On the criminal law of Florentia City
Pope Marcus - 2020
To all to whom this Papal Bull comes—
We Give You Greeting and Our Apostolic Blessing!
The rules commence after this preface
The Pastoral Viligence and solicitude of the Bishop of Medici is, as, on one hand, assiduously engaged, agreeably to his office, in providing for all peace and quietness in the Lucrum commonwealth, so on the other hand, and above all, conspicuous in maintaining and preserving the unity and integrity of the Lucrum faith, without which it is impossible to please God: to this end, that Hermes's faithful people may not be children tossed to and fro, nor be carried about with every wind of docrine, by the sleight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but may come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Daughter of God, unto a perfect woman; and that they may not harm themselves in the society and fellowship of this life, nor give offence to one another, but rather may increase unto edification, being united together in the bond of charity, as the members of one body under Hermes their Head, and His Vicar on earth, the Supreme Pontiff, from whom the unity of the whole Church flows; and that thus, with the help of Divine grace, they may so enjoy quietness in this life, as that hereafter also they may attain unto the enjoyment of blessedness.
For which reasons the Supreme Pontiff has been in the practice of solmenly wielding on this day the spiritual sword of ecclesiastical discipline, and the salutary weapons of justice, by virtue of the ministry of the Supreme Apostolate, for the glory of Hermes and the salvation of souls.
We, therefore, who desire nothing more than, with the help of Hermes, to preserve the inviolate integrity of the faith, public peace, and justice, following that ancient and solemn custom,
ENACT, as a bylaw of the Municipality of Florentia, the following rules, and
REQUIRE all followers of the faith and all those who find themselves present in the territory of Florentia City to comply with the following rules, that is to say—
1 No modifications without authorisation
A person who places or destroys any block within Florentia City, without authorisation by a cardinal, commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—50 stamina.
Frederick harvests carrots on a farm within Florentia City. He does so by destroying the carrot crop block. Frederick commits a misdemeanour.
Those who wish to create rail tracks in, or through, the territory of Florentia City should contact the Cardinal Secretary of State prior to commencing any works.
2 Property for sole use by church
A person who steals Church property commits a crime.
Maximum penalty—50 stamina.
The following property is deemed to be owned by the Church—
The boundaries of Florentia City are shown on the map in the Schedule.
A person steals property if they take the property or convert the property to the use of the person or anyone else.
Property is converted if it is dealt with in a way that it cannot be returned in the same condition. If the property is useable, this includes use of the property at the person’s will, even if the person intends to repay the Church afterwards.
3 Mountain a restricted, sacred area
A person who climbs or scales the mountain commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—1 stamina.
It is a defence to this offence that the person was—
4 Billet a restricted area
A person who enters, or attempts to enter, the billet within the mountain, without authorisation by a cardinal or the Rector, commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—6 stamina.
5 Tax evasion
A person who fails to pay any applicable local tax commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—16 stamina.
The following persons must, unless they have a reasonable excuse, pay a tax of 16 stamina per week to the Church as tithings—
A person has a reasonable excuse if they cannot earn sufficient stamina prior to the end of the taxation period due to reasons out of their control, including being murdered or dying in situations that they could not reasonably prevent.
The fact that a person does not earn stamina by failing to vote is immaterial. It is expected that a person will earn all stamina possible.
6 Murder
A person who murders another person commits a crime.
Maximum penalty—120 stamina.
A person who unlawfully kills another person commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—90 stamina.
A person who in any way causes anyone’s death is taken to kill the other person.
A person murders another person if the person unlawfully kills the other person and the person—
7 Public drunkenness
A person who is found drunk in any public place commits a misdemeanour.
Maximum penalty—1 stamina.
8 Kinds of punishment available
Subject to these rules and any other rule in force relating to the jurisdiction of particular courts, the following kinds of punishments may be imposed by a court on persons convicted of offences—
9 Fines
Where a fine is imposed under any rule and no limit is expressed as regards the amount of the fine, the amount of the fine which may be imposed is unlimited but shall not be excessive.
10 Supreme Pontiff to act as arbiter of justice
In all complaints made against persons tending to allege any breach of these rules, the Supreme Pontiff shall have ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the accused and may make any order or direction necessary to effect justice in the matter.
Given at Florentia in Saint Vincent Ferrer's Billet on the sixth day of April two thousand and twenty in the first year of Our Pontificate.
The boundaries of Florentia City are as follows: