# CA-2019Fall: Quiz 4
## `A`
We can detect a load hazard after we have fetched the dependent instruction, and so this is the earliest point at which we can stall. We’d like to add a MUX between
our ID and IF stages. This MUX should current instruction to a NOP if a load hazard exists. Assume we have a new control bit LoadHazard which is 1 when a load hazard is present and 0 otherwise. Where should we connect tunnels A, B, and C? Select one option for each letter.
1. PC
2. NO instruction
3. IMEM output
4. ID input (RegFile parser input)
1. PC
2. NO instruction
3. IMEM output
4. ID input (RegFile parser input)
1. PC
2. NO instruction
3. IMEM output
4. ID input (RegFile parser input)
## `B`
For each of the questions below, please create a valid K-stage pipeline of the given circuit. Each component in the circuit is annotated with its propagation delay. Show your pipelining contours and place large black circles (●) on the signal arrows to indicate the placement of pipeline registers. Give the latency and throughput of each design, assuming ideal registers (t~PD~=0, t~SETUP~=0). Remember that our convention is to place a pipeline register on each output.
(1) Show the maximum-throughput 1-stage pipeline.
Latency (ns): __________
Throughput (ns^-1^): __________
> Diagram for B-1
(2) Show the maximum-throughput 2-stage pipeline using a minimal number of registers.
Latency (ns): __________
Throughput (ns^-1^): __________
> Diagram for B-2
(3) Show the maximum-throughput pipeline using a minimal number of registers.
Latency (ns): __________
Throughput (ns^-1^): __________
> Diagram for B-3
(4) Reimplement the slowest combinational component in the previous circuit (the one with a propagation delay of 4 ns) using two components with propagation delays of 2ns, as shown below. Show the maximum-throughput pipeline using a minimal number of registers.
Latency (ns): __________
Throughput (ns^-1^): __________
> Diagram for B-4
## A
* A: 3
* B: 2
* C: 4
## B
| | Latency (ns) | Throughput (ns-1) |
| :-: |:-------------:|:------------------:|
| (1) | 11 | 1/11 |
| (2) | 14 | 1/7 |
| (3) | 12 | 1/4 |
| (4) | 12 | 1/3 |