# Libs Meeting 2024-04-03 ###### tags: `Libs Meetings` `Minutes` **Meeting Link**: https://meet.jit.si/rust-libs-meeting-ujepnbwg2lzqgt6wvrndwimi **Attendees**: Amanieu, Josh Triplett, The 847, Chris Denton, Mara ## Agenda - Triage - Anything else? ## Triage ### FCPs 1 rust-lang/rust T-libs FCPs - merge rust.tf/115746 *Print thread ID in panic message if thread name is unknown* - (3 checkboxes left) [m-ou-se (1)](https://rfcbot.rs/fcp/m-ou-se), [the8472 (1)](https://rfcbot.rs/fcp/the8472), [joshtriplett (1)](https://rfcbot.rs/fcp/joshtriplett) ### (Critical) rust.tf/122857 `P-critical` *No backtrace on windows with current rustc stable* Worked around in 1.77.1 released a few days ago. No longer critical? Removed libs label, leave it to the compiler team. ### (Backports) rust.tf/122396 *Less generic code for Vec allocations* Very small improvement. Not worth backporting. Beta rejected. ### (Backports) rust.tf/123057 *unix fs: Make hurd using explicit new rather than From* Beta accepted. ### (Prioritization Requested) rust.tf/123369 *\`VecDeque::shrink\_to\` leads to UB if \`handle\_alloc\_error\` unwinds.* Medium priority because it's only on nightