# Scisprint Hsinchu 2023 March
###### tags: `scisprint`
Sprint page: https://sciwork.dev/sprint/2023/03-hsinchu
Github master issue: https://github.com/sciwork/swportal/issues/164
**Date:** 11th March, Saturday
**Time:** 10:00 -- 17:00 (7 hours)
# Attendees (sign-up)
We will use kktix for sign-up and pay for the lunch.
KKTIX page: https://sciwork.kktix.cc/events/scisprint-202303-hsinchu
# Agenda
* 10:00 -- 10:30 Arrival and seating
* 10:30 -- 11:00 Project introduction
* Quick overview of each project
* 11:00 -- 12:00 Coding session 1 / Training Room
* 12:00 -- 13:20 Lunch Break (group update and discussion)
* 13:30 -- 14:20 Coding session 2 / Training Room
* 14:20 -- 14:30 Group update (and discussion) session 2
* 14:30 -- 15:20 Coding session 3 / Training Room
* 15:20 -- 15:30 Group update (and discussion) session 3
* 15:30 -- 16:30 Final Sprint / Training Room
* 16:30 -- 17:00 Project summary
* Include but not limit to the progress on the day
* 17:00 Dismiss for dinner
Group update (and discussion)
: Present progress and issue discussion in the development group
# Projects
## modmesh
C++/Python hybrid system for hyperbolic PDE solvers and the required mesh definition.
* **Project link**: https://github.com/solvcon/modmesh
* **Project Contact**: Yung-Yu Chen (@yyc#7718)
* **Background knowledge**:
Proficient in modern C++ (we currently use 17, but most of the time 11 is sufficient), proficient in the CPython (both the Python language and the C part), some understandings to computational mechanics and/or computational geometry.
* **Software Requirements:**
* **Subjects**: TBD
* **Participants** (also add your names here):
## pyLiteracy: Mandarin Grammar Checker
Current issue: Repetitive-zai (再) and LocativePeriodic-zai (在).
Repetitive-zai (再) and LocativePeriodic-zai (在) share the same pronunciation in Mandarin. This has led to many typos due to lack of language-decency self-awareness in modern texts. This project aims to make a Loki model that can examine whether the zai is used correctly or not.
* **Project link**: https://github.com/Chenct-jonathan/Loc_zai_and_Rep_zai_parser
* **Project Contact**: Jonathan Chen (@陳畯田), PeterWolf (@PeterWolf#1422)
* **Background knowledge**:
* **Software Requirements**:
* **Subjects**:
## Training Room - Get Power From Command Line
The command-line skills are essential for a programmer. It is not only cool, but also the key to develop software productively. During this training course, Mosky will teach some command line skills and introduce some interesting topics about it.
This training room will be like a workshop. There are some hands-on practices for you to get familiar with the course.
* **Lecturer**: [Mosky Liu](https://www.linkedin.com/in/moskyliu/?originalSubdomain=tw)
* **Material**: [Get Power From Command Line](https://speakerdeck.com/mosky/get-power-from-command-line) (slides by Mosky)
* **Project Contact**: oil_lin (@oil_lin#0746)
* **Software Requirements**:
* 如果您的作業系統是Windows, 可以先安裝好WSL, 我們會使用WSL來練習Command Line, 如果安裝不順利, 也可以到現場再安裝, 我們會協助您一起安裝.
* 如果作業系統是macOS或是Linux distros(Ubuntu, Fedora, Arch, etc.), 則無須擔心, 通常已經有系統內建的終端機可以來練習Command Line.
* **Subjects**:
1. Introduction to command line
2. Text processing: e.g., CSV, JSON, parallelizing.
3. System management: e.g., files, processes, monitoring.
4. Work on a remote machine: e.g., SSH, SSH tunneling.
5. Developing on CLI
Add your project with the template below:
## Project name
* **Project description**:
* **Project link**:
* **Project Contact**:
* **Background knowledge**:
* **Software Requirements**:
1. ...
