title: How this handbook came about
tags: live-v0.1, contributors
note id: 3AOua1VvQnO_bc4abOEJig
permalink: https://c19vax.scibeh.org/how
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> [name=Stefan Herzog] Once the first draft of this document is here, I can link to different parts of the Wiki from here (e.g., when we refer to "debunking").
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# How this _Handbook_ came about
Below we describe the process by which the handbook and accompanying Wiki was created in detail, for at least two reasons:
1. to be transparent, in particular with respect to the timeline for different stages of the project and the methodology by which the content has been developed and will be further updated.
2. to summarise the workflows and tools used, which could be useful for updating the handbook and for other, totally different projects by [SciBeh](https://scibeh.org) or others.
Many ideas in planning this handbook come from the process report ["Preregistration of methodology for document preparation"](https://osf.io/fahs4/) of the [Debunking Handbook 2020](https://sks.to/db2020).
## Purpose of the project
The project output is a **rapid resource to tackle vaccine hesitancy** in the context of COVID-19 based both on well-vetted and newly emerging research. Our objective is to provide answers for urgent questions that governments, policy-makers, practitioners, and the public have with regard to combatting vaccine hesitancy.
We deliver these answers in two related products:
1. **A PDF handbook of step-by-step communication recommendations specifically about COVID-19 vaccines for communicators, stakeholders, policy-makers, and the general public.** The handbook summarises
1. the principal variables that drive vaccine uptake in general;
2. how those variables can be applied to the case of COVID-19;
3. what anti-vaxxers do and how to respond to them; and
4. how specific misinformation relating to the vaccine can be prebunked and debunked.
2. **An online Wiki based on crowd-sourced expert evidence covering different perspectives on the problem.** The PDF handbook contains links to the Wiki for additional resources. The Wiki is developed in a modular structure, using crowd-sourced expert evidence from different areas (e.g., communications, behaviour, public health, incentives, personality, and beliefs). This allows different contributors to add to sections of a living document without the need to revise the short, standalone PDF handbook. The Wiki will be regularly updated to provide the most recent evidence and new resources that emerge over time (i.e., after the PDF handbook has been typeset and published).
## Target audience and scope of the project
The project targets a *broad audience*, including (but not limited to) governmental health organisations, intergovernmental groups, health practitioners (e.g., general practicioners), and policy-makers.
- The handbook is aimed at all types of *practitioners*, from physicians and nurses to journalists and people in government. The Wiki will provide a wider range of information and resources that these bodies and also members of the public can consult.
- The precise scope of coverage of the handbook was determined through the process described below.
- The scope of the Wiki is much wider than that of the PDF handbook, to allow for broader perspectives on the issue to be captured. These broader perspectives were, and will continue to be added according to the process described below.
## Process
This section documents the process of gathering content.
### Project co-ordination
This is a [SciBeh](https://scibeh.org) initiative. The "core team" members (see [SciBeh's project co-ordinators](/S7zo5YanTiSWS7IthKWcVQ?view#SciBeh%E2%80%99s-project-co-ordinators)) are responsible for co-ordinating the project, assigning tasks, and overseeing production and updates of the final outputs (PDF and Wiki).
<!-- DH, 2/1/21: I will update the contributors page again on Monday (currently I have just embedded the handbook author table, but I need to add SciBeh core team and another table for Wiki authors). After that I will return to this section to check the descriptions are aligned.
For example, for the handbook, we have used: 'co-ordinating lead authors', 'contributing authors'-->
### Content contribution
#### Creating the PDF Handbook
> [name=Stefan Herzog] About point 1.1: Can we be more specific?
> [name=lewan] maybe add (a) prior involvement in DB2020, (b) medical expertise, (c) experts in vax communication
> [name=Stefan Herzog] (a) is great because it has a concrete reference (DB2020). Are there tangible things for (b) and (c) we could refer to? E.g., the NHB paper you co-authored with Cornelia and others? Any JRC or WHO working groups you've been in contact with?
> [name=Stefan Herzog] Let's revisit this in v0.2
1. **Outline of handbook contents.** An outline for the topics to be covered was set out by the "handbook co-ordinators" in a collaborative document (using Google Docs). This outline also forms the skeleton to begin building the accompanying Wiki. Contributions were requested from:
- Authors of key papers and technical reports about vaccine hesitancy and pre-/debunking (see the [2020 Debunking handbook](https://sks.to/db2020)).
- Participants of the [SciBeh](https://scibeh.org) hackathon on [combatting COVID-19 misinformation](https://hackmd.io/@scibeh/HkV20LiLv#1-Combatting-COVID-19-misinformation-with-lessons-from-climate-change-denial).
2. **Feedback on handbook topics and structure.** Based on the proposed outline, feedback was sourced from contributors. The feedback was incorporated into a finalised draft of the outline.
3. **Handbook text.** Based on the finalised outline of topics, "handbook authors" drawn from the requested contributors (see point 1 above) were assigned to produce sections of content for inclusion. To match contributors' interests and expertise to the handbook topics, we used an online tool called [SimpleAssign](https://simpleassign.com/).
4. **Finalisation of handbook content.** "Handbook co-ordinators" reviewed the content prior to finalising for type setting.
#### Creating the Wiki
> a broader concept map proposing modules for wider perspectives related to the topics in the handbook to be interlinked in the Wiki.
> [name=Stefan Herzog] link to the map? not yet ready for wiki v0.1.
