# SingularityCE Community Meetings 2022 [![hackmd-github-sync-badge](https://hackmd.io/RdiB9hOBRk66H3ymPWbXaw/badge)](https://hackmd.io/RdiB9hOBRk66H3ymPWbXaw) ## Retired - Please Use GitHub Discussions To encourage broader discussion of the roadmap and community calls, we have decided to use [GitHub Discussions](https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/discussions) at the SingularityCE repository. Please use: * The [Roadmap Category](https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/discussions/categories/roadmap) for information and discussion about future SingularityCE releases. * The [Community Call category](https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/discussions/categories/community-call) to find agendas, and suggest topics, for the monthly SingularityCE community calls. ----- ## 2023-02-02 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. SingularityCE 3.11 Upcoming Release. 2. Other development updates. 3. Any other business / questions. ### Recording ### Links * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md ----- ## 2022-12-01 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. SIF - Signing / verification with PEM / x509. 2. SingularityCE Packaging - Fedora / EPEL. 3. SingularityCE OCI runtime mode - Brief Demo. 4. Other development updates. 5. Any other business / questions. ### Recording <https://youtu.be/X1QPud5vVXA> ### Links * x509 singing/verification issue - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/issues/1095 * SingularityCE in EPEL testing - https://groups.google.com/g/singularity-ce/c/UloP1zoIJ8U * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md ----- ## 2022-11-03 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. SIF - DSSE (Dead Simple Signing Envelope) and support for non-PGP signatures. 2. SingularityCRI / Sykube - interest in community maintainer(s)? 3. SingularityCE OCI runtime mode, update / discussion. 4. SingularityCE development update. 5. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/NOfTTO16Y3Q ### Links * DSSE Google Group Thread - https://groups.google.com/g/singularity-ce/c/HaX58-yAJ5M * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md ----- ## 2022-10-06 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Demo** - Syft attest support for SIF container images. 2. SIF GHSA / SingularityCE 3.10.3 security release. 3. SingularityCE development update. 4. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/fFKK_y-sA_E ### Links * Syft - https://github.com/anchore/syft * Grype - https://github.com/anchore/grype * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md ----- ## 2022-08-04 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Demo** - SBOMs and vulnerability scanning of Singularity containers with Syft and Grype. 2. SingularityCE release & development update. 3. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/k_BCNbnaxrw ### Links * Syft & Grype How To - https://sylabs.io/2022/08/how-to-vulnerability-scanning-of-singularity-containers-with-syft-and-grype/ * Syft - https://github.com/anchore/syft * Grype - https://github.com/anchore/grype * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md ----- ## 2022-07-07 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Demo** - singularity-hpc (by @vsoch). Singularity HPC is optimized for managing containers in an HPC environment. You can use shpc if you are: * a linux administrator wanting to manage containers as modules for your cluster * a cluster user that wants to maintain your own folder of custom modules * a cluster user that simply wants to pull Singularity images as GitHub packages. 2. SingularityCE release & development update. 3. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/T2VFg4mSSxQ ### Links * singularity-hpc - https://github.com/singularityhub/singularity-hpc * Latest changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/main/CHANGELOG.md * Incoming PRs - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/pulls * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md * 4.0 and beyond overview - https://sylabs.io/2022/02/singularityce-4-0-and-beyond/ ----- ## 2022-06-09 12 noon ET **Postponed by 1 week due to overlap with ISC HPC Containers Workshop** Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Demo** - `%files` support for remote builds in SingularityCE 3.10. 2. Summary of SingularityCE content presented at ISC HPC Containers Workshop. 3. SingularityCE release & development update. 4. Any other business / questions. ### Recording ----- ## 2022-05-05 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Show and Tell** - Demo of new features in SingularityCE 3.10. (Dave Trudgian). 2. Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), syft, and SIF (Adam Hughes) 3. '%files' support coming to scs-build-client (Mike Frisch, Adam Hughes) 4. SingularityCE release & development update. (Dave Trudgian) 5. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/-zYj27E85Ac ### Links * SingularityCE 3.10 RC1 - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/releases/tag/v3.10.0-rc.1 * scs-build repository - https://github.com/sylabs/scs-build-client * syft SIF SBOMs - https://github.com/anchore/syft/issues/937 ----- ## 2022-04-07 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Show and Tell** - Demonstration of scs-build standalone remote build client tool. (Mike Frisch). 2. Software Bill of Materials (SBOM), syft, and SIF (Adam Hughes) 3. SingularityCE release & development update. (Dave Trudgian) 4. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/Jip5n31m6KI ### Links * scs-build article - https://sylabs.io/2022/03/introducing-scs-build * scs-build repository - https://github.com/sylabs/scs-build-client * syft SIF SBOMs - https://github.com/anchore/syft/issues/937 ----- ## 2022-03-03 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Show and Tell** - Demonstration of using cgroups resource limits with SingularityCE, and preview of rootless cgroups under 3.10. 2. SingularityCE release / development update. 3. SingularityCE roadmap update & discussion. 4. Any other business / questions. ### Links * Current cgroups documentation - https://sylabs.io/guides/master/user-guide/cgroups.html?highlight=cgroups * SingularityCE roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md * SingularityCE 4.0 and beyond roadmap announcement - https://sylabs.io/2022/02/singularityce-4-0-and-beyond ## 2022-02-03 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **Apologies** - This month's call has been shortened due to the availability of the host. 1. ~~**Show and Tell** - Demonstration of new cgroups functionality under development for 3.10~~ _Postponed_ 2. SingularityCE development / roadmap update. 3. SingularityCE / Apptainer expected compatibility. 5. Any other business / questions. ### Recording https://youtu.be/8CsULxKGw9M Note - the issue discussed w.r.t. a missing `run-singularity` header in Apptainer create images has been confirmed as not applying to SingularityCE. ### Links * Release Notes / Changelog - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md * Arg / Env var compatibility, quoting etc. - https://github.com/sylabs/singularity/issues/487 ## 2022-01-06 12 noon ET Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98830550629?pwd=ZENYK0hUUlBoSGZlTUl2WEdEa1FDUT09 **This meeting will be recorded** 1. **Show and Tell** - Running MPI applications with SingularityCE. 2. Library API open-sourcing (Adam Hughes) 3. SingularityCE / Apptainer expected compatibility 4. SingularityCE 3.10 roadmap review 5. Any other business / questions ### Recording https://youtu.be/jl2cT9gkxwo ### Links * Gist with MPI examples - https://gist.github.com/dtrudg/a38aaa2396774a5ed82a6d06949625e9 * Library API release - https://github.com/singularityhub/library-api/pull/2 / https://github.com/sylabs/scs-library-client/blob/master/api/server/openapi.yml * SingularityCE Roadmap - https://github.com/sylabs/singularityce-community/blob/main/roadmap.md -----