# Scisprint 2022 December
###### tags: `scisprint`
**Date:** 3rd December, Saturday
**Time:** 13:00 -- 17:00 (4 hours)
Official page: https://sciwork.dev/sprint/2022/12-hsinchu
Event blog:
Album: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1o7Wvrkj-UgRYZJcejfpYx86wopWRw7qo?usp=share_link
# Attendees (sign-up)
The venue requires users to provide names. Please sign up using real names.
1. Yung-Yu Chen
2. Jenny
3. Chun-Hsu Lai
4. Chester Cheng
5. Zheng-Xuan Kuo
6. Wei Lee
7. petertc
8. Zonghanxie
# Agenda
* 13:00 -- 13:15 Arrival and seating
* 13:15 -- 13:30 Project introduction
* Quick overview of each project
* 13:30 -- 14:20 Coding session 1
* 14:20 -- 14:30 Group update (and discussion) session 1
* 14:30 -- 15:20 Coding session 2
* 15:20 -- 15:30 Group update (and discussion) session 2
* 15:30 -- 16:30 Coding session 3
* 16:30 -- 17:00 Project summary
* Include but not limit to the progress on the day
* 17:00 Dismiss for dinner
Group update (and discussion)
: Present progress and issue discussion in the development group
# Projects
## Sprint Training Room
Help new contributors with git/GitHub, such as cloning repo, creating branch, committing, resolving merge conflicts.
We will primary talk about git this time. We might address more topics about open source contribution in upcoming events.
In this workshop we use Git from the Unix Shell. Some previous experience with the shell is expected, but isn’t mandatory.
Please install Git bash before the event. Below are the official download package and reference.
- [official Git bash link](https://git-scm.com/)
- [install reference](https://gitbook.tw/chapters/environment/install-git-in-windows)
Leader: lynchu, oil_lin
Participants (also add your names here):
1. petertc
[git novice](https://swcarpentry.github.io/git-novice/)
## modmesh
Solve conservation laws using C++ and Python
Leader: Yung-Yu Chen (discord: @yyc)
Participants (also add your names here):
1. Ting-Yu Chuang
2. Chun-Hsu Lai
1. Python command line embedded in the Window
2. Discuss MDI
## commitizen-tools
Create committing rules for projects 🚀 auto bump versions ⬆️ and auto changelog generation 📂
Leader: Wei Lee (discord: @clleew)
Participants (also add your names here):
## pyLiteracy (中文檢查器)
Repetitive-zai (再) and LocativePeriodic-zai (在) share the same pronunciation in Mandarin. This has led to many typos due to lack of language-decency self-awareness in modern texts.
This project aims to make a Loki model that can examine whether the zai is used correctly or not.
URL: https://github.com/Chenct-jonathan/Loc_zai_and_Rep_zai_parser
**Leader**: Jonathan Chen
**Participants** (also add your names here):
1. PeterWolf
2. Joe Huang
3. Jonathan Chen
4. Lisi
0. Discussion ToDos
1. Raw data observation
2. Data washing strategy planning
3. Data washing script programming
4. Intent classification
5. Intent establishment onto Loki
6. ...
## Add your projects (template)
Participants (also add your names here):
# Venue
- NCTS at 5F, A Block, General Building III, NTHU (清華大學 綜合三館A區 5樓)
Address: 300新竹市東區光復路二段101號 清華大學 綜合三館A區 5樓
![](https://i.imgur.com/YZ11D3G.jpg =400x)
- Lobby
- 有咖啡機和飲水機 (沒照到)
- 場地照片:
- 大會議室
- 場地照片:
- 小會議室
- 場地照片:
The full list of possible venue at https://hackmd.io/@sciwork/venue-candidates
## Parking coupon
Parking fee is $30/hr, or you may sign up for coupon, where you will be charged $70 for one-time parking. Please sign up using real names .
1. Yung-Yu Chen
2. Chu, Hua-Rong
## Dining option
1. [**清華水漾餐廳**](https://goo.gl/maps/RfTgutfpA7Hb2LHt8)
- 義式料理
- $400~500
- 於清華大學內
2. [**中崎家**](https://g.page/nakazakike?share)
- 日式咖哩飯
- $200
- 步行約14分鐘(1.1公里),店面較小
3. [**Go eat Tapas Dining BAR 西班牙餐酒館**](https://goo.gl/maps/pV8bWtXAnYofScgG9)
- 餐酒館
- $300~500
- 步行約13分鐘(1.1公里),有大桌子
4. [**La stella義式人文餐廳**](https://goo.gl/maps/3GaV5QJKemKTJCWz6)
- 義式料理
- $300~400
- 步行約9分鐘(0.8公里)
5. [**窯食**](https://g.page/yaoshi222?share)
- 披薩
- $300~500(整片)
- 步行約11分鐘(1公里),有大桌子
- 步行距離以清華大學門口開始計算,為google map所提供之資料
# Workspace
## Task
- Sprint page [name=?]
- Venue (NTHU) [name=?]
- Parking coupn
- Access control
- Discussion topics [name=?]
- Event day host [name=?]
- After dinner [name=?]
## Online promotion
## Meeting
### Preparation
- pre-event:
- 希望能提供事前參與 sprint 的 hint。像是 build doc。
- Agenda draft:
- sprint training room: 如果不知道要參加哪個專案,就先來從如何貢獻開始吧~
- 專案介紹需要再多一些時間? expectation, to do, issue review,
- 讓專案之間可以互相了解。(也有助於一點宣傳)
### Post-Event Review