The algorithm is universal, from 2020/04 and now it is different. Suitable for any neuron. This is a simple audio example, quick. This is not aerobatics.
I have a lot of algorithms. very different. More often algorithms are not for collecting, but for creating special neurons, extended, universal, etc.
Creation of models, kernels, and systems on custom neural networks.
Can be used in the:
AI - the bias of its own research:
current from 06/03/22021.
New development theme 08.11.2021
Neural networks are not static, changing, mutating, etc.
Understanding technology or practiced, among others:
• TensorFlow and Keras
• Preparation of datasets, data normalization
• Custom Embedding, including invented copyright technologies
• Freeze weights and layers.
• Saving - restoring the model and weights.
• Transfer Learning.
• Pretrained networks.
• Custom layers, models, custom activation functions and metrics.
• Avtotyunig, AutoML.
• Regularization and Dropout - fighting overfitting.
• Batch Normalization.
• Masking.
• Manipulations with complex LRs.
• use in TF of 16-bit and 32-bit types (float16, float32) for acceleration or precision.
• TensorBoard.
and more.
• Classification, regression, generation, etc.
Understanding Technology
• Convolutional NN,
• Encoding-Decoding, Variational Autoencoders (VAE),
• Generation - GAN,
• Seq2seq and Attention,
• Transformer BERT, GPT-3,
• ELMo and more.
• K-means
• Affinity Propagation
• Mean Shift
• Spectral clustering
• Hierarchical clustering
• OPTICS and more.
• Development of the system of the Institute of AI itself and searches, works, the latest production (intelligence).
• Development of research systems (special Institute)
• Developer of speed education.
• An exponent for AI and x intelligence … where without it.
• Universal, Strong AI (both from real to real, and Futurology (future, ideas without criticism).
• Learning without a teacher, Unsupervised learning.
• Training with partial involvement of a teacher, Semi-supervised learning.
• Custom Embedding, including invented proprietary technologies.
• Technologies and inventions of data supply for neurons, VKon the fly (video, text, sound, speech, documentation).
• Training on unlabeled data.
• AI self-creation.
• Maximum automatism and self-optimization.
• "Snowball" - endless self-improvement, training.
• An expanded picture of the object, a complex neural network.
• Complex sequence, pipeline, chain for a neural network.
• Modernized and invented regression and prediction systems many times (for example, a robot on the Moscow and NY stock exchanges, crypt - everything is in the past).
Favorite direction - development, new research and development, large-scale progress, civilization, the latest industries, the development of medicine and science on a large scale.
Systems for AI, thinking, solutions, inventions, production of the latest technologies and products.
Health and life extension, support of the mind, memory and all processes in the body in excellent condition, breakthrough technologies and products.
I develop for experiments and experiments, for collecting and testing AI blocks.
I develop systems to support AI teams, help in creating and conditions for them, advisor on working with AI startups, constructor.
Creation / Programming:
• Google Colaboratory, Jupyter Notebook and PC code editors
• sites, shops, robots, services, Internet project management.
• php, lua, qlua, mySQL, PhpMyAdmin, json, xml, api as a client, Vk api - (more than 3 years of experience), did everything himself, and also attracted masters, organizer, idea, project leader, own projects.
• php OOP, python OOP, WebSocket, JS - just a little bit about that.
• I will master any language and framework - quickly.
• Created robots-market makers on the Moscow Exchange (Quik) and on crypto-exchanges - more than 3 years of experience. This is the last work, the result is profit, smart, they count 1,000,000 combinations in minutes on i5, 3 levels of cache, protection against hairpins, from external API glitches.
• charts, informers and calculators - cache, protection from hairpins, from overload, from robots, keeping access to hidden search engine robots, handling loss of connection with an external API, using a php library, using js and whatever.
• Participated in project management (creation of robots, websites for the company, design).
• Bootstrap3, Bitrix, 1C - it was a long time, experience less than a year.
• Experience of working with a client (trust, personal disposition, I can earn good money, appreciates, repeatedly).
• statistics, Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica, LiveInternet, Wordstat.
• Search engine optimization sites, the site has been profitable for 10 years without support. Average was 2000 unique per day, max 20,000.
• Yandex.Direct, Google AdWords and Target.
• Yandex Advertising Network, Adsense.
• CRM (wrote CRM to myself in php + Vkontakt API).
• Advertising banners.
Internet - shop
• experience in an elite boutique: new website, photo, video, net, all IT, image maker, designer, tailor, fashion.
• OpenCart. Auto-filling, loading-unloading-parsing of goods from other sites, synchronization with 1C
• any CMS.
Photo-video filming, graphics, video:
Portrait, backlit, flash, depth of field, no shadows, interchangeable lenses, movable platform and tripod.
• CorelDRAW, Photoshop.
• 3D editors.
• Video editors.
• Design and Web Design.
Systems, OS, office
• installed / configured Windows, office networks and the Internet. Great experience.
• Computer hardware, repair, office network setup.
• Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Apache / Nginx / php / http-server.
• Works on FTP.
• English - 20 years of reading scientific, complex documentation, technical - very different, with a very wide coverage.
tel: +79633123320,
WhatsApp + 79269319322
Telegram @shatatoy or + 79269319322 or https://t.me/shatatoy
vk - shatatoy or https://vk.com/shatatoy
Zhuykov Alexandr - Tatoy (Shatatoy - @ Syrius4 - Τατόι)