# Welcome to BSCR ## :memo: Brief summary about Scorum Scorum is a blockchain built on Dan Larimer’s famed Graphene blockchain and DPoS consensus. It has expanded into BSC to gain more traction We currently have active sports blogging platform scorum.com Active general blogging platform scorum.co 12 language domains > Scorum.ru > Scorum.es Scorum.it Scorum.fr Scorum.kr Scorum.net Scorum.cc Scorum.in Scorum.de Scorum.pl https://Scorum.africa ### Marketing Plans so far - [x] RedRoom AMA done - [x] MoonarchSnipes pinned - [x] Marketing agreement with Coinzilla up and running - [x] Poocoin ads running - [x] Facebook ads running - [x] Coinzilla ads running - [x] Telegram pins in some groups - [x] Cryptogem Twitter and Telegram call - [x] MadLab Telegram call - [x] CryptoMoonshots post and top 3 trending - [x] Trending on Rugfreecoins ### Marketing Plans to run - [ ] Call by a prominent Youtuber - [ ] Call by a prominent Instagram influencer - [ ] Call by a prominent Tiktok influencer - [ ] Dextool Trending :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: :rocket: ### BSCR active usecases - [x] Blog, curate and earn extra bscr via Scorum blogs - [x] [Play Casino with bscr](https://sftcasino.com) | [Tutorial on deposit, withdrawal, and gameplay](https://t.me/SCORUM/98889) - [x] [Place bets with bscr on betscorum](https://betscorum.com) - [x] [Farm Totem with bscr-ftm pair](https://totemfinance.app/#/farms) ### Upcoming Projects - [ ] SpiritSwap Yield Farm - [ ] NFTMarketplace - [ ] CEX listing - [ ] Partnership with a football player and clubs # :memo: Links ### Buy Link - [https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x9198BBbd8201584a630F93b83Fbda70A5ee1970d](https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x9198BBbd8201584a630F93b83Fbda70A5ee1970d) ### Buy Link - [https://swap.spiritswap.finance/#/swap/0x133bf038277FDA5eaa2B5fc4CC4e6E15bc5CACE3](https://swap.spiritswap.finance/#/swap/0x133bf038277FDA5eaa2B5fc4CC4e6E15bc5CACE3) Buy with 1% slippage ### Charts - https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x9198bbbd8201584a630f93b83fbda70a5ee1970d ### https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xfe87b78551294e6ff91117bf01e81738ae766fd3 ### Bscscan - https://bscscan.com/token/0x9198bbbd8201584a630f93b83fbda70a5ee1970d ### Telegram : https://t.me/SCORUM ### Websites : https://scorum.com https://betscorum.com https://sftcasino.com ### Lp lock : https://dxsale.app/app/v2_9/dxlockview?id=0&add=0x9c2083901DC3a2855cF03875649d7a94f8CFc8eE&type=lplock&chain=BSC ### FPL league: https://forms.gle/N23SMhRKQ1ghcbSL6 ### FPL weekly pool: https://forms.gle/DN4c4gVA7ffhRrC8A