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Sunshine Alpha Web Interface - Kusama Grant

First Draft
Date: 07/21/2020
Requested KSM: 150 KSM
Short Description: Sunshine Alpha Interface, a web3 bounty, grant and foundation aggreagator

Context / Problem

Sunshine is a Substrate protocol and application for deploying and operating foundations, grants and bounties on-chain (see: We have received a Web3 Foundation grant for our protocol development, and are approaching a demo for a Flutter & IPFS mobile application. The application is a proof-of-concept for posting and voting on bounties and grants on our DAO-chain. In the coming months we will be creating a wasm web-app to pair with the mobile application which allows for co-sponsoring grants, Github integration for attaching PRs to bounties, Acala ( stablecoin integration and a breadth of other product features for a consolidated bounty platform.

Our primary product goal is to allow for web3 projects to utilize a central place to post their bounties and grants. Our research partners include Laminar, Acala, Gantree, Web3 Foundation, PureStake, Phala Network, and hopefully Kusama. Each partner has a vested interest in running a foundation or council bounty/grant distribution operation on-chain and in a managed, key-based application setting. In order to begin to serve these partners interests in attracting developers to help build the eco-system we plan on constructing an alpha version of our web application that is off-chain, but provides a central repository for grants and bounties in the web3 ecosystem.

Grant Scope / Solution

This alpha MVP will be a web interface for exploring open grant opportunities in the eco-system. The opportunities listed on the platform will link to relevant Github PRs/issues listing the grant or bounty details.

This alpha interface will be a web application which contains the information structure to easily navigate opportunties. The structure of the application will be a serverless PWA (Progressive web app) using a CMS (likely Contentful: to manage content.

The use of this CMS will be replaced in future versions of the Sunshine web application with our IPFS-embed runtime. Structurally, the application will change dramatically between the alpha to the beta. The beta, as mentioned, will be a WASM, on-chain interface that allows for interaction and execution of the bounties, grants, and foundation/council voting. The goal of this alpha solution is thus to provide a centralized version whose product-value begins to serve the web3 community, specifically Kusama to reach developers and collaborate on grant-giving.

Interface Details

The priority of this alpha application is to provide discoverability for the grant and bounty opportunities. The structure of the site will contain sections for foundations, bounties and grants, each searchable and filter-able based on relevant criteria. Bounties and grants can exhibit multiple supporters, a supporter being represented as the appropriate foundation.

Further user research (as listed in Work Detail) with our partners will determine the desired details to be listed and the design for featuring opportunities.

Work Detail

We expect the delivery of this alpha application to require a total of 30 hours worth of research, design and development work. There will be additional costs for deployment and maintenance of the central repository. The requested treasury spending would be about third of this total work cost, 150 KSM.


  • Complete user research with research partners to determine ideal interface details
  • Complete interface design and get feedback from user research
  • Construct web interface with CMS connection
  • Develop API input into CMS based on feedback (if necessary)
  • Post initial grants


  • User research documentation
  • Alpha Sunshine web interface
  • CMS API (if necessary)

Important Questions

The current methodology for inputting opportunities into the Sunshine alpha CMS system would be a manual entry. Given the APIs available for Polkassembly, there could be an automated system but feedback on this approach is desired.