* **Subjects**:
# Venue
**前沿理論及計算研究中心 (CTS)**
- NCTS at 5F, A Block, General Building III, NTHU (清華大學 綜合三館A區 5樓)
Address: 300新竹市東區光復路二段101號 清華大學 綜合三館A區 5樓
![](https://i.imgur.com/YZ11D3G.jpg =400x)
- [scisprint NTHU NCTS venue note
### Some guide to the venue
A. 步行前往
1. 進入大門後,沿著紅色箭頭的方向前行
2. 通過大草坪後的路口右轉
3. 後沿著紅色箭頭的方向前行
4. 到圖書館與教育館交界的十字路口左轉走入小徑
5. 通過小徑會來到一個廣場,接著沿著紅色箭頭的方向前行
6. 抵達國立清華大學綜合三館A區,進門後搭乘右手邊的電梯前往5樓
B. 駕車前往
1. 進入大門後,沿著紅色箭頭的方向前行
2. 通過大草坪後的路口繼續前行
3. 通過清華名人堂後右轉
4. 右轉後,車輛可停放於再左轉後之區域
5. 車輛停放完成後,會到左轉前的路口,沿著紅色磚塊地前行
6. 在沿著紅色磚塊地前行的第一個路口右轉
7. 向前走一小段,抵達國立清華大學綜合三館A區
8. 進門後搭乘右手邊的電梯前往5樓
C. 或是您也可以自行導航到達會場,google地圖如下:
# Workspace
## Task
- Program setup (projects)
- [x] Collect and maintain project topics [name=jenny]
- [ ] Event day host [name=jenny]
- Registration [name=Jenny]
- [x] KKTIX
- [ ] 活動行前信
- Venue [name=EN] [name=]
- [x] Parking coupon
- [ ] Table, seat
- [x] Wifi
- [ ] 帶位安排
- [ ] 需要帶門鈴、延長線
- Promotion
- [x] Make sprint page [name=EN]
- Lunch [name=TY] [name=lynn]
- more helpers
- After dinner [name=]
- Records
- Blog [name=仲宇]
- Photo [name=Ray]
## Dinner plan
1. [**清華水漾餐廳**](https://goo.gl/maps/RfTgutfpA7Hb2LHt8)
- 義式料理
- $400~500
- 於清華大學內
2. [**中崎家**](https://g.page/nakazakike?share)
- 日式咖哩飯
- $200
- 步行約14分鐘(1.1公里),店面較小
3. [**Go eat Tapas Dining BAR 西班牙餐酒館**](https://goo.gl/maps/pV8bWtXAnYofScgG9)
- 餐酒館
- $300~500
- 步行約13分鐘(1.1公里),有大桌子
4. [**La stella義式人文餐廳**](https://goo.gl/maps/3GaV5QJKemKTJCWz6)
- 義式料理
- $300~400
- 步行約9分鐘(0.8公里)
5. [**窯食**](https://g.page/yaoshi222?share)
- 披薩
- $300~500(整片)
- 步行約11分鐘(1公里),有大桌子
## Meeting
### Preparation
### Post-Event Review
1. 活動內容可能需要再詳細說明。
- 有些人好像會誤解 hacking session 和 training room 要一起參與。Agenda 可能有更好的方式來描述
- 也有人以為需要有專案才參加
2. 活動地點名稱須提前確認。
- 不然就寫地址就好(? 減少勘誤的問題
- 但在 kktix 上寫清楚也是對場地贊助者的尊重
3. 報名截止時間也需要在宣傳時提及。
4. 之後活動可以考慮提供名牌,以便會眾識別,認識彼此
5. post meeting
6. more helpers
#### 午餐
- 事前準備:
1. 訂餐。
- 可以一個人 2.5 片披薩計算。
3. 記得要打統編。
* 抬頭:財團法人開放文化基金會
* 統編:38552170
4. 如果訂披薩,有附飲料要記得買紙杯。
- 當天: ( 8 ~ 12 人)
1. 幫忙拿餐的 3~5 人。
2. 先設置好垃圾回收的垃圾袋 1 人。
3. 收拾整理(分類、清洗/摺疊回收物) 2~3 人。
4. 清潔(擦桌子、掃地) 2~3 人。
#### 場地
- 事前準備:
1. 申請場地: 參考指南 [NCTS](https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/scisprint-nthu-ncts-venue-note)
2. 停車券申請
3. Wifi 申請
4. 轉接頭
- 當天:
1. 安排延長線。
2. 桌椅安排。
3. 主持人提醒場地相關事項。(廁所、飲水機、垃圾桶)
#### 報帳流程:
- 參考 pycon 流程: https://hackmd.io/Q0UAT1knT52u0mHaqtWiUg?view
- 填寫 sciwork 表單: https://forms.gle/NJdc8NZ5m61X66457