# Solo 2 Getting Started (for developers)
Monorepo: https://github.com/solokeys/solo2
Hardware: https://github.com/solokeys/solo2-hw
If you follow this document, it will reflash your hacker key into a state where you can not reset into the bootloader, and can not reflash.
This document contains many incorrect and outdated commands.
Do not proceed with this guide unless you can recover a key!!!!
**Feel free to edit or comment on this getting started page directly**
Shortlink: https://solo2.dev
This documentation is [CC BY-SA](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/) licensed.

#### Contact
- tech talk synchronous: https://matrix.to/#/#solokeys-dev:matrix.org
- tech talk asynchronous: https://github.com/solokeys/solo2/discussions
- getting started: edit here directly (don't PR README.md in solo2 repo)
- Issues / PR: **please NO at this time**
Other chat rooms of interest:
- Trussed® framework: https://matrix.to/#/#trussed:matrix.org
- Rust Embedded: https://matrix.to/#/#rust-embedded:matrix.org
- RTIC: https://matrix.to/#/#rtic:matrix.org
- LPC55 chips: https://matrix.to/#/#lpc55:matrix.org
## Overview
1. [setup machine](#Initial-Setup) with Rust + dependencies
1. **important:** get an [NXP LPC55 devkit](https://www.nxp.com/design/development-boards/lpcxpresso-boards/lpcxpresso55s69-development-board:LPC55S69-EVK). While working with the hacker edition is certainly possible, recovering the devkit from a bricked state is easier than with the Solokey itself.
1. [configure debugging](#Debugging)
1. checkout [github/solokeys/solo2](github.com/solokeys/solo2) and run `make run-dev`
This descends into `runners/lpc55` and calls
cargo run --release --features board-lpcxpresso55,develop
using `arm-none-eabi-gdb` as runner as configured in [.cargo/config](https://github.com/solokeys/solo2/blob/main/runners/lpc55/.cargo/config.toml).
The feature `develop` activates useful features during development
- no PRINCE encryption of data section (so no need for PUF enrolment, secure boot, etc.)
- silent authentication (buttons are "pressed" without pressing them)
- disables the FIDO app's reset time window
See [runners/lpc55/Cargo.toml](https://github.com/solokeys/solo2/blob/main/runners/lpc55/Cargo.toml) for all features.
To just build: `make build-dev`
Helpful during development: `cargo install bacon; cd runners/lpc55; bacon -j check-dev`
Very basic test:
- `pip install 'fido2~=0.9'`
- `python tests/basic.py`
## Initial Setup
Install Rust/Cargo from rustup.rs:
rustup target install thumbv8m.main-none-eabi
cargo install flip-link
cargo install cargo-binutils
rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
Then perform OS/distro specific steps listed below.
Both VS Code + neovim (nightly 0.5 preview) work well with [rust-analyzer](https://rust-analyzer.github.io/).
For debugging setup, please see the [debugging section](#Debugging).
### Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install git llvm clang libclang-dev gcc-arm-none-eabi gdb-arm-none-eabi libc6-dev-i386
On Debian, you need to use the `gdb-multiarch` executable instead of `arm-none-eabi-gdb`, so either create a symlink or update `.cargo/config`.
### Arch Linux
yay clang llvm arm-none-eabi-gdb
### NixOS
You can use the following `mkShell` expression inside a `flake.nix` or `shell.nix`, as long as you provide `nixpkgs` and `nixpkgs-mozilla`.