1. **Skeleton outline.** The "Wiki co-ordinators" created a skeleton outline for the Wiki to match that of the handbook. They started out by creating wiki pages for each of the "further resources" links in the PDF handbook and then added further pages for additional and broader concepts and a broader concept map proposing modules for wider perspectives related to the topics in the handbook to be interlinked in the Wiki.
2. **Stage 1 content contribution.** To populate the basic Wiki skeleton, "Wiki co-ordinators" gathered an eclectic evidence base by consulting:
* SciBeh's [Knowledge Base](https://www.scibeh.org/#kb)
* Further links in the sources cited in the handbook
* Resources recommended by "handbook authors"
* Participants of the SciBeh hackathon on [combatting COVID-19 misinformation](https://hackmd.io/@scibeh/HkV20LiLv#1-Combatting-COVID-19-misinformation-with-lessons-from-climate-change-denial)
* A call for relevant evidence and/or authoring contributions to the Wiki will be put out on SciBeh's research discussion reddit ([BehSciResearch](https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/))
3. **Expanded outline.** Through the evidence gathering process, "Wiki co-ordinators" invited experts to be "Wiki authors", with the task to convert the evidence into user-friendly Wiki content. To match "Wiki authors"' interests and expertise to the Wiki pages, we used an online tool called [SimpleAssign](https://simpleassign.com/).
4. **Feedback (currently in progress).** "Wiki co-ordinators" will gather feedback from Wiki users through two channels:
1. Feedback solicited from specific organisations that SciBeh is liaising with: European Commission, OECD, WHO, UNICEF, Robert Koch Institute (Germany), UK Cabinet Office.
2. User polls integrated into the Wiki site.
This feedback from the [different target audiences](/3AOua1VvQnO_bc4abOEJig?view#Target-audience-and-scope-of-the-project) will be used to inform the development of modules that address different use cases, improvements to presentation, and inform the development of new modules for related topics and disciplines.
5. **Further expansion (currently in progress).** "Wiki co-ordinators" and "Wiki authors" will monitor updates and new resources to be added to relevant modules in the Wiki during the whole of 2021 (and possibly beyond). A call for additional, relevant evidence and/or authoring contributions to the Wiki will be put out on SciBeh's research discussion reddit ([BehSciResearch](https://www.reddit.com/r/BehSciResearch/)).
### Product development
#### PDF Handbook
The finalised, typeset handbook forms the static version of this project, containing links to the Wiki for further resources, updates, and developments.
#### Wiki
1. **Skeleton framework.** The "web design" team created a Wiki landing page and skeleton framework of module pages to host the links identified in the handbook outline. As the prototype version of the Wiki accompaning the handbook launch, we implemented this using [HackMD](https://hackmd.io).
2. **Organisation of modules.** The "Wiki co-ordinators" decided how to best structure modules (comprising of pages with content/resources) to display relevant information.
3. **Co-ordination with content authors.** Interested authors for the Wiki identified through the [content contribution process](/3AOua1VvQnO_bc4abOEJig?view#Content-contribution) were assigned to specific pages in their modules. They were invited to the dedicated HackMD team space to produce the relevant Wiki pages.
4. **Use case design (currently in progress).** Development for different types of users to quickly access the most relevant knowledge (e.g., policy makers need a more concise summary than researchers looking to build on evidence).
5. **Link to ongoing discussions (currently in progress).** Integrate with Twitter and Reddit to capture ongoing vaccine-related discussions.
6. **Expanding the wiki (currently in progress)**
### Contributors
See [here for handbook and wiki contributors](https://hackmd.io/@scibehC19vax/contributors#Handbook-and-wiki-contributors).
<sub>Page contributors: Stefan Herzog, Dawn Holford, Stephan Lewandowsky</sub>
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## Project timeline
> [name=Stefan Herzog] Initially I thought to add a more compact, simplified Gantt timeline (see the commented out mermaid stuff toy example further below). But now I'm leaning towards keeping @olbeun 's full GoogleSpreadsheet info here.
> [name=Dawn] I think Ol’s spreadsheet is good because it reflects our actual plan as the project developed. Going forward, we do need to map out better how the Wiki will grow—either continuing on his spreadsheet or in a mermaid visualisation). For instance we could make a target timeline for how we want to expand out from existing content and invite more authors to contribute.
> [name=Stefan Herzog] Before the Gantt chart can go live, we need to check it again. Currently it's very wide. Maybe it's best to link to it instead of embedding it?
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRhcGAtCsVeO4jpBm6dGk__3Za75Lm_AGfqNblnzWqlFaZNmqdyR_VMRVj9L0lpUA/pubhtml?gid=711771806&single=true&widget=true&headers=false" width=900 height=800></iframe>
## Timeline
> [name=Stefan Herzog] Let's use a [Mermaid Gantt chart](https://hackmd.io/MathJax-and-UML?both#Mermaid) to give an impression of the timeline. This could be a (simplified) version of @olbeun 's GoogleSpreadsheet Gantt chart.
> See https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid/#/gantt and the live editor: https://mermaid-js.github.io/mermaid-live-editor/
title The 2020/2021 timeline (note: totally made up, dates are wrong)
axisFormat %b%d
section Preparation
First we did this :2020-12-01, 10d
We also did this :2020-12-05, 12d
section Creating the handbook
Then we wrote that :2020-12-07, 12d
And made it look nice : 5d
section Creating the wiki
Then we added more cowbell :2020-12-15, 12d
Then we added even more cowbell :2020-12-25, 10d
> [name=Stefan Herzog] The dates on the x-axis are a bit crowded, not sure whether there's an easy fix for this. Nothing happened here: https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid/issues/1301
> But it gives an ideas