"The new season's sports card released on the 22nd is "2023-2024 VIA WKBL VOLCANO TRADING CARDS BOX." In order to capture the passion and efforts of WKBL players in the 2023-2024 season, the intense red color was used on the card under the concept of 'Volcano'. Volcano patch auto cards that utilize the mismatched uniforms of star players such as Kim Dan-bi (Woori Bank), Park Ji-soo (KB Stars), and Jihyun Shin (HanawonQ), as well as memory multi-picture auto cards that capture the moment of achieving the record. In particular, not only the appearance of the players in uniforms, but also the magazine calendar auto card that contains the different atmosphere of the players such as plain clothes fashion and digital pictorials, and the auto card that draws attention as the magazine I am. "We will also introduce the next step auto card that shows the players selected through the rookie draft for the 2023-2024 season for the first time." Finally, WKBL said, "Sports cards can be purchased at a sale price of 60,000 won per box, and details about the seller can be found on the WKBL's official website and SNS channel." [토토사이트 순위](https://edwardsrailcar.com/)