{ nixpkgs, mozilla }:
rust-overlay = import "${mozilla}/rust-overlay.nix";
pkgs = import nixpkgs {
overlays = [ rust-overlay ];
rust_stable = pkgs.latest.rustChannels.stable.rust;
rust_thumbv8m = rust_stable.override {
targets = [ "thumbv8m.main-none-eabi" ];
pkgs_cross = pkgs.pkgsCross.arm-embedded;
gcc = pkgs_cross.buildPackages.gcc;
libc_include = "${gcc.libc}/${gcc.libc.incdir}";
gcc-unwrapped = pkgs_cross.buildPackages.gcc-unwrapped;
gcc_include = "${gcc-unwrapped}/lib/gcc/${gcc-unwrapped.targetConfig}/${gcc-unwrapped.version}/include";
in pkgs.mkShell {
nativeBuildInputs = [
# Is being added to nixpkgs: https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/121184
LIBCLANG_PATH = "${pkgs.llvmPackages.libclang}/lib";
TARGET_CC = "${gcc.targetPrefix}cc";
TARGET_AR = "${gcc.targetPrefix}ar";
TARGET_CFLAGS = "-I${libc_include}";
BINDGEN_EXTRA_CLANG_ARGS = "-I${libc_include} -I${gcc_include}";
### macOS
TODO (doesn't work currently, because of littlefs2 which cannot be easily compiled on macOS)
### Win10
## Bootloader
There are multiple possibilities for writing firmware to the Solo 2.
### `lpc55-host`
Install the [lpc55](https://github.com/lpc55/lpc55-host) utility:
cargo install lpc55
Bring the device into bootloader mode.
It should then show up using the `lpc55` tool.
$ lpc55 ls
Bootloader { vid: 1209, pid: B000, uuid: A2... }
#### Making a backup of the flash
Before writing custom firmware and data onto your Solo's flash, make a backup to ensure that you can go back to a sane state later.
# Read the program memory flash
lpc55 read-memory -vvv 0 524288 -o solo2-fw-backup-program.bin
# Also read the Protected Flash Region pages.
# CFPA scratch 0x9de00
lpc55 read-memory -vvv 646656 512 -o solo2-fw-backup-pfr-cfpa-scratch.bin
# CFPA ping 0x9e000
lpc55 read-memory -vvv 647168 512 -o solo2-fw-backup-pfr-cfpa-ping.bin
# CFPA pong 0x9e200
lpc55 read-memory -vvv 647680 512 -o solo2-fw-backup-pfr-cfpa-pong.bin
# CMPA 0x9e400
lpc55 read-memory -vvv 648192 512 -o solo2-fw-backup-pfr-cmpa.bin
#### Disabling Secure Boot
To be able to run custom firmware, we need to disable secure boot.
This is done by disabling the `SECURE_BOOT_CFG` / `SEC_BOOT_EN` flag in the CMPA protected flash region page.
First, read the PFR with the `lpc55-host` tool:
lpc55 pfr --format yaml > pfr-settings.yaml
cp pfr-settings.yaml pfr-settings-no-secure-boot.yaml
**⚠️ IMPORTANT**: You now need to modify the copied file. *Only keep the `factory`* top level object and set `secure-boot-configuration` → `secure-boot-enabled: false`.
Your file should look something like this:
speed: 48MHz
mode: Usb
vid: 4617
pid: 45056
secure-boot-enabled: false # this was changed
dice-computation-disabled: true
rot-fingerprint: ... # omitted, don't change in your file
customer-data: ... # omitted, don't change in your file
After that, we can write the CMPA settings:
lpc55 configure factory-settings -vvv pfr-settings-no-secure-boot.yaml
#### Flashing The Firmware
After secure boot was disabled, you can flash the self-built firmware.
lpc55 write-flash -vvv path/to/provisioner.bin
When you are really sure that the flashing process worked fine, restart the Solo2.
lpc55 reboot
### `mboot`
Install [`cargo-binutils`](https://github.com/rust-embedded/cargo-binutils):
$ cargo install cargo-binutils
$ rustup component add llvm-tools-preview
Install [`mboot`](https://github.com/molejar/pyMBoot), for example using `pip` and a virtual environemnt:
$ python3 -m venv mboot
$ source mboot/bin/activate
$ pip install mboot
If you want to perform the following steps without superuser rights, install [these UDEV rules](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/molejar/pyIMX/master/udev/90-imx-sdp.rules):
$ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/molejar/pyIMX/master/udev/90-imx-sdp.rules | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/90-imx-sdp.rules
$ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
Check that the device is connected and in bootloader mode:
$ mboot info
Compile the firmware and prepare a binary image (see the Overview section for information about the features):
$ cargo objcopy --release --features board-lpcxpresso55,develop -- -O binary firmware.bin
Flash the firmware image to the MCU:
$ mboot erase --mass
$ mboot write firmware.bin
## Application-specific Setup
### `fido-authenticator`
`fido-authenticator` needs an attestation key and certificate, both with the ID 0. These can be generated using [`solo2-cli`](https://github.com/solokeys/solo2-cli) (requires the `dev-pki` feature):
$ solo2-cli dev-pki fido fido.key fido.cert
These files (or any other files in the required format) can then be written to the device using the provisioner app. First, run the provisioner app on the prototype:
$ cd runners/lpc55 && make run-pro
Then use `solo2-cli` to write the key and the certificate to the device:
$ solo2-cli app provisioner write-file fido.cert fido/x5c/00
$ solo2-cli app provisioner write-file fido.key fido/sec/00
(Make sure that there is no other pcsc smartcard connected to the device becuase currently, solo2-cli can’t handle multiple available smartcards.)
