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Cancun EVM Opcode Planning

A proposal to move some propsoed EIP opcodes around to make for a more coherent layout in Cancun and Prauge.

Opcodes under active consideration

This list includes opcodes propsed either for EOF or Cancun. The old opcode is the current EIP proposed opcode

Old Opcode New Opcode Name Description Immediate Arg
0x49 0x49 BLOBHASH Returns hashes of blobs in the transaction
0x4A 0x4A BEACON_ROOT Exposes the Beacon Chain Root
0xB3 0x5C TLOAD Transient data load
0xB4 0x5D TSTORE Transient data store
0xB7 0x5E MCOPY Memory copy
0x5C 0xE0 RJUMP relative jump y
0x5D 0xE1 RJUMI relative conditional jump y
0x5E 0xE2 RJUMV relative jump table y
0xB0 0xE3 CALLF EOF Subroutine Call y
0xB1 0xE4 RETF EOF Subroutine return
0xB2 0xE5 JUMPF EOF Function Jump y
0xB5 0xE6 DUPN Unlimited dup y
0xB6 0xE7 SWAPN Unlimited swap y
0xB8 0xE8 DATALOAD Loads data from EOF data section, via stack
0xB9 0xE9 DATALOADN Loads data from EOF data section, via immediate y
0xBA 0xEA DATASIZE Size of the EOF data section y
0xBB 0xEB DATACOPY Bulk EOF data copy y
0xF6 0xEC CREATE3 Create from EOF contained initcode y
0xF8 0xED RETURNCONTRACT contract to be created, references EOF data y
0xF9 0xF6 PAY transfers value from caller to target
0xF7 0xF7 CREATE4 Create from transaction contained initcode
0xF9 0xF8 CALL2 CALL without gas and output memory
0xFB 0xF9 DELEGATECALL2 DELEGATECALL without gas and output memory
0xFC 0xFB STATICCALL2 STATICCALL without gas and output memory


  • All Opcodes that require an immediate argument or that require EOF containers go into the 0xE block
  • Move TSORE and MCOPY into the Storage/Memory/Control Flow block
  • Pack opcodes to the earliest opcode in their block

Opcode Blocks

Prefix Available Propsoed Name
0x0 3 Aritmetic
0x1 2 Comparison / Bitwise
0x2 15 Cryptography
0x3 0 Environmental
0x4 7 2 Block
0x5 3 3 Storage / Memory / Control Flow
0x6 0 PUSHx
0x7 0 PUSHx
0x8 0 DUPx
0x9 0 SWAPx
0xA 11 Log
0xB 16 Unassigned
0xC 16 Unassigned
0xD 16 Unassigned
0xE 16 14 Unassigned
0xF 6 5 System

