## Smart Maps report
### 2024-02-14
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## Smart Maps Group
Domain Working Group **7** of the UN Open GIS Initiative.
[Open Community of Practice](https://unopengis.github.io/smartmaps) participated by public sector, private sector, and academia.
## Vision
Keep **web maps** open for a better world.
## Mission
**Test** new technologies for **future** geospatial operations.
## Current active members
1. hfu - **Hidenori** Fujimura
1. yuiseki - **Yuiseki**
1. smellman - **Taro** Matsuzawa
1. albertkun - **Albert** Kochaphum
1. k96mz - **Koji** Osumi
1. ... among others
## Focus Areas
flowchart LR
style Convey fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style Host fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
style Tame fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:4px
#### Why hosting matters
- E. S. Raymond said in *Homestreading the Noosphere* (2000) that **the owner of the machines** on which a part of cyberspace is hosted **owns that piece of cyberspace** as a result.
- You can trust a computer you can lift and own.
#### Why taming matters
- The purpose of visualization is **insight**, not pictures. ([Ben Shneiderman](https://medium.com/multiple-views-visualization-research-explained/the-purpose-of-visualization-is-insight-not-pictures-an-interview-with-visualization-pioneer-ben-beb15b2d8e9b))
- We believe that someone has to **tame the data** to provide **insights**.
- To tame is to **establish ties** with data.
- as in The Little Prince, by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
- We tame the data by **interactive** visualization or human-map interface with **LLMs**.
## Projects
1. Smart Maps Bazaar (IPFS)
1. Smart Maps Agent (LLMs)
1. UNVT Portable (Raspberry Pi)
1. Core (PMTiles, MapLibre, mago 3DTiler, Placemark, ...) w/ OSMFJ
1. [Documentation](https://unopengis.github.io/smartmaps/) and [Learning](https://unopengis.github.io/learning/)
1. Charites (YAML-based style syntax)
## Past Events 1/2
- 2023-11: **FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul**
- [Seoul Declaration](https://foss4g.asia/2023/seoul-declaration/)
- to advance the use of open geospatial technology..., achieving **collective impact** through information sharing, collaboration, policy advocacy, and international cooperation.
## Past Events 2/2
- 2023-12: Global Refugee Forum (GRF) 2023
- submitted [OpenGeoCommunity Pledge](https://github.com/Kenyat1989/OpenGeoCommunity-for-2023): **Empower refugees** with web and GIS skills using **UNVT Portable** for **offline training**
- in collaboration with the Watanave Hidenori Lab at the University of Tokyo, Eukarya Inc., FOSS4G 2025 Japan Bid Committee, and Welcome Japan.
## Future Events
1. 2024-02-19@Tokyo: [International Workshop - Geospatial Technology for Conflict Assessment: Real-Time Crisis Mapping and Long-term Trends Analysis](https://arinori.hit-u.ac.jp/goe/en/2024/01/19/651/) - Kyoung-Soo, Taichi, and Hidenori
1. 2024-02-20@Tokyo: **Tech for Peace Symposium 2024** - Kyoung-Soo, Yuiseki, Taichi and Hidenori
1. 2024-10-22/25@Fremantle: **ISPRS Technical Commission IV Symposium 2024**
## Next Actions
1. Continue **Taro Ubukawa's project with UNGSC**.
2. Make progress in existing projects and deliver presentations.
3. Expand our **Open Community of Practice**.
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