## Debugging
To debug the firmware on the board, the `arm` version of GDB (Debian `gdb-multiarch` and Arch `arm-none-eabi-gdb`) is required.
### Initial Debugging Setup
If you want to use a J-Link (highly recommended, as *it can be used to flash the firmware without bootloader mode*), install the [J-Link Software and Documentation Pack](https://www.segger.com/downloads/jlink/#J-LinkSoftwareAndDocumentationPack) providing `JLinkGDBServer`.
#### DevKit
**Flash the JLink debugger firmware to the NXP LPC55 devkit** ([guide](https://www.nxp.com/docs/en/supporting-information/Debug_Probe_Firmware_Programming.pdf) – if you figure out how to use probe.rs instead, please share!)
Then you need to connect both the debug port via USB and USB for the LPC55 itself.
#### Solo 2 Hacker
For debugging with the Solo 2 Hacker edition, you need a special cable ([TC2030-**CTX** No Legs, 6 PIN, 10 PIN](https://www.tag-connect.com/product/tc2030-ctx-nl-6-pin-no-legs-cable-with-10-pin-micro-connector-for-cortex-processors) - note the number of pins for the ribbon connector).
This can be used with the [Segger JLink EDU mini](https://www.segger.com/products/debug-probes/j-link/models/j-link-edu-mini/), which you are allowed to use in private or educational contexts.
*Note*: The outer metal pins are too long for the spring pins to make contact with the Solo 2. You need to shorten them carefully.
### Debugging With GDB
1. With the devboard connected to the `Debug Link` port, run `JLinkGDBServer -strict -device LPC55S69 -if SWD -vd`.
1. In a separate terminal, run `nc localhost 19021` to connect to the RTT port of the J-Link server. This will show you the [delog](docs.rs/delog) log output of the firmware via RTT.
1. Build the Solo 2 firmware for the devboard using `make build-dev` (see [runners/lpc55](https://github.com/solokeys/solo2/blob/main/runners/lpc55/README.md#logging) for more information on building with logging enabled).
1. Inside the folder of the Solo 2 firmware, run `arm-none-eabi-gdb -x runners/lpc55/jlink.gdb runners/lpc55/target/thumbv8m.main-none-eabi/release/runner`. This executes the GDB commands from the `runners/lpc55/jlink.gdb` file and loads the symbols from the specified `runner` binary.
1. Finally, you should see the output of the firmware in the running netcat.
### Debugging with VS Code
If you're not the command-line person but would still like to debug the firmware, the `marus25.cortex-debug` VS Code extension will do the heavy-lifting for you.
Note, however, that is does not work as well as plain GDB does.
When setting breakpoints using the VS Code interface, make sure to open the files that are actually compiled in the firmware.
Thus, setting a breakpoint in the `fido-authenticator` for example, will require you to open the corresponding file in your `.cargo` folder, unless you modified the `Cargo.toml` to use a local copy of the source code.
The following is an examplary launch configuration for VS Code:
"type": "cortex-debug",
"request": "launch",
"servertype": "jlink",
"executable": "./solo2/runners/lpc55/target/thumbv8m.main-none-eabi/release/runner",
"name": "Debug (J-Link)",
"device": "LPC55S69",
"interface": "swd",
"cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
"serverArgs": [
"rttConfig": {
"enabled": true,
"address": "auto",
"decoders": [
"label": "",
"port": 0,
"type": "console"