# CA-2019Fall: Quiz 4 ## `A` We can detect a load hazard after we have fetched the dependent instruction, and so this is the earliest point at which we can stall. We’d like to add a MUX between our ID and IF stages. This MUX should current instruction to a NOP if a load hazard exists. Assume we have a new control bit LoadHazard which is 1 when a load hazard is present and 0 otherwise. Where should we connect tunnels A, B, and C? Select one option for each letter. ![](https://i.imgur.com/E0fngJt.png) ==A==: 1. PC 2. NO instruction 3. IMEM output 4. ID input (RegFile parser input) ==B==: 1. PC 2. NO instruction 3. IMEM output 4. ID input (RegFile parser input) ==C==: 1. PC 2. NO instruction 3. IMEM output 4. ID input (RegFile parser input) ## `B` For each of the questions below, please create a valid K-stage pipeline of the given circuit. Each component in the circuit is annotated with its propagation delay. Show your pipelining contours and place large black circles (●) on the signal arrows to indicate the placement of pipeline registers. Give the latency and throughput of each design, assuming ideal registers (t~PD~=0, t~SETUP~=0). Remember that our convention is to place a pipeline register on each output. (1) Show the maximum-throughput 1-stage pipeline. Latency (ns): __________ Throughput (ns^-1^): __________ ![](https://i.imgur.com/fVUQHb8.png) > Diagram for B-1 (2) Show the maximum-throughput 2-stage pipeline using a minimal number of registers. Latency (ns): __________ Throughput (ns^-1^): __________ ![](https://i.imgur.com/2IXiUzb.png) > Diagram for B-2 (3) Show the maximum-throughput pipeline using a minimal number of registers. Latency (ns): __________ Throughput (ns^-1^): __________ ![](https://i.imgur.com/flGCx4p.png) > Diagram for B-3 (4) Reimplement the slowest combinational component in the previous circuit (the one with a propagation delay of 4 ns) using two components with propagation delays of 2ns, as shown below. Show the maximum-throughput pipeline using a minimal number of registers. Latency (ns): __________ Throughput (ns^-1^): __________ ![](https://i.imgur.com/9MjpkVO.png) > Diagram for B-4 --- ==Solutions== ## A * A: 3 * B: 2 * C: 4 ## B | | Latency (ns) | Throughput (ns-1) | | :-: |:-------------:|:------------------:| | (1) | 11 | 1/11 | | (2) | 14 | 1/7 | | (3) | 12 | 1/4 | | (4) | 12 | 1/3 |