# Using Squish floating licenses via our Squish license server :warning: __Currently we have only 5 tester lincenses.__ --- Follow these steps to use the available floating licenses : 1. Generate password protected Ed25519 SSH key with at least 100 rounds of key derivations ```sh ssh-keygen -o -a 100 -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 -C "joe@example.com" ``` The public key should be in `~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub`. 2. Create PR for the [Squish Server Config](https://github.com/status-im/infra-ci/blob/master/ansible/group_vars/squish.yml) in order to [add your user and SSH key](https://github.com/status-im/infra-ci/commit/221fe655946c007be570d6d6a0a931fc7014e084) to the `bootstrap__active_extra_users` list. Request review from [@jakubgs](https://github.com/jakubgs). 3. Once Jakub has deployed the changes You will be able to create an SSH tunnel to one of the Squish license server ports(`49345`) available under `squish.infra.status.im` and `squish-02.infra.status.im`: ```sh ssh -N -L 49345:localhost:49345 squish.infra.status.im ``` If your local login is different it has to be specified before the hostname separated by `@`. ```sh ssh -N -L 49345:localhost:49345 joe@squish.infra.status.im ``` :information_source: This command blocks and should be left to run while tunnel is used. 4. To check if the `49345` port is listening locally you can use `netstat` on Linux or Windows: ```sh netstat -lpnt | grep 49345 ``` 5. Launch Squish. Provide `localhost:49345` as Squish license server address. When prompted to indicate the Core.Framework path, u literally need to go to QT folder where u installed the QT of the version u need (for us it is 5.14.2) and select Core.Framework folder :D You should be now able to use the available Squish license. Squish License Server Setup Issue: <https://github.com/status-im/infra-ci/issues/42>