**Date:** October 3rd 9:00AM PDT **Topic:** SPECs ### Attendees - Jarrod Millman - Madicken Munk - ### Relevant Links - [Scientific Python - Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination](https://scientific-python.org/specs/) - [GitHub - scientific-python/specs: Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination (SPEC) documents](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs) ### Agenda 1. Updates - [spec-0 and spec-4 endorsements by xarray](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/270) - [endorse spec 4 by IPython](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/268) - [add MNE to list of SPEC001 adopters](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/271) - [Generate gallery from GH teams](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/276) 2. Teams - [How do you add a member?](https://deploy-preview-276--scientific-python-specs.netlify.app/specs/steering-committee/#how-do-you-add-a-member) - make a PR to https://github.com/scientific-python/teams - make a PR to https://github.com/scientific-python/scientific-python.org/ after running `make teams` - add them to https://discuss.scientific-python.org/g/spec-steering-committee - this requires that they have accounts on both GitHub and discuss.scientific-python.org. - Investigate [Invite discourse users to a group](https://meta.discourse.org/t/invite-users-to-a-group/15544) 3. Pending PRs - [SPEC-0000: Soften explicit drop schedule](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/273) - [Clarify schedule is guideline](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/272) 4. Affiliated projects / Domain stacks / Cards / Badges / etc. - [Question: Is there any core library missing?](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/241) - [Domain stacks](https://scientific-python.org/summits/domain-stacks/) - [Add badges](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/240) 5. Theme - [Dark theme](https://theme.scientific-python.org/) - [Project pages](https://scientific-python.org/specs/core-projects/ipython/) - other issues - reviewers / feature requests 6. CZI EEOS 6 - [LOI due October 17](https://chanzuckerberg.com/rfa/essential-open-source-software-for-science/) --- **Date:** June 26th 11:00AM PDT **Topic:** SPECs ### Attendees - Juanita Gomez - Jarrod Millman - Stéfan van der Walt - Matthias Bussonnier - Pamphile Roy - Kristen Thyng - Inessa Pawson - Paul Ivanov - Lars Grüter - Stefan van der Walt - Madicken Munk - Brigitta Sipőcz - Sanket Verma - Ralf Gommers - Pey Lian Lim ### Relevant Links - [Scientific Python - Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination](https://scientific-python.org/specs/) - [GitHub - scientific-python/specs: Scientific Python Ecosystem Coordination (SPEC) documents](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs) ### Agenda - SciPy 2023 sprint - Matthias: I'm not here but can try to remote join to migrate the bot if needs be. - Who would be here and have time to organise things ? - Kirsten comming but not to sprint. Pamphile same. - Maybe meet one evening. - Maybe one "Scientific Python Sprint" - I'm available to help on the 2nd day of sprints, i.e. 16th July - Sanket - I'll be there both days and can help, but organizing/leading will be difficult - Madicken - I'll be there both days of the sprints - Paul - I'll be there both days. Dinner/lunch breakout would work best - Brigitta - Will be there both days - @stefanv - I'll be there on both days - Inessa - I'll be there first day only but might not have full day for this - @pllim - Will be there both days, not sure whether scikit-image sprint will take precedence - @lagru - EuroSciPy 2023 sprint - No one seem to be going to ESP. - NF Project summit satellite meetings (September 11 - 13, 2023, Amsterdam, NL) - Maybe a satellite spec print a day before. - Matthias: I'll likely be there. - If I go, I would be interested - Brigitta - If I go, I'd be happy to work on SPECs - Inessa - Monthly calls - Matthias: I'm happy with monthly. - Madicken: I'm happy with montly also. - Matthias: Montly manucure ? - Madicken: Of course! Get ready to party. - Brigitta: would be happy with regular meetings - Sanket: In favour with monthly meetings. - Inessa: +1 for monthly meetings - Governance - Membership - "stepping out" - term limits - automatic conversion to emeritus status after year of inactivity - Inessa could help with the first draft - Core projects - Zarr ? - Yes! Will be sending a PR soon for the same - Sanket - how to deal with domain focusing, but large(ish) projects? - Madicken: This could run into political issues with other domain-specific packages (choosing one over another) - Brigitta: indeed, all or none feels like a better aproach. They can still choose to follow specs, participate in writing them, just won't be listed as endorsers. - Madicken +1 to that idea. It seems like a good way to be inclusive to the domain without seeming like a "cool kids club" - Affiliate / interested projects - Supporting projects (?) - automate membership invites etc. - New SPECs - Link to all current SPECs: https://scientific-python.org/specs/ - SPEC 0 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/173 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/177 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/190 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/211 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/217 - SPEC 1 - Additional endorsements? - SPEC 2 (replace?) - Adopt a new status (withdrawn/abandoned) - SPEC 3 - endorsements - SPEC 4 - Additional endorsements? - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/223 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/225 - SPEC 6 and 7 draft PRs - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/168 - https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/pull/180 ## TO DO - Clarify what 'endorse' means in the main website [#228](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/228) - Take down the website https://api-dispatch.scientific-python.org [#229](https://github.com/scientific-python/specs/issues/229) - Ralf will update SPEC 2 - SPEC 7 needs follow-up with scipy and scikit-learn