# Hydra Token Ops Guide ## Contracts Permissions Manager: https://etherscan.io/address/0xC98a7004E2154636f2a01653CCA2E2c5Aa4afAe0 Hydra Token: https://etherscan.io/address/0xf17b47b3b3440fd4bF285029eE461292DaeB9042 Ops Safe: https://app.safe.global/home?safe=eth:0xC879250D96d36E12231b1a72652330E552caB11B ## Issuing Issuing involves 2 steps per recipient. They need to be granted permissions to receive (but not send) the token. Then they can be issued their tokens. All of these actions for any number of issuances can be batched in Transaction Builder 1. Select Transaction Builder ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.01.48](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hk5SqvLrT.png) 2. Paste Permissions Manager address (0xC98a7004E2154636f2a01653CCA2E2c5Aa4afAe0) and select 'set permissions' 3. Set permission of recipient (if they don't already have it) Send: False Receive: True ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.04.47](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1HxoP8rp.png) 4. Click 'Add Transaction' 5. Repeat for other addresses ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.06.54](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/SyvOowIH6.png) 6. Paste Hydra token address (0xf17b47b3b3440fd4bF285029eE461292DaeB9042) ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.11.07](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Hyf92DISp.png) 7. Fill out fields Value: tokens with 18 decimal places Data: 0x ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.13.18](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bkw-pPIBp.png) 8. Create batch ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.14.25](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/Bk8E6w8ra.png) 9. Simulate Confirm transfers & events look right ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.14.57](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1-DaD8rT.png) ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.14.47](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BybwpP8Hp.png) 10. Sign tx ![Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 15.15.42](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/r1CqpPUST.png) ## Controller Transfer Admin/ controller transfer can move tokens from one wallet to another. This is useful if a member wants to change their wallet but the tokens are not transferable. This example uses the old address: 0x6D994798053AeD737A62a0B69804d88c0c44804c New address: 0xFdEc8EB2e7E96Cc048Ca75eA8bA61175463daA04 1. Get balance of old address Use Etherscan UI of Hydra token to get the balance. In this example the balance of 0x6D994798053AeD737A62a0B69804d88c0c44804c is 1250000000000000000000 ![image](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/BJbCVKc4C.png) 2. On transaction builder, select `controllerTransfer` Specify `from`, `to`, and `value`. Leave data fields empty by specifying `0x` ![Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 19.50.19](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/HJxUBYqVR.png) 3. Review & simulate Double check addresses & values are correct ![Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 19.51.18](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/rJaFSYqVR.png) ![Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 19.51.41](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/ryVoHtq4R.png) 4. Sign & submit ![Screenshot 2024-06-02 at 19.53.40](https://hackmd.io/_uploads/S1AfIK5V0.png)