# MEV Restaking Relay - Holesky Testnet v0.3 [TOC] > Updated March 7th, 2024 ## Auction Endpoint url: https://holesky-auction.securerpc.com/ under construction docs: https://www.mevauction.com/ ## Permissioning: Testnet vs Mainnet So wanted to just update you, right now we are having to use DSN authentication[^1] for permissioning on test net, on main net you would not have to so long as you use the rated.network self reporting API, we just pick up the validators from there and whitelist them. These are for internal usage only, if you are wanting access to the archival geth instance or rollup for your own testing let me know l2 geth: https://manifold:<REDACTED>@holesky-l2.v2-stag.manifoldx.com/ l1 geth: https://manifold:<REDACTED>@holesky.v2-stag.manifoldx.com/node/hqk/geth/ ### mev_sendBetaBundle - New Optional Bidding Method We have Added JSON-RPC Method for Bidding (optional). `mev_sendBetaBundle` ready on https://holesky-api.securerpc.com/v2 ## Restaking Relay and Vanilla Relay Endpoints New MEV Auction Relay Endpoint https://holesky-auction.securerpc.com/ Vanilla MEV Boost Relay Endpoint: https://holesky-relay.securerpc.com/ ## MEV Auction Beta Block Reference Here is what the new MEV Auction successful block looks like: https://holesky.beaconcha.in/slot/1095564 ### L2 Rollup Details See https://www.mevauction.com/Developers/testnet.html#node-operators #### Block Explorer: holesky-blockscout.securerpc.com ### mevETH LST on Holesky mevETH (holesky): https://holesky.etherscan.io/address/0x277058d78307f11e590d91edff3d4b1c0faa240c ### Footnotes [^1]: For an example usage, see https://github.com/sambacha/dsn-parser