# Rocketpool Instalation Node and config I'm following this [Guide](https://docs.rocketpool.net/guides/node/docker.html) ### Issues finded 1. Do not install docker nither docker-container before instalation 2. I installed all the environment with my user. It could be better if we have been done with general user. ## Commands ### to install rocketpool ### to config `rocketpool service config` With this command we can set with an interface or manually running with params. You can see the params with `--help` ### to start `rocketpool service start` ### to stop `rocketpool service stop` ### to remove all the dockers `rocketpool service terminate ### to show status `rocketpool service status` ### to show logs `rocketpool service logs` ### to show stats This command is the same as docker stats ;). `rocketpool service stats` ### to show de version `rocketpool service version` ### to create a wallet `rocketpool wallet init` ### to import a wallet with the mnemonic `rocketpool wallet recover` - ask for the password - ask for the mnemonic ## Config file All the config is in `~/.rocketpool/config.yml` ## the wallet private keys ~/.rocketpool/data/password ## show sync `rocketpool node sync` ## Preparing your Node for Operation ### sacking RPL Registering your node and standing up a validator both involve submitting transactions to the Ethereum network from your node wallet. This means you'll need to have some ETH on it to pay for the gas costs of those transactions. You'll also want to provide it with the RPL token, because you'll need to stake some of that prior to creating a minipool as collateral. 1. rocketpool node register -- Register the pool 2. I use the `rocketpool faucet withdraw` to receive some RPL, but I must have some GoEth. 3. When I have the old RPL I run `rocketpool node stake-rpl` to stake in RPL 4. ## create a minipool 1. `rocketpool node deposit` To run it you must have 16 eth in the node wallet and the node eth2 synced. ## change the withdraw address there are 2 way to change the withdraw address 1. `rocketpool n w --force ADDRESS` Esto se puede hacer 1 sola vez según lo que lei. No entiendo por que pide que se ponga un monto para transferirle desde la node wallet a esta dir. https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xd8cd47263414afeca62d6e2a3917d6600abdceb3#code 2. `rocketpool n w -y ADDRESS ` A mi me queda en estado pending y no se como cambiarlo a confirmed. you will need to send a signed transaction from your active whitdrawal address. https://testnet.rocketpool.net/withdrawal-address # Operations (instalation data): node wallet : 0x930990EceC1614F3fF1c5b75C53e29dB61aF3A8d ## Minipool 1 The node deposit of 16.000000 ETH was made successfully! Your new minipool's address is: 0x775147761FBEFdb4ED40b39c8fC3658F11B7C4e8 The validator pubkey is: b655c0e136e83695f0b25d31b49af0159c2f9aa1fcd4ad934927de99599700d2ea768ab62b616585df5cdece6f46badf https://prater.beaconcha.in/validator/b655c0e136e83695f0b25d31b49af0159c2f9aa1fcd4ad934927de99599700d2ea768ab62b616585df5cdece6f46badf#deposits https://prater.rocketscan.io/node/0x930990ecec1614f3ff1c5b75c53e29db61af3a8d ## Minipool 2 https://prater.beaconcha.in/validator/8c619a8ce849efe7f5865088794b3a0bf93624d3e69f1317af319fae228f12f20461cd00c1bd3f825be357d4c7507c26#deposits ## urls to install rocketpool eth1 : q eth1 fallback: https://goerli.infura.io/v3/ce8a7e9c711748ad998cd7e5e20d9965 Checkpoint url (eth2): https://1xpMEHHGFWbJ2GU3clMCKXOvudY:b016fd024eb58823af4c934f1b2b59c2@eth2-beacon-prater.infura.io fallback eth1: https://goerli.infura.io/v3/ce8a7e9c711748ad998cd7e5e20d9965 # Develop ## dockers containers up CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES ee0a0227bcdf sigp/lighthouse:v2.2.1 "sh /setup/start-bn.…" 5 days ago Up 5 days>9001/tcp,>9001/udp, :::9001->9001/tcp, :::9001->9001/udp rocketpool_eth2 c2f545b65314 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 "/bin/sleep infinity" 7 days ago Up 6 days rocketpool_api d2701098fd23 prom/prometheus:v2.35.0 "/bin/prometheus --w…" 7 days ago Up 7 days 9090/tcp rocketpool_prometheus 0030f1c57b6d prom/node-exporter:v1.3.1 "/bin/node_exporter …" 7 days ago Up 7 days rocketpool_exporter 6a1983bb1a98 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 "/go/bin/rocketpool …" 7 days ago Up 6 days rocketpool_watchtower 1a71dee43640 sigp/lighthouse:v2.2.1 "sh /setup/start-vc.…" 7 days ago Up 5 days rocketpool_validator 2faf367223a5 grafana/grafana:8.5.0 "/run.sh" 7 days ago Up 7 days 3000/tcp,>3100/tcp, :::3100->3100/tcp rocketpool_grafana 9b62ba19c556 rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 "/go/bin/rocketpool …" 7 days ago Up 6 days rocketpool_node ### rocketpool_eth2 This is the beacon eth2 client. In this case is Lighthouse but we can choose between several nodes. sigp/lighthouse:v2.2.1 ### rocketpool_api rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 ### rocketpool_prometheus prom/prometheus:v2.35.0 ### rocketpool_exporter prom/node-exporter:v1.3.1 ### rocketpool_validator rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 ### rocketpool_grafana grafana/grafana:8.5.0 ### rocketpool_node rocketpool/smartnode:v1.3.1 # Migration to other vm ## .rocketpool dirs RP config: `.rocketpool/user-settings.yml` the validators(minipool) data (keystores) : `.rocketpool/data/validators/lighthouse/*` RP wallet unencrypted pass : `.rocketpool/data/password` RP wallet keystore : `.rocketpool/data/wallet` ## install in new vm **NOTE**: if the vm logged with root by default, I'll recommend to create a user called rocketpool with a own home and make de the installation there. ### commands to install (linux) tested with aws instance: 1. `curl -L https://github.com/rocket-pool/smartnode-install/releases/latest/download/rocketpool-cli-linux-amd64 --create-dirs -o ~/bin/rocketpool && chmod +x ~/bin/rocketpool` 2. `export PATH="$HOME/bin:$PATH"` 3. `rocketpool s install -y -r` 4. `sudo usermod -aG docker $USER` 5. copy from the old server the user-settings.yml 6. In the old vm you have to stop the services `rocketpool services stop` 7. `rocketpool w r -p <password> -m "<mnemonic>"` 8. `rocketpool service start` # Goerli contracts address ## RocketStorage https://etherscan.io/address/0x1d8f8f00cfa6758d7be78336684788fb0ee0fa46#readContract ## RocketClaimNode https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xc05b7a2a03a6d2736d1d0ebf4d4a0afe2cc32ce1#code