed to y; `xPIE` is set to 1; and `xPP` is set to U.
Typically the trap handlers will save the current state
Priv -> MPP
and restore the state on the `MRET` instruction:
MPP -> Priv
> Reference: [The RISC-V Instruction Set Manual Volume II: Privileged Architecture](https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~krste/papers/riscv-privileged-v1.9.pdf)
1. What is the interrupt latency for the code above? (Answer in cycles)
> * G01 = ?
2. Which instruction should `isr` return to in order to ensure that the program will continue to execute correctly? Answer in one of the instructions shown above.
> * G02 = ?
3. In order to reduce the interrupt latency, we would constrain the destination register for a `div` instruction. The ABI could be changed to reserve a specific x register to always hold the divide result, so the interrupt handler can avoid using it. In a more generalized exception handler, reading the register can be deferred towards the end of the context save, which might hide the divide latency. Does this approach require any hardware modifications? G03 (Answer in `Yes` or `No`) What is the corresponding limitation? G04 (Explain!)
> * G03 = ?
> * G04 = ?
4. Let's think of the alternative approach to reduce the interrupt latency. The `div` instruction could be redefined to write to a special-purpose register separate from the x register file. This is the approach adopted by MIPS with its `hi` and `lo` registers, but it involves an ISA change with RISC-V. A tempting proposition is to kill the ongoing divide operation and save the intermediate pipeline state so that it can be restarted after the interrupt. Would this approach create precise interrupt? Explain!
> * G05 = ?
## Problem `H`
Consider a RISC-V processor that includes 2^30^ bytes of virtual memory, 2^20^ bytes of physical memory, and uses a page size of 2^7^ bytes. With a 4-element, fully-associative Translation Lookaside Buffer (TLB) with an LRU replacement policy. A program running on the processor is halted right before executing the following instruction located at address `0x4BA`:
. = 0x4BA
lw x3, 0(x4) // x4 = 0xCAFE4
The first 8 entries of the page table are shown below. The page table uses an LRU replacement policy. Assume that all physical pages are currently in use.
| | VPN | V | R | D | PPN |
| LRU $\to$ | 0xD09 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0x2 |
| | 0x1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xFA |
| | 0xCAF | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0xFF |
| | 0x3 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xB |
> $\uparrow$ TLB
| | VPN | R | D | PPN |
| Next LRU $\to$ | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0x13 |
| | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0xFA |
| | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0x3 |
| | 3 | 1 | 0 | 0xB |
| | 4 | 1 | 0 | 0x1 |
| | 5 | 0 | - | - |
| | 6 | 0 | - | - |
| LRU $\to$ | 7 | 1 | 0 | 0xF |
| | ... | | | |
> $\uparrow$ Page Table
For each virtual address in the chart below, please indicate the VPN, whether or not the access results in a TLB Hit, whether or not the access results in a page fault, the PPN, and the physical address. If there is not enough information given to determine a given value, please write `None`. Please write all numerical values in hexadecimal.
| Virtual Address | VPN | TLB Hit (Answer in Yes/No) | Page Fault (Answer in Yes/No) | PPN | Physical Address |
| `0x4BA` | `0x4` | H01 | H02 | H03 | H04 |
| `0xCAFE4` | H05 | H06 | H07 | H08 | H09 |
> * H01 = ?
> * H02 = ?
> * H03 = ?
> * H04 = ?
> * H05 = ?
> * H06 = ?
> * H07 = ?
> * H08 = ?
> * H09 = ?
## Problem `I`
Below shows the solution to two process [mutual exclusion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mutual_exclusion) problem. Answer `True` or `False` to the following questions:

1. Since variable `turn` can take only two values then it imposes "strict alternations" between two processes.
> * I01 = ?
2. This algorithm satisfies the "mutual exclusion" and "progress" conditions but not the "bounded waiting" condition.
> * I02 = ?
3. This algorithm may cause "deadlock" if both processes set their flags to True at the same time.
> * I03 = ?
4. This algorithm has a flaw as the variable `turn` can be modified by both processes at the same time.
> * I04 = ?
## Problem `J`
Consider the C code below:
void QuickSort(int *lst, int start, int end)
if (end > start) {
int i = start, j = end, key = lst[start];
while (i < j) {
for (; i < j && key <= lst[j]; j--);
lst[i] = lst[j];
for (; i < j && key >= lst[i]; i++);
lst[j] = lst[i];
lst[i] = key;
QuickSort(lst, start, i - 1);
QuickSort(lst, i + 1, end);
We are about to convert to RISC-V assembly:
.org 0x0
.global _start
lui a0, 0x00000
addi sp, a0, 0x400
or a2, a0, zero
addi t0, zero, -3
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -7
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 6
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 5
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -2
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 2
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -9
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -4
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -6
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 8
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 1
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -5
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 7
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 0
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 3
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -1
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 4
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, 9
sw t0, (a2)
addi a2, a2, 4
addi t0, zero, -8
sw t0, (a2)
or a1, zero, zero
sub a2, a2, a0
jal ra, QuickSort
jal zero, infinity_loop
bge a1, a2, QuickSortReturn # if a1>=a2, end<=start, jump to return
or t1, a1, zero # t1=i=a1=start
or t2, a2, zero # t2=j=a2=end
add t0, a0, t1 #
lw t0, (t0) # t0=key=lst[start]
PartationFirstStart: # start of for loop
bge t1, t2, PartationEnd # if i>=j, branch to next step
add t3, a0, t2 #
lw t3, (t3) # t3=lst[j]
blt t3, t0, PartationFirstEnd # if lst[j]<key, branch to next step
addi t2, t2, -4 # t2-=4 j--
jal zero, PartationFirstStart # for loop
PartationFirstEnd: # end of for loop
add t4, a0, t1 # t4=lst+i
sw t3, (t4) # lst[i] = t3 = lst[j]
PartationSecondStart: # start of for loop
bge t1, t2, PartationEnd # if i>=j, branch to next step
add t3, a0, t1 #
lw t3, (t3) # t3=lst[i]
blt t0, t3, PartationSecondEnd # if key<lst[i], branch to next step
addi t1, t1, 4 # t1+=4 i++
jal zero, PartationSecondStart # for loop
PartationSecondEnd: # end of for loop
add t4, a0, t2 # t4=lst+j
sw t3, (t4) # lst[j] = t3 = lst[i]
J01 # Implement this!
add t4, a0, t1 # t4=lst+i
sw t0, (t4) # lst[i] = t0 = key
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw ra, (sp) # mem[sp] = ra # push ra to stack
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw a1, (sp) # mem[sp] = a1 # push a1 to stack, save start
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw a2, (sp) # mem[sp] = a2 # push a2 to stack, save end
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw t1, (sp) # mem[sp] = t1 # push t1 to stack, save i
addi a2, t1, -4 # a2 = i-4, a parameter for recursive call
J02 # Implement this!
lw t1, (sp) # pop i form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
lw a2, (sp) # pop end form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
lw a1, (sp) # pop start form stack
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw a2, (sp) # mem[sp] = a2 # push a2 to stack, save end
addi sp, sp, -4 # sp-=4
sw t1, (sp) # mem[sp] = t1 # push t1 to stack, save i
addi a1, t1, 4 # a1 = i+4, a parameter for recursive call
J03 # Implement this!
lw t1, (sp) # pop i form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
lw a2, (sp) # pop end form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
lw a1, (sp) # pop start form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
lw ra, (sp) # pop ra form stack
addi sp, sp, 4 # sp+=4
jalr zero, ra, 0
Fill in `J01` (Line 104), `J02` (Line 119), and `J03` (Line 131) to make the above program work as expected.
> * J01 = ?
> * J02 = ?
> * J03 = ?
## Problem `K`
Assume that we are working on a new microprocessor with new ISA. We are bored with the different RISC-V instruction types, and therefore we decide to include only one, universal type -- the Z-type instruction.
Say we wish to include the following instructions:
1. `add rd1, rs1, rs2`
2. `and rd1, rs1, rs2`
3. `lw rd1, offset1 (rs1)`
4. `sw rs2, offset1 (rs1)`
5. `addi rd1, rs1, imm1`
6. `beq rs1, rs2, offset1`
7. `lui rd1, offset1`
8. `jal rd1, imm`
9. `stw rs3, offset1, offset2 (rs1)`
The new `stw` instruction stores the contents of rs3 into both `rs1 + offset1` and `rs1 + offset2`. The RTL is:
> Mem(R[rs1] + offset1) ← R[rs3] AND Mem(R[rs1] + offset2) ← R[rs3]
1. The `funct3` and `funct7` fields should be eliminated, and simply an opcode should be used instead. How many bits must the opcode field have if we simply want to support the above instructions? (Answer in bits)
> * K01 = ?
2. With only one instruction, we want to be able to jump up to 64 KiB in either direction. How many bits are required to encode an immediate for us to be able to achieve this? Assume that, like RV32, the instruction's least significant bit is an implicit 0 and not saved. (Answer in bits)
> * K02 = ?
3. Then, we ultimately choose the following instruction format. We have added a few fields to account for any future additions of additional instructions. The list index provided at the start of this problem's instructions is also the opcode for each instruction (`sw`, for instance, has opcode `3`).
> imm2 imm1 rs3 rs2 rs1 rd2 rd1 opcode
This instruction format is quite long, so we decide to work on a 64-bit machine. Each immediate field is `11` bits, and the opcode is `7` bits. What is the maximum number of registers we can have? (Answer in registers)
> * K03 = ?