SPDX-License-Identifier: Community-Spec-1.0 # Element ## Summary Base domain class from which all other SPDX-3.0 domain classes derive. ## Description An Element is a representation of a fundamental concept either directly inherent to the Bill of Materials (BOM) domain or indirectly related to the BOM domain and necessary for contextually characterizing BOM concepts and relationships. Within SPDX-3.0 structure this is the base class acting as a consistent, unifying, and interoperable foundation for all explicit and inter-relatable content objects. ## Metadata - name: Element - SubclassOf: none - Instantiability: Abstract ## Properties - spdxId - type: xsd:anyURI - minCount: 1 - maxCount: 1 - name - type: xsd:string - maxCount: 1 ## Description de Ein Element ist ... ## Description jp ....