Existing Opcodes

Current up to Shanghai

Number Name Initial Release Execution spec category
0x00 STOP Control Flow
0x01 ADD Arithmetic
0x02 MUL Arithmetic
0x03 SUB Arithmetic
0x04 DIV Arithmetic
0x05 SDIV Arithmetic
0x06 MOD Arithmetic
0x07 SMOD Arithmetic
0x08 ADDMOD Arithmetic
0x09 MULMOD Arithmetic
0x0A EXP Arithmetic
0x0B SIGNEXTEND Arithmetic
0x10 LT Comparison
0x11 GT Comparison
0x12 SLT Comparison
0x13 SGT Comparison
0x14 EQ Comparison
0x15 ISZERO Comparison
0x16 AND Bitwise
0x17 OR Bitwise
0x18 XOR Bitwise
0x19 NOT Bitwise
0x1A BYTE Bitwise
0x1B SHL Constantinople Bitwise
0x1C SHR Constantinople Bitwise
0x1D SAR Constantinople Bitwise
0x20 KECCAK Keccak
0x30 ADDRESS Environmental
0x31 BALANCE Environmental
0x32 ORIGIN Environmental
0x33 CALLER Environmental
0x34 CALLVALUE Environmental
0x35 CALLDATALOAD Environmental
0x36 CALLDATASIZE Environmental
0x37 CALLDATACOPY Environmental
0x38 CODESIZE Environmental
0x39 CODECOPY Environmental
0x3A GASPRICE Environmental
0x3B EXTCODESIZE Environmental
0x3C EXTCODECOPY Environmental
0x3D RETURNDATASIZE Byzantium Environmental
0x3E RETURNDATACOPY Byzantium Environmental
0x3F EXTCODEHASH Constantinople Environmental
0x40 BLOCKHASH Block
0x41 COINBASE Block
0x42 TIMESTAMP Block
0x43 NUMBER Block
0x44 DIFFICULTY Frontier->London Block
0x44 PREVRANDAO Paris Block
0x45 GASLIMIT Block
0x46 CHAINID Istanbul Block
0x47 SELFBALANCE Istanbul Block
0x48 BASEFEE London Block
0x50 POP Pop
0x51 MLOAD Memory
0x52 MSTORE Memory
0x53 MSTORE8 Memory
0x54 SLOAD Storage
0x55 SSTORE Storage
0x56 JUMP Control Flow
0x57 JUMPI Control Flow
0x58 PC Control Flow
0x59 MSIZE Memory
0x5A GAS Control Flow
0x5B JUMPDEST Control Flow
0x5F PUSH0 Shanghai Push
0x60 PUSH1 Push
0x61 PUSH2 Push
0x62 PUSH3 Push
0x63 PUSH4 Push
0x64 PUSH5 Push
0x65 PUSH6 Push
0x66 PUSH7 Push
0x67 PUSH8 Push
0x68 PUSH9 Push
0x69 PUSH10 Push
0x6A PUSH11 Push
0x6B PUSH12 Push
0x6C PUSH13 Push
0x6D PUSH14 Push
0x6E PUSH15 Push
0x6F PUSH16 Push
0x70 PUSH17 Push
0x71 PUSH18 Push
0x72 PUSH19 Push
0x73 PUSH20 Push
0x74 PUSH21 Push
0x75 PUSH22 Push
0x76 PUSH23 Push
0x77 PUSH24 Push
0x78 PUSH25 Push
0x79 PUSH26 Push
0x7A PUSH27 Push
0x7B PUSH28 Push
0x7C PUSH29 Push
0x7D PUSH30 Push
0x7E PUSH31 Push
0x7F PUSH32 Push
0x80 DUP1 Dup
0x81 DUP2 Dup
0x82 DUP3 Dup
0x83 DUP4 Dup
0x84 DUP5 Dup
0x85 DUP6 Dup
0x86 DUP7 Dup
0x87 DUP8 Dup
0x88 DUP9 Dup
0x89 DUP10 Dup
0x8A DUP11 Dup
0x8B DUP12 Dup
0x8C DUP13 Dup
0x8D DUP14 Dup
0x8E DUP15 Dup
0x8F DUP16 Dup
0x90 SWAP1 Swap
0x91 SWAP2 Swap
0x92 SWAP3 Swap
0x93 SWAP4 Swap
0x94 SWAP5 Swap
0x95 SWAP6 Swap
0x96 SWAP7 Swap
0x97 SWAP8 Swap
0x98 SWAP9 Swap
0x99 SWAP10 Swap
0x9A SWAP11 Swap
0x9B SWAP12 Swap
0x9C SWAP13 Swap
0x9D SWAP14 Swap
0x9E SWAP15 Swap
0x9F SWAP16 Swap
0xA0 LOG0 Log
0xA1 LOG1 Log
0xA2 LOG2 Log
0xA3 LOG3 Log
0xA4 LOG4 Log
0xF0 CREATE System
0xF1 CALL System
0xF2 CALLCODE System
0xF3 RETURN System
0xF4 DELEGATECALL Homestad System
0xF5 CREATE2 Constantinople System
0xFA STATICCALL Byzantium System
0xFD REVERT Byzantium System
0xFE INVALID/ABORT (unofficial) System

All Proposed Opcodes

All EIP propsoed opcodes that have not shipped. This includes all unshipped EIPs, even withdrawn and non-viable proposals.

