# UN Smart Maps Challenge Template [NAME OF CHALLENGE] ## Description Brief description of the challenge and its context. ## Goal Specific objectives of the challenge and the desired outcomes. ## Impact Expected impact of the challenge on the target issue or community. ## Key Dates - **Submission Open**: [Date] - **Submission Close**: [Date] - **Judging Period**: [Start Date] - [End Date] - **Winners Announcement**: [Date] ## Partners - List of involved partners, including government agencies, NGOs, and other organizations. ## Deliverables - `style.json`: A JSON file with map styling. - `solution.pdf/png`: A detailed document or graphic of the proposed solution. ## Submission Method - **Platform**: Google Forms - **Link**: [Insert Google Form link] ## Judging Criteria - **Innovation**: Originality of the solution. - **Impact**: Potential impact on the target issue or community. - **Feasibility**: Technical and practical feasibility. - **Clarity**: Quality of the presentation and documentation. ## Prizes - **First Place**: [Prize Details] - **Second Place**: [Prize Details] Feel free to edit this template to fit the specific needs of your challenge. Ensure that all placeholders (e.g., `[Date]`, `[Insert Google Form link]`, `[Prize Details]`) are replaced with the actual information before publishing.