# Rust Learning Project Meeting 2021-01-12 ## Agenda * Introductions (**optional**) * Name * What drew you to this group? * Shout outs * Special shout out to: * Educators * Researchers * Everyone involved on Rust * We are not starting from nothing - there is a lot of collective knowledge that already exists. We need to tap into that, and we encourage anyone who has already been involved in anything Rust and/or learning related to participate. * Defining the charter * The proposed charter: ***help* make Rust easier to learn**. * Defining high level goals and non-goals * See proposed goals and non-goals [here](https://hackmd.io/Pa5ylZC1SDuFIBjlOCr5Ng#Charter-and-Goals). * Defining the artifacts and success metrics: * See proposed artifacts and success metrics [here](https://hackmd.io/Pa5ylZC1SDuFIBjlOCr5Ng#Artifacts-and-Success-Metrics) * First activities: * Defining terms * Concerns over the use of the term "learnability" as being ill-defined and not used in the literature. * See the proposed first activity [here](https://hackmd.io/Pa5ylZC1SDuFIBjlOCr5Ng#First-Activity)