EIP Opcode Name Description Immediate Arg
101 0x5C tx.gas primordial account-abstraction support
Designated invalid opcode.
(Adopted in practice, Not formally adopted)
615 0xB0 JUMPTO static jump y
615 0xB1 JUMPIF static conditional jump y
615 0xB2 JUMPV static jump table y
615 0xB3 JUMPSUB static subroutine call y
615 0xB4 JUMPSUBV static subroutine table call y
615 0xB5 BEGINSUB marker opcode y
615 0xB6 BEGINDATA marker opcode
615 0xB7 RETURNSUB subroutine return
615 0xB8 PUTLOCAL call local storage y
615 0xB9 GETLOCAL call local storage y
663 0xB5 DUPN Unlimited dup y
663 0xB6 SWAPN Unlimited swap y
698 0x46 BLOCKREWARD Get the blockreward for the current block
1109 0xFB PRECOMPILEDCALL call only precompiled addresses
1153 0xB3 TLOAD Transient data load
1153 0xB4 TSTORE Transient data store
2315 0x5E RETURNSUB Subroutine return
2315 0x5F RJUMPSUB Subroutine jump
2327 0xB6 BEGINDATA End of executable code marker
2330 0x5C EXTSLOAD Load external contract data
2936 0x5C EXTCLEAR Split sotrage clearing form SELFDESTRUCT
2938 0x48 NONCE Get the nonce of the callee
2938 0x49 PAYGAS Pays gas for all futher operations
2970 0x4A IS_STATIC Is current frame static?
2997 0xF6 IMPERAONATECALL Call with sender calculated from salt and caller
3074 0xF6 AUTH Preperatory operation for AUTHCALL
3074 0xF7 AUTHCALL Call with calle set to external account
3322 0x49 SELFGAS Store gas refund to account
3322 0x49 USEGAS Increase execution gas from account stored gas
3322 0x49 STOREGAS Move gas to refund
3332 0x46 MEDGASPRICE Get median gas proce of prior block
3337 0x5C SETFP Sets a frame pointer to a memory location
3337 0x5D GETFP Gets the current frame pointer
3337 0x5E MLOADFP Reads memory at the frame pointer
3337 0x5F MSTOREFP Writes memory at the frame pointer
3455 0xF8 SUDO Unvalidated AUTHCALL (april fools joke)
3508 0x47 ORIGINDATALOAD Load transaction calldata
3508 0x48 ORIGINDATASIZE Size of transaction calldata
3508 0x49 ORIGINDATACOPY Bulk load transaction calldata
3520 0x4A ENTRYPOINT To address of transaction
4200 0x5C RJUMP relative jump y
4200 0x5D RJUMI relative conditional jump y
4200 0x5E RJUMV relative jump table y
4520 0xEB - Reserve for multi-byte opcodes y
4520 0xEC - Reserve for multi-byte opcodes y
4750 0xB0 CALLF EOF Subroutine Call y
4750 0xB1 RETF EOF Subroutine return
4788 0x4A BEACON_ROOT Exposes the Beacon Chain Root
4844 0x49 BLOBHASH Returns hashes of blobs in the transaction
5000 0x1E MULDIV combo multiply then divide trinary operation
5003 0xF8 AUTHUSURP Adds code into EOAs
5478 0xF6 CREATE2COPY Create 2 with no initcode and contract copying
5656 0xB7 MCOPY Memory copy
5920 0xF9 PAY transfers value from caller to target
6206 0xB2 JUMPF EOF Function Jump y
6888 0x5B JUMPC Jump if the most recent arithmetic op set the carry bit
6888 0x5C JUMPO Jump if the most recent arithmetic op set the overflow bit
6913 0x49 SETCODE Replace code of current contract
mega EOF 0xF6 CREATE3 Create from EOF contained initcode y
mega EOF 0xF7 CREATE4 Create from transaction contained initcode
mega EOF 0xF8 RETURNCONTRACT contract to be created, references EOF data y
mega EOF 0xB8 DATALOAD Loads data from EOF data section, via stack
mega EOF 0xB9 DATALOADN Loads data from EOF data section, via immediate y
mega EOF 0xBA DATASIZE Size of the EOF data section
mega EOF 0xBB DATACOPY Bulk data section copy y
mega EOF 0xF9 CALL2 CALL without gas and output memory
mega EOF 0xFB DELEGATECALL2 DELEGATECALL without gas and output memory
mega EOF 0xFC STATICCALL2 STATICCALL without gas and output memory