# Software WG meeting: Thursday 19 September ## Attendees 0800 - Ankur Sinha (UCL/Open Source Brain/NeuroML) - Dinara Issagaliyeva (INCF/Charite Universitätsmedizin Berlin) - Malin Sandström (INCF) - Shailesh Appukuttan (CNRS/EBRAINS) - Chitaranjan Mahapatra (CNRS/EBRAINS) - Stewart Heitmann (Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute) 1700 - Ankur Sinha - Reema Gupta (LMU/In2PrimateBrains Consortium) ## Agenda ### Tasks from last meeting - No pending tasks from last meeting (or to be discussed in their own topics) ### Updates from CNS 2022 - Stewart: software showcase (only one showcase this year) - Relatively low turnout at Melbourne - Will be good to see how next year at Leipzig is attended - People seem to prefer learning in their own time rather than attend live tutorials---also because we're spending more time on documentation and improved video tutorials - Showcases: excellent opportunity to quickly introduce tool to community - Idea: include showcases in next year's sattelite tutorials (online) - Question: will CNS2023 have an online component? #### Brief update from the OCNS Board Meeting (Malin) - discussing diversity - satellite tutorials were good to improve diversity - SIGs are good for DEI - endorsement of tools - good to do but don't have bandwidth - sensitive issue: must focus on positives - WG would be the logical place for endorsment - guidelines (WIP): set of principles that everyone agrees on as required for a good tool - page on picking tools, which lists featured (WIP) - software prizes - similar issues with not stepping on toes - could have many prizes in many different categories to cover lots of different softwares - best to set up a task force for longer WG activities that works intensively on the selected task (guidelines/form) - incentives - mention taskforce on CV - learning/participation experience - could be published in the F1000 INCF journal or pre-print/zenodo/etc. - ACTION: Ankur send out e-mail to try and set up task forces for the two long running tasks - NOTE: new guidelines/etc. must be kept up to date - Also ask wider community for task force contributions - Make DEI regular event at OCNS conference: Board positive response - have a community development component at each annual conference - DEI - post-doc development - software showcases - grant applications - software best-practices - larger discussion that needs to be held at Board level ### Updates from bernstein conf ### Updates from INCF assembly - videos publicly available before end of the year - DEI sessions to be publicised widely - need more time for DEI discussion - good session for start - lots of good points (but overlapping also) - Gather: limitation: cannot directly record, had to use specific tool - Ask INCF not to clash with Bernstein/other conference ### Satellite tutorials feedback form - small data set - people seem OK to pay a small amount - see if we can find sponsors to reduce the token registration fee: - lean on OCNS's contacts etc for sponsorship - see how much INCF ended up paying for the platforms at the Assembly (Malin will see if this info is available) - registration fee important to get better idea of actual attendence numbers. ## Other - https://www.nitrc.org/ -> add to resources - Guidelines: add use-cases as examples