# Technical Design Document Template ## Title ## Summary In a few sentences (4-5 max) describe the problem and suggested solution to non technical readers. ## Issue/Problem Why are we even building something new? Describe the issues that the solution will intend to address ## Scope To avoid spending resources on building the wrong thing. Specify what is in/out of scope. |Item|In|Out| |---|---|---| |A||| |B||| ## Requirements Could come from other teams: product, management... ## Solution Solution description that should fulfill the previous requirements. Try to articulate it in a different sections. Usually the structre of the TDD will match the structure of the software. Try to provide diagrams or visual explainations of the solution. ```flow op=>operation: Clear doc breakdown op2=>operation: Clear software breakdown op3=>operation: Easier to distribute work op4=>operation: Easier to plan op->op2->op3->op4 ``` ### Component 1 (eg API 1) ### Component 2 (eg API 2) ### Component 3 (eg UI) ## Dependencies List dependencies the solution may have with other on going products/tools/projects. Either you need something from them or they need something from you. ## Success Metrics How will you measure wether the solution is sucessful or not? ## Risks (possibly security) and Opportunities