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Outreachy - Submit Internship Project Proposal - Template

1. Project details

1. Approved license

  • This is a statement that the project will be released under an OSI-approved open source license which a lot of JupyterHub software is. So check this.

2. No proprietary software

  • This is a statement that the project will forward FOSS interests, not proprietary. We will do that too, so check this.

3. How long has your team been accepting publicly submitted contributions?

  • 0-2 months
  • 3-5 months
  • 6-11 months
  • 1-2 years
  • More than 2 years

4. How many regular contributors does your team have?

  • 1-2 people
  • 3-5 people
  • 6-10 people
  • 11-20 people
  • 21-50 people
  • 50-100 people
  • More than 100 people

5. Project short title

Short title for this internship project proposal. This should be 100 characters or less, starting with a verb like "Create", "Improve", "Extend", "Survey", "Document", etc. Assume the applicant has never heard of your technology before and keep it simple. The short title will be used in your project page URL, so keep it short.

6. Long description

Description of the internship project.

Please do not place educational restrictions (such as needing a degree) on this project. Outreachy applicants are judged on their demonstrated skills, not on their educational background. If your project requires knowledge that would normally be learned during a degree, your project contribution tasks should test applicants for that knowledge.

You should exclude applicant skills and communication channels. Those will be added in the next step.

You should also exclude discussion of internship tasks, internship benefits, repository URLs, issue tracker URLs, newcomer tags, or application period contribution tasks. Those are collected in the optional fields below.

7. Minimum system requirements

What are the minimum computer requirements to contribute to this project during the application period? Examples: Operating system, CPU, memory, and hard drive space.

Many Outreachy applicants have older laptops. Many of them are working with ten year old systems (e.g. 1.6 GHz dual core with 2 GB of RAM). Please evaluate whether your project could better support contributors with older systems.

8. How can applicants make a contribution to your project?

Instructions for how applicants can make contributions during the Outreachy application period.

Make sure to include links to getting started tutorials or documentation, how applicants can find contribution tasks on your project website or issue tracker, who they should ask for tasks, and everything they need to know to get started.

9. (Optional) Repository URL


10. (Optional) Issue tracker


11. (Optional) Newcomer issue tag

tag name, not URL

12. (Optional) Intern tasks

Description of possible internship tasks. What smaller tasks will they start on? What is the main task or tasks for the internship? Do you have any optional stretch goals?

13. (Optional) Intern benefits

How will the intern benefit from working with your team on this project? Imagine you're pitching this internship to a promising candidate. What would you say to convince them to apply? For example, what technical and non-technical skills will they learn from working on this project? How will this help them further their career in open source?

14. (Optional) Community benefits

How will this internship project benefit the FOSS community that is funding it?

15. (Optional) Unapproved license description


16. (Optional) Proprietary software description


17. Is your project open to new contributors?

  • My project is open to new contributors
  • My project already has many strong applicants

2. Mentor profile


  • Commit to volunteer 5 hours per week from Oct. 1, 2022 to Oct. 31, 2022 to review contributions (Sarah will gather help from other members of JupyterHub too)
  • Commit to volunteer 5 hours per week from Dec. 5, 2022 to Mar. 3, 2023 for mentoring support
  • Read the mentor duties and FAQ
  • Understand that mentors will need to sign a contract after they accept an applicant as an intern


Outreachy organizers collect statistics about who mentors work for. This allows us to report anonymized statistics to Outreachy sponsors about how many of their employees participate as Outreachy mentors. The statistics help Outreachy organizers secure continued sponsorship.

Some sponsors may want to offer training and other leadership opportunities to employees who are Outreachy mentors. We will ask for your consent before sharing your contact information with Outreachy sponsors.

If you do not want to share your employer with Outreachy organizers, type 'Prefer not to say'.

Your employer will not be displayed to Outreachy applicants.

Mentor profile details

1. Have you ever mentored for Outreachy before?

  • Yes, I have mentored for Outreachy in a past round
  • No but I have mentored for Google Summer of Code or Google Code/Rails Girls Summer of Code/another mentorship programme
  • No, I have never mentored before

2. What is your mentorship style?

Do you prefer short daily standups, longer weekly reports, or informal progress reports? Are you willing to try pair programming when your intern gets stuck? Do you like talking over video chat or answering questions via email? Give the applicants a sense of what it will be like to work with you during the internship.

3. How long have you been a contributor on this team?

  • 0-2 months
  • 3-5 months
  • 6-11 months
  • 1-2 years
  • More than 2 years

4. What contributions have you made to this team and this community?

5. What if your name on the team communication channel?

This information will be shared with applicants.

3. Project skills


  • Skill name (just one skill)
  • How much experience does applicant need in that skill?
  • Is the skill required, preferred, or optional for applicants?
  • Please do NOT list more than one skill in the skill description.
  • Please do NOT use full sentences. The project skills are used as search tags. Keep skill names to 1-3 words.
  • Please do NOT list educational restrictions.
  • Please do NOT require or prefer applicants that have previously contributed to your community.

Repeat this up to three times

  • Skill name:
  • Experience level:
    • No knowledge required
    • Concepts
    • Experimented
    • Comfortable
    • Challenge
  • Impact of skill on intern selection:
    • Optional
    • Preferred
    • Required

4. Project communication channels

Repeat for each communication channel

  • Communication tool name:
  • Communication channel URL:
  • Instructions on joining:
  • Community norms:
  • Communication tool docs URL: