# FAIRPoints Step by Step publishing with ResearchEquals
**Date**: February 24th 2022
**Event Summary:** [FAIRPoints_Point_2](https://www.fairpoints.org/fairpoints_resources/)
### Agenda:
| Time | Agenda | Speaker |
| ------------ | ------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| 15:00-15:10 | Welcome, Housekeeping & introductions | Sara |
| 15:10-15:40 | Keynote + Q&A | Chris Hartgerink |
| 15:40-15:50 | Silent Documenting- Takehome messages | All |
| 15:50-16:00 | Wrap-up | Sara |
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- **Monthly Keynote events**
March 23rd 2022: Harmonising FAIR data sharing with Legal Compliance Register 👉 https://shiny.link/sQ3tkJ
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- Sign-up to **event series** 👉 https://bit.ly/3BEQ06X
## Code of Conduct reminder
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* Be patient, allow others to speak, and use the zoom reactions & chat if you would like to voice something.
* See also our [participation guidelines](https://www.fairpoints.org/participation_guides/).
# Q&A:
❓ *Please add any questions you might have during the course of the session here:*
* **Kaveh**: would say an Excel file be accepted for upload? (it is not strictly open)
* **Answer**: Yes, we maintain the wikipedia defintion for open file formats the latest version of excel is considered open file format, personally I'd rather not but if they are open and reusable it means there can offer value.
* **Donny**: can one delay the decision to publish (make publically accessible) modules until the total set of modules is "done" (i.e., when the "journey" is considered complete by the submitter)?
* Answer: At the moment, you can only link to published works sequentially. Step A needs to be published to link Step B to A. If this is an important feature for people we could consider an embargo period under the pay to close model (pay more for longer embargoes).
* **Chris**: How will discovery of these paths happen in the scholarly ecosystem? Also have you considered sign up w/ ORCID?
* Probably related: I am imagining it would be important for modules to be indexed by e.g., google scholar. Will they accept any open file just like you do? or will this need to be restricted to more traditional files, PDFs/MSWord?
* Answer: Re:Software- Folder structures are abit more difficult, scripts are more straightforward. We are looking for ways
* Who? Will citation of ResearchEquals be acceptable? Preprint example, gets a DOI...
* Answer: Similar to preprints, it will be a social norm that evolves in (un)acceptable. Can use your help to make it more commonplace ;-)
* **Donny** what module elements are intended to be machine-actionable/retrievable? I noticed that I cannot e.g. curl a non-html representation of <https://www.researchequals.com/modules/k5e5-t1dn> - I can for <https://doi.org/10.53962/k5e5-t1dn>, but e.g. while the title ("Story of a Civic Sentinel") is returned, the summary text is not, nor is a link to the PDF.
* Answer: Will be exposing metadata in own API for machine readability, working on improving metadata in Crossref. What information would you like to see? There is space to co-create these things.
* **Arnold:** Can one connect an external module to a module in the system? E.g. I have presentation slides which I uploaded to Figshare and I do not want to create a new DOI for it but I want to connect it to my previous journey.
* Answer: Yes! You can currently link to all CrossRef DOIs (covering most journals, preprints), but we want to add DataCite (covering Zenodo, Figshare, etc).
* **Chris** - How are you working to visualize the paths that are created?
* Answer: Working on it! This is a hard issue and if you'd like to help test it please come join the discord https://discord.gg/SefsGJWWSw
* **Danny**
* What is the proposed or "best-pactices" way to add/link to existing articles that already have a DOI (not necssarily the authors own content)
* **Answer**: I'd recommend to link it immediately, if it is a direct follow up of that work and that contexualization is what it aims to do. We invite feedback on this and we have an open discord channel where this type of questions come up e.g does it make sense to republishing.
* Was thinking about the OSF a part of developing R=? How does it complement that platform?
* Answer: The OSF is a great tool, fit for its own purposes. ResearchEquals focuses on publishing research steps, where OSF still focus on managing entire projects at once.
* **Sara**:
* DOI- Does it portray the relationships between the entities?
* Answer: The DOI metadata does not capture this at the moment, the schema is too limited. We had to do some wiggling to get the module format in there.
