G3-PLC Study Note
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制定的範疇只包含Physical和Data Link。
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資料鏈結層(Data Link)主要又分為
- Bootstrap
- IPv6 Header Compression
- Fragmentation
- Mesh
- Segmentation & Reassembly
- ToneMap
- Security
- FCC (美規)
- ARIB (日規)
- CENELEC A (歐規)
- CENELEC B (義大利)
CSMA/CA mechanism
Inter-Frame spacing
Contention Window
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CFS:Contention Free Slot
NPCW:Normal Priority Contention Window
HPCW:High Priority Contention Window
FCC Bandplan
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- Symbol Duration = 0.232 ms
- aSlotTime = 2 * Symbol Duration = 2 * 0.695 = 0.464 ms
- CFS = aSlotTime = 0.464 ms
- HPCW = macHighPrioityWindowSize * aSlotTime = 7 * 0.464 = 3.248 ms
- NPCW = (2macMinBE - 1) * aSlotTime = (23 - 1) * 0.464 = 3.248 ms
ARIB Bandplan
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- Symbol Duration = 0.232 ms
- aSlotTime = 2 * Symbol Duration = 2 * 0.695 = 0.464 ms
- CFS = aSlotTime = 0.464 ms
- HPCW = macHighPrioityWindowSize * aSlotTime = 7 * 0.464 = 3.248 ms
- NPCW = (2macMinBE - 1) * aSlotTime = (23 - 1) * 0.464 = 3.248 ms
CENELEC A Bandplan
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- Symbol Duration = 0.695 ms
- aSlotTime = 2 * Symbol Duration = 2 * 0.695 = 1.39 ms
- CFS = aSlotTime = 1.39 ms
- HPCW = macHighPrioityWindowSize * aSlotTime = 7 * 1.39 = 9.73 ms
- NPCW = (2macMinBE - 1) * aSlotTime = (23 - 1) * 1.39 = 9.73 ms
Flow Chart
- macMinBE = 3
- macMaxBE = 8
- macMaxCSMABackoffs = 50
- macCSMAFairnessLimit = 25
- macA = 8
- macK = 5
- macMinCWAttempts = 10
- macHighPriorityWindowSize = 7
Normal Priority Contention Window
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High Priority Contention Window
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ARQ:Automatic Repeat reQuest
Transmit ARQ
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Receive ARQ
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Segmentation & Reassembly
MAC frame format
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Segment Control
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Frame Control
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Frame Type
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Command Frame
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如何計算PHY PDU大小
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- MaxRSBlockSize = 255 bytes
- Ns is the number of symbols in the PHY packet
- CCRate = 0.5
- CCZero Tail = 6
- FLBand = 4 for CENELEC & FLBand = 1 for FCC
- FLmax = 63 for CENELEC & FLmax = 511 for FCC
- Rep_Code denotes the repetition coding
- Rep_Code = 4 for ROBO
- Rep_Code = 1 for all other modes
- modesize
- 2 for DQPSK, QPSK
- 3 for D8PSK, 8PSK
- 4 for 16QAM
需要判斷是否超過最大Reed Solomon Block Size
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- 計算最大PHY PDU
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假設我們已經得到PHY訊框有40個symbol,用ROBO mode調變,CENELEC A band,可以求出實際上的byte數。ROBO Parity為8,其餘的Parity為16。
Ns * Ncar * modsize = (40 * 36 * 1) = 1440 bits
CCRate / Rep_Code = 0.5 / 4 = 0.125
floor((1440 * 0.125 - 6) / 8) = floor(21.75) = 21
Data Byte = 21 - 8 = 13 bytes
- 每筆Segment都必須包含MAC Header和FCS。
- 同一個MAC frame切割出來多個Segments,每筆Segment都設定相同的Sequence number,只有Segment Count會從0開始一直遞增。
- 如果需要加密的MAC frame,應該先做完加密流程再進行切割,當Receiver收到之後先進行重組,再做解密。
- 除了第一筆Segment正常執行CSMA來競爭Channel以外,其餘的Segment使用Contention free slot。
- 如果需要進行ToneMap機制,在最後一筆Segment的Segment Control TMR欄位設1。
- 最後一筆Segment應該在Segment Control LSF欄位設1。
- Segment Length(SL)指的是目前Segment的長度,排除MAC Header、補零和PCS。
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為了減少碰撞的機率,當節點B收到節點A的資料以後,回傳ACK,其中ACK SSCA欄位設置1,接下來還有資料要傳輸,告知附近節點不要在這時候傳送資料。

ToneMap mechanism
- 每當Transmitter想要傳送資料時,首先,必須要檢查自己的Neighbor Table是否有Receiver的紀錄。
- Neighbor Table主要是紀錄每個Receiver的Short Address、ToneMap、Modulation Type、每個Tone的Gain值和Neighbor Table生存時間。
- 如果Neighbor Table不存在,MAC層就會在傳送出去的資料中Segment Control TMR欄位設定1,等待接收端偵測目前通道品質之後,回覆ToneMap Response,其中此筆MAC Frame先用ROBO傳送。
- 當Transmitter接收到Receiver回傳的ToneMap Response後,必須更新自己的Neighbor Table,只要Neighbor Table的生存時間還沒超時,下次要傳資料給同一個Receiver,就可以用Neighbor Table裡的參數來傳送資料。
Neighbor Table

Security mechanism
AES - Wikipedia

- Security Level:
- 0x00:"none"
- 0x05:"ENC=MIC-32"
- Key Indentifier Mode:
- 0x01表示只使用1個Byte當作Key Index表示,有0x0和0x1。
- Example:(0x0D)16 = (00001101)2
- Security Level:(101)2
- Key Indentifier Mode:(01)2

Security Control

CCM mode
可以參考RFC3610 https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3610
CCM Nonce
以下是CCM Nonce擺放的內容,總共有13個Bytes。

CCM Input Transformation

- Inputs are
- Key - Block Cipher Key
- N - Nonce
- a data - Additional authenticated data
- m data - Message to authenticate and encrypt
- l(a) - Length of a data
- l(m) - Length of m data

CCM Authentication Transformation

計算B_0, B_1, …, B_n


- Adata bit
- 0, if l(a)=0
- 1, if l(a)>0
- M'=(M-2)/2
- L'=L-1
B_1, B_2, …, B_n => l(a) a m
- X_1 := E(K, B_0)
- X_i+1 := E(K, X_i XOR B_i) for i = 1, …, n
- T := first-M-bytes(X_n+1)
- where E() is the block cipher encryption function, and T is the MAC value
CCM Encryption Transformation



利用Counter Mode來加密密文
- S_i := E(K, A_i) for i = 0, 1, 2, …
計算Authentication value U
- U := T XOR first-M-bytes(S_0)