描述統計學 descriptive statistics 樣本, sample 樣本大小, sample size 樣本平均數, sample mean 樣本標準差, sample standard deviation 母體, population 母體大小, population size 母體平均數, population mean 集中趨勢, central tendency 分散趨勢, dispersion 集中趨勢量數, measures of central tendency 平均數, mean (M) 算術平均數, arithmetic mean (AM) 期望值, expected value 加權平均數, weighted mean 權數, weight 幾何平均數, geometric mean (GM) 調和平均數, harmonic mean (HM) 矩、動差, moment 階矩, -th moment 原動差, raw moment 中央動差, central moment 中位數, median 四分位數, quartile 眾數, mode 離散型均勻分布, discrete uniform distrubution 單峰性, unimodality 單峰分布, unimodal distrubution 雙峰分布, bimodal distrubution 多峰分布, multimodal distrubution 分散趨勢量數, measures of dispersion 全距, range 四分位距,interquartile range (IQR) 四分差, quartile deviation (QD) 離均差, deviation from mean 平均差, mean deviation 平方和, sum of square (SS) 變異數, variation 標準差, standard deviation (SD) 母體標準差, population standard deviation 不偏估計數, unbiased estimator 變異係數, coefficient of varation (CV) 相對標準差, relative standard deviation (RSD) 標準誤, standard error (SE) 樣本平均數的標準誤, standard error of the sample mean (SEM) 分布形態, shape of distribution 偏態, skewness 負偏態、左偏態, negative skew 正偏態、右偏態, positive skew 峰度, kurtosis 高狹峰, leptokurtic 低闊峰, platykurtic 常態峰, mesokurtic 相對量數, measures 百分等級, percentile rank (PR) 百分位數, percentile point 四分位數, quartile 十分位數, decicile 標準分數, standard score 標準化、歸一化, normalized