# NeuroML editorial meeting: March 30, 1600 UTC This meeting is open for all to attend. Zoom link (login required, please contact Ankur Sinha on `ankur DOT sinha AT ucl DOT ac DOT uk` if you do not have a Zoom account but would like to attend): https://ucl.zoom.us/j/91477771121?pwd=K0ZnYkVmM2dpSjBZNG9uc2xTUXJCZz09 ## Attendees - Ankur Sinha - Subhasis Ray - Boris Marin - Padraig Gleeson - Salvador Dura Bernal - Sotirios Panagiotou - Robert McDougal ## Agenda - NeuroML - NeuroML2 repo (top/high level issues): https://github.com/NeuroML/NeuroML2/issues - open issues: https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+archived%3Afalse+user%3ANeuroML+ - open PRs: https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+archived%3Afalse+user%3ANeuroML+ - OSB repos (models converted to NeuroML/WIP): - open issues: https://github.com/issues?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Aissue+archived%3Afalse+user%3AOpenSourceBrain - open PRs: https://github.com/pulls?q=is%3Aopen+is%3Apr+user%3AOpenSourceBrain - GSoC updates: https://neurostars.org/t/gsoc-2023-project-idea-21-1-open-source-brain-cross-simulator-large-scale-cortical-models-in-neuroml-and-pynn/24921?u=sanjayankur31 - Action items from last meeting - NEURON changes in spike times: probably because of modifications in NEURON constant values: https://nrn.readthedocs.io/en/8.0.0/python/programming/math/constants.html?highlight=legacy#constants - We modify the spike times assuming the new NEURON values are the correct ones - Next meeting in end of April - Ankur send out e-mail discussing presence at CNS. Question: how does one exclude a repository from the search results?? `NOT repository:OpenSourceBrain/OSBv2` or `-repository:..` doesn't seem to work.