* Does the metadata capturing support different languages? or is the input for metadata entirely in latin characters?
* The metadata can capture different languages as far as I know, but I'd have to double check.
* **Donny** who is "we" at this point for ResearchEquals? How many people are on the team? Full-time?
* Answer: The team is changing rapidly with contractors and employees, but usually between 2-5 people working on this to some degree.
* **Katie** would it be possible to integrate this with existing workflow software, or any other automatable tool?
* Answer: see answer provided to Rory's question
* **Rory**: Have you thought about interoperability with other tools? What are your thoughts with other research tools? e.g. python notebooks or domain specific tools.
* Answer: Separate into different files, Jupyter Notebooks - can download, can publish - how to integrate with other services - OSF example - ROR affiliation identifiers - so question separated into open file formats and then identifiers - prioritization is based on researchers, how important they are to them. Working with University to integrate ROR identifiers because Uni is asking to recognize/find outputs from Uni.
### Notes:
* Stories/ideas behind Research Equals, from Chris's background as researcher - research goes through winding paths to becoming a paper, all those paths are not reflected in a paper - focus is on the research journey, documenting the steps - all steps are a publication - represents the paths/journeys - builds trust in the outcomes
* Reference to Walled Culture - Research Equals open access, open licenses, publishing the paths in research
* All open file formats are publishable, not closed
* Publish where the research goes, not focusing on what is publishable
* You as researcher, publish on your terms, when you are ready, what you want, giving the researcher agency - in your own language, open formats...
* Published 20 modules already, some are in Dutch, other languages
* Can also see on ResearchEquals people who are in the space, some you may know
* Module publication has pub date, DOI, license front and center - Wikidata to demarcate types - learned in process that PDF is an open format/type
* Not all research is a monolith - lots of other ways to publish research - example of conveying informating via visual means
* When you sign up for Research Equals have to also agree to a Code of Conduct in addition to usual terms
* Email if a module type is missing - within a few hours went from suggestion, ethics review, to a new type
* CC0 and CC-BY are free in the system
* Ability to link in the process of pub to other modules/publications
* At the moment, only able to invite people on ResearchEquals
* Example of field type module where you can publish a recording of you out in the field
* Add structured metadata to references, again creating that connection/link to other publications
* Requirements of publication process where you have to convert open formats like Markdown for publishers - try to preserve the open/repro format
* Can link your ORCID account to Research Equals - Also use Crossref DOIs - take advantage of interoperability that already exists - Crossref/ORCID notifications
* Social media component for sharing Research Equals pubs - Twitter example
* Default as permissive as possible - interoperability aspect still exploring, updating based on needs on actual researchers - very agile and can work on requests rapidly, 24hour time for making something more accessible based on feedback
* Discord/GitHub are venues to get in touch
* codebase is MIT-licensed: <https://github.com/libscie/ResearchEquals.com>
# FAIRPoints- What is your take home message from todays session?
*✏️ Silent documenting of learning outcomes+ share outs, add +1, see schema https://hackmd.io/g2n9mG1URJGL5c-pR8AoeA?both*
* Research output is not one event. It is multiple events, a journey, connected. And there is value in making such output lineage/provenance visible.
* Need to bring this back to my domain scientists (I work at research lab), see what specific use cases this may apply to (e.g., do they have work that they would like to document but as yet have no means to do so, like unfunded proposals and so on)
* All Research output is important and has an inherent value
* Digestable format is a new avenue for delivering scientific and research output
* Science is a dynamic journey and should be reported as such
* DOIs can be created for various formats of research outputs allowing for research that better documents the varied ways in which a plan or experiment becomes formalized
* Interoperability is key to enabling a more robust publication system that recognizes all research paths/outputs.
**Chris Summary**:
* R= new open access publishing platform
* Publish research steps
* You get the agency as a researcher to publish your own work
* Publish your work, don't work to publish
* Publish what you are comfortable to publish
* Scholar led platform- come and cocreate
* Come and co-create
* https://discord.gg/SefsGJWWSw
* https://github.com/libscie/ResearchEquals.com
* Slides: https://1drv.ms/p/s!AsJaDBb2tSTg2XmnM1JLmtgiy2DP
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