--- title: 🔰 Multinetwork Safe tags: safe description: Safe accounts that can be created and managed across multiple protocol networks image: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_banners/8467082/1674046807/1500x500 --- <h1 style="text-align: center;">Multinetwork Safe</h1> # About - Safe accounts that can be created and managed across multiple protocol networks, e.g. Ethereum mainnet, Optimism, Arbitrum, Polygon, etc. # Offchain accounts - Aka Counterfactual accounts - Accounts that have not been initialized onchain, i.e. There is no onchain activity - Can still receive and store assets - Used for externally owned accounts (EOAs) and smart contract accounts # Externally owned accounts vs Smart contract accounts *See [Account Abstraction in a Multichain Landscape - Part 1: Addresses](https://safe.mirror.xyz/4GcGAOFno-suTCjBewiYH4k4yXPDdIukC5woO5Bjc4w) by Safe* ## Externally owned accounts (EOAs) - Compatible across many networks - Each network uses the same account address - Actions on each network are independent of each other - E.g. Sending or receiving an asset occurs only on the network it is initiated on ## Smart contract accounts ### About - Safe is a smart contract account - Each account is associated to a specific network - Actions on each network are independent of each other - E.g. Adding or removing an an approval account on a Safe account ### Downsides - Not possible to have the same address on non EVM networks - Assets can mistakenly be sent to the wrong network - Network bridging complexity - User management complexity - These issues arise when using counterfactual accounts to create accounts with the same address: Created using the Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) [counterfactual deployment (CREATE2)](https://docs.openzeppelin.com/cli/2.7/deploying-with-create2) opcode ### Apps #### smol - Site: [smold.app](https://smold.app/) - App: [multisafe.app](https://multisafe.app/safe) - About: Use the same Safe account address across multiple networks - X: [@smoldapp](https://twitter.com/smoldapp) # Identification accounts - Network specific IDs - Safe accounts have a network specific ID prefixed to each address ([ERC-3770](https://eips.ethereum.org/EIPS/eip-3770)) - Prevents assets or tokens to be sent to the wrong network - Unified human readable account name - ENS to link all associated network addresses - ENS supports [multichain address resolution](https://docs.ens.domains/ens-improvement-proposals/ensip-11-evmchain-address-resolution) # Bridging accounts ## About - *See [How can a Safe hold asset on multiple chains?](https://forum.safe.global/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242) by Martin Köppelmann on Safe forum* - Arbitrary message bridge (AMB) - Network controls actions on any network that is connected via an Arbitrary message bridge (AMB) - Bridge sends messages across 2 accounts on 2 different networks to each other - Relies on bridge security which is a single point of failure ## Push vs Pull model - *See [Vitalik Buterin's response](https://forum.safe.global/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242/13?u=adamhurwitz.eth) to [How can a Safe hold asset on multiple chains?](https://forum.safe.global/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242) on Safe forum* - Push: The account on the "main" network pushes actions to other networks to sync - Pull: The account on the "main" network does an action, and the other networks pull new actions from the "main" network - Transactions are faster - There is no asynchronous step required - It’s all one single synchronous transaction on chain - Saves spending gas on the "main" network - Reduce complexity of paying for transaction fees on multiple networks ## Apps #### Hashi - *See [Safe on Hashi](https://www.gnosis.io/blog/safe-on-hashi) by Gnosis* - About - Created by Gnosis as a [Safe module](https://hackmd.io/@safe/oi/https%3A%2F%2Fhackmd.io%2F%40safe%2Farchitecture#Pluginsmodules) - Creates a main Safe that can control secondary Safes on other networks - Built prototypes for both [push and pull strategies](#Push-vs-Pull-model) - X: [@hashialliance](https://twitter.com/hashialliance) - GitHub: [github.com/crosschain-alliance/safe-crosschain](https://github.com/crosschain-alliance/safe-crosschain) #### Peanut Protocol - Site: [peanut.to](https://peanut.to) - About - Uses a deposit and withdrawal model - The account on the "main" network makes a deposit protected by a secret key - An account on another network makes a withdrawal using the secret key - Resources - [Hugo Montenegro's response](https://forum.safe.global/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242/19?u=adamhurwitz.eth) to [How can a Safe hold asset on multiple chains?](https://forum.safe.global/t/how-can-a-safe-hold-asset-on-multiple-chains/2242) *on Safe forum* - [A new primitive to butter web3](https://peanutprotocol.notion.site/A-new-primitive-to-butter-web3-ac9260237d3f4075bf6e87a27912e65f) # Proof accounts ## About - *See [Deeper dive on cross-L2 reading for wallets and other use cases](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/06/20/deeperdive.html) by Vitalik Buterin* - Uses keystore contracts between networks - The user has a main account on a layer 1 (L1) or layer 2 (L2) that manages all accounts - Verification key for accounts across all networks used, i.e. Action approval key - Rules for changing the key, e.g. Social recovery ## Strategies ### Light – Syncing a keystore account and network account approval keys - There is a "main" account with a keystore state and a function to sync with other network account signing (approval) keys - Other network accounts signing key - Cross-chain proof to check other network's current key - Update its own local current key - When initializing on a new network the function will request the key from other networks - Benefits - Secured onchain with account keys - Limited need for potentially expensive cross network proofs - Downsides - Potentially expensive onchain account key change transactions - Lack of privacy because accounts can be linked publicly using the proof timestamps: [Deeper dive on cross-L2 reading for wallets and other use cases > Preserving privacy](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2023/06/20/deeperdive.html#preserving-privacy) *by Vitalik Buterin* ### Heavy – Verify every action - Cross network proof for every onchain transaction to verify keystores - Benefits - Less complexity due to not managing a keystore state - Updating keystores is inexpensive - Downside - Currently expensive cross network proofs - Not easily compatible with ERC-4337: Does not support cross contract reading of mutable objects during validation ## Research #### Wonderland - Site: [defi.sucks](https://defi.sucks/) - About: Researching multinetwork Safe accounts powered by proofs - [The current state of storage proofs](https://defi.sucks/insights/current-state-of-storage-proofs) - GitHub: [github.com/defi-wonderland/safe-liveness](https://github.com/defi-wonderland/safe-liveness) - X: [@DeFi_Wonderland](https://twitter.com/DeFi_Wonderland) # Cross-chain interoperability protocol (CCIP) accounts ## About - Site: [chain.link/cross-chain](https://chain.link/cross-chain) - Chainlink's network for sharing data across protocol networks ## Apps #### Klaster - Site: [klaster.io](https://klaster.io) - Features - Create accounts used across multiple networks from an existing Safe account - The Klaster account creates a main account that manages multiple networks - The main account can be from any supported network - The main account is created from an existing Safe on the same network - Create multiple sub-accounts for different uses from the same main account - Approval accounts only need to be updated once from the main account - Lower transaction (txn) fees (In-progress 2024-01-09) - Lower gas fees by creating an intent from the main Klaster account that is finalized on a layer 2 (L2) - To research - CCIP network security and decentralization - The number of validators - Geographical distribution of validators - Technical requirements of validators - Profitability: *Fee revenue earned - Operating costs* - X: [@klaster_io](https://twitter.com/klaster_io) # Safe alternative accounts #### Unwallet - Site: [unwallet.me](https://unwallet.me) - About - Focuses on biometric approvals, i.e. Face and fingerprint - Powered by CCIP and ENS domains - Built at and the winners of December 2023 Chainlink hackathon: [Announcing the Winners From Constellation: A Chainlink Hackathon](https://blog.chain.link/constellation-hackathon-winners/) *by Chainlink* - X: [@unwallet_me](https://twitter.com/unwallet_me) - Opportunities - Backup passkey - Add approval accounts, e.g. Hardware device, browser, or mobile app - Firefox browser support - Yubico Yubikey support <p style="text-align: center; font-style: italic">This is not financial, technical, or legal advice. Consult professionals and do your own research.</p> <style> .markdown-body h1 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 3.4rem; } .markdown-body { font-size: 1.8rem; } .markdown-body a:link { color: #3C8974 } .markdown-body a:hover { color: #225347 } .markdown-body a:active { color: #225347 } </style>