--- title: 🔰 SafeDAO tags: safe description: Digital ownership for everyone image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/8467082/1674046807/1500x500 --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">🔰 SafeDAO</h1> # About #### Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF) docs - Site: [safe.global/governance](https://safe.global/governance) - [SafeDAO Governance Hub](https://safe-global.notion.site/SafeDAO-Governance-Hub-6a7368cc72554c8d94b05fcc47f246d5) #### Mission - Bring digital ownership to everyone by building a universal and open smart contract standard for custody of digital assets, data, and identity with the [Safe](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IiCJ2WESRO23kNCxWRKTz3nVysqOBuxnmuIVTL9JK04/edit#heading=h.e63zvmii9ax5) ecosystem. - [Constitution](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/discussion-safedao-constitution/1749/1) (Draft 2023-01-05) #### Community - Twitter: [@safe](https://twitter.com/safe) and [@safegovernance](https://twitter.com/safegovernance) - Forum: [forum.gnosis-safe.io](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io) - Safe Discord: [discord.com/invite/TwzFWhDSrW](https://discord.com/invite/TwzFWhDSrW) - Safe builders Telegram: [t.me/+uJZdneB_8zkxNGMy](https://t.me/+uJZdneB_8zkxNGMy) - Blog: [safe.mirror.xyz](https://safe.mirror.xyz) #### Calendar - [Public URL](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_547fe085bcb8ca03492e7427fe6c5a58d95c08aeb627c0ceb35c19a0c1450c83%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FNew_York) - Auto sync events in your Google calendar 1. Open [calendar.google.com](https://calendar.google.com) 2. Open the left navigation menu if it's not already open: Select the 3 horizontal lines menu button in the top-left corner 3. Add a new calendar: "Other calendars" section > Select "Add other calendars" (<kbd>+</kbd> button) > "Subscribe to calendar" > Copy and paste the "Calendar ID" and select the autopopulated search result: `c_547fe085bcb8ca03492e7427fe6c5a58d95c08aeb627c0ceb35c19a0c1450c83@group.calendar.google.com` # Governance **Mission** – Coordinate on initiatives that help further the goals of the Safe ecosystem. ## Safe ecosystem proposals (SEPs) - Safe Ecosystem Proposal (SEP) - Creating a Snapshot proposal requires 20,000 SAFE tokens - [[HOW TO] SafeDAO Governance Process](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/how-to-safedao-governance-process/846) - [[Template] Safe Ecosystem Proposal (Season 1)](https://forum.safe.global/t/template-safe-ecosystem-proposal-season-1/4375) - Optional for phase 0 - Required for phase 1 ## Claim SAFE tokens - Claim (Onchain transaction): [app.safe.global](https://app.safe.global) > Connect account (Top-right) > Select account (Left navigation menu) > *Your voting power* > Select *Delegating to* > Select *Claim Safe Tokens* - Claim vested tokens as they become available - If [delegating](#Delegate): Save your delegates ETH address on the *Choose a delegate* step to see how the delegate votes on future proposals. ## Vote - Sites - [snapshot.org/#/safe.eth](https://snapshot.org/#/safe.eth) - [snapshot.org/#/grants.safe.eth](https://snapshot.org/#/grants.safe.eth) - About - Start/end dates displayed are in local time depending on the machine's settings. - [DAO settings](https://snapshot.org/#/safe.eth/settings): Voting strategies, quorum, and etc. - Voting with a Safe account 1. Vote directly from the Safe app: [app.safe.global](https://app.safe.global) 2. Go to *Apps* > *Snapshot* > Vote with your Safe account. 3. Approve the required threshold for your Safe account. - Total voting power: Includes vested and unclaimed and unvested tokens. - There's no need to claim new tokens that have vested in order to increase voting power. - Original holder can override a [delegate](#Delegate) by voting on a proposal - Default of [Snapshot voting](https://hackmd.io/@openinfo/daos#Snapshot-voting) - Order of votes doesn't matter - *See [SafeDAO Governance Hub](https://safe-global.notion.site/SafeDAO-Governance-Hub-6a7368cc72554c8d94b05fcc47f246d5) > [Delegation](https://safe-global.notion.site/Delegation-ce8deecb409349d2a2785b505b9d5e86)* - Temperature check: [snapshot.org/#/safegov.eth](https://snapshot.org/#/safegov.eth) ## Incorporation *SafeDAO and Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF) are separate entities.* ### Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF) - About - SEF is a [Swiss non-profit](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tSayb53cQJZd8uldNmtQv_R5PiKrU_6JfFRoL36xgR4/edit#heading=h.wkghaki8zg6k) - Incorporation filing: [Safe Ökosystem Stiftung](https://stiftungen.stiftungschweiz.ch/organisation/safe-oekosystem-stiftung) - A Swiss Foundation acts similar to a smart contract in that the rules to follow must be clearly defined or else liable under Swiss law. - Committees - The foundation can create community-elected committees, e.g. Grants - The foundation's board has veto power. - Personal liabilities - Board members have full personal liability. - Regular participating members have limited personal liability. ### Future potential SafeDAO <> SEF relationship - SafeDAO becomes a primary governance body of SEF - Potentially formed through a foundation committee composed of SafeDAO members. - Governance, e.g. Electing the board - Mandates - Budgets - Guidelines/processes - Timeline: Can take 1-2 years ### Resources - [GIP-2: SAFE Token Model](https://forum.gnosis.io/t/gip-2-safe-token-model/691) _on GnosisDAO proposal_ - [Safe Foundation, proposed steward of the Gnosis Safe ecosystem, plans to raise $100 million](https://www.theblock.co/post/134253/safe-foundation-proposed-steward-of-the-gnosis-safe-ecosystem-plans-to-raise-100-million) *by The Block 2022-02-15* ## Delegate ### About - Delegate voting power of SAFE tokens to someone else - Can only delegate to one person - Delegation is editable ### Delegate - [snapshot.org/#/delegate/safe.eth](https://snapshot.org/#/delegate/safe.eth): Connect to Safe with the WalletConnect app - [Delegates list](https://github.com/safe-global/claiming-app-data/blob/main/guardians/assets/guardians.csv) - Check Safe's current delegate - App: *[app.safe.global](https://app.safe.global)* > *Home view* > *Governance* > *Your voting power* card > *Delegated to* {*Your delegate*} - URL: `app.safe.global/eth:{your-address-here}/home` ### View votes - [SAFE Governance Stats](https://app.flipsidecrypto.com/dashboard/safe-governance-stats-pQHQGV) - [Forum post](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/safedao-governance-dashboard/1946/6) - Built *by [flipsidecrypto](https://twitter.com/flipsidecrypto)* - Issue: [Cannot find address or ENS name in the dashboard 2022-12-18](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/safedao-governance-dashboard/1946/8?u=adamhurwitz.eth) - See specific snapshot, e.g. [SEP #1: SafeDAO Participation Agreement](https://snapshot.org/#/safe.eth/proposal/0x87c8091b5edc2cb489cc0f4231c8b675dbb1b11aa42c260c81ead9cf312f193f) > *Votes* section > Search for your delegates ENS domain or ETH address # Safe Grants Program (SGP) ## About - Mission - Build a community of contributors through funding ideas, projects, and integrations - Not for driving SAFE token utility (Structure in-progress by the SafeDAO) - Funding: $1mm total - Funded by the [Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF)](#Safe-Ecosystem-Foundation-SEF) - Forum - [[Discussion] Safe Grants Program (SGP)](https://forum.gnosis-safe.io/t/discussion-safe-grants-program-sgp/3213) *2023-04-12* ## Wave 1 ### About - Funding: $500k - Paid in fiat or USDC - Potential for SAFE payments post-transferability - Duration: 6 months - 24 weeks - 18 weeks operations - 6 weeks review - Grants organized by categories ### Categories - Build (~40% fund allocation) - Growth (~30% fund allocation) - Research (~20% fund allocation) - Govern (~10% fund allocation) ### Applications #### Community reviewers on the SGP council - 3 roles available - Time commitment: 10 hours per week - Compensation - $2,000 USDC per month - SAFE token retroactive grant to be determined - Resources - [Grants Council Elections](https://safe-global.notion.site/Grants-Council-Elections-b4d13088ed694c12b4b179094a021010) - Dates timeline: *Voting and Elections Information* - [Candidate Proposal Instructions](https://safe-global.notion.site/Candidate-Proposal-Instructions-52920f9d37c049fea2568f13e3e99a15) - [Expression of Interest to Safe Ecosystem Foundation (SEF)](https://notionforms.io/forms/grants-council-applications-copr3m) - [Safe Grants Council Nominations](https://forum.safe.global/t/safe-grants-council-nominations/3419/1) *2023-05-25* #### Grants - *See [Safe Grants](https://safe-global.notion.site/Safe-Grants-7a14a7403f1f44f0bfb236a7521dac91) by SEF* - Number of grants: ~30 - Compensation - Grant size: $5-50k - SAFE token retroactive grant to be determined - Up-front payments - May request an initial amount. - Cannot exceed 20% of the total requested amount (Unless the grant is < 3 months) - Published on the SafeDAO forum - Timelines - Reviewed weekly - Approved monthly - Deliverable timeframe: 4 months - Review and next cycle planning: 2 months - Milestones required - Tracks the progress of the grant - *Benchmark* milestones: Progress - *Critical* milestones: Outcomes # AAccelerator program ### About - 5 projects building on AA + Safe{Core} will join a 12 week program to incubate their startup - In partnership with LongHash Ventures - Benefits - $200,000 funding per team - Web3-native curriculum, workshops, and support - Mentor office hour sessions - Demo day pitch to investors #### Resources - [Introducing Safe{AAccelerator} a turbo boost for builders in the Transition to Smart Accounts](https://safe.mirror.xyz/K9g56CNpDzWjONYDDdSgD-h4AtXQBHH_TsltCOwrVO0) *by Safe Ecosystem Foundation* - [Application](https://longhashventures.typeform.com/safecohort?typeform-source=forum.safe.global) - [LongHash Ventures FAQ Sessions](https://calendly.com/d/yyk-ty3-bdk/lhx-faq-sessions?month=2023-08&date=2023-08-01) # Safe builders’ fellowship program - *See [Introducing Safe{AAccelerator} a turbo boost for builders in the Transition to Smart Accounts](https://safe.mirror.xyz/K9g56CNpDzWjONYDDdSgD-h4AtXQBHH_TsltCOwrVO0)* - 20-25 projects - Benefits - Technical and developer support from Safe - Access to workshops and fireside chats - Mentor office hour sessions <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not financial, technical, or legal advice. Consult professionals and do your own research.</p> <style> .markdown-body h1 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 3.4rem; } .markdown-body { font-size: 1.8rem; } .markdown-body a:link { color: #3C8974 } .markdown-body a:hover { color: #225347 } .markdown-body a:active { color: #225347 } </style>