# Other Options For Building Containers
### Creating A Dockerfile
* Used to describe how to build a container for your app
* Since Spring Boot just requires Java all you need is a JDK and your jar
* Create a file in the root of your app called `Dockerfile` with the below content
FROM openjdk:8-jdk-alpine
COPY target/k8s-demo-app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar","/app.jar"]
:exclamation: The above is *not* intended for general purpose production use. It is the quickest, dirtiest way to get a Spring Boot app into a container. See this [guide](https://spring.io/guides/topicals/spring-boot-docker) for more detail.
### Choosing A JDK
* JDK 8u192 introduced support for containers
* The JDK will be able to see the memory and CPUs available to the container as opposed to what the host has available
### Building A Container
* To build a container for our app we need to run `docker build`
$ docker build -t my-dockerfile-k8s-demo ./
* Running `docker images` will allow you to see the built container
$ docker images
my-dockerfile-k8s-demo latest ab449be57b9d 5 minutes ago 124MB
### Jib It!
* [Jib](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib) is a tool from by Google to make building Docker containers easier
* Runs as a Maven or Gradle plugin
* Does not require a Docker deamon
* Implements many Docker best practices automatically

### Add Jib To Your POM
* Open the POM file of your app and add the following `plugin` to the `build` section
### Using Jib To Build A Container
* Now building a container is as simple as building our app
$ ./mvnw clean compile jib:dockerBuild
* NOTE: This still uses your local Docker dameon to build the container
### Putting The Container In A Registry
* Up until this point the container only lives on your machine
* It is useful to instead place the container in a registry
* Allows others to use the container
* [Docker Hub](https://hub.docker.com/) is a popular public registry
* Private registries exist as well
### Using Jib To Push To A Registry
* By default [Jib will try and push the image to Docker Hub](https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/jib/tree/master/jib-maven-plugin#using-docker-hub-registry)
* We will push our container to a registry associated with our Kubernetes cluster
* Login to [https://harbor.workshop.demo.ryanjbaxter.com/](https://harbor.workshop.demo.ryanjbaxter.com/) with your supplied username and password
* Once logged in you will see two projects, one called `library` and the other with the same name as your user, we will use the one with the same name as your user
### Modify Jib Plugin Configuration
* Back in your POM file, modify the Jib plugin, specifically the image name
* We also add an execution goal in order to do the container build and push whenever we run our Maven build
* **Be sure to replace `USERNAME` in the image name with your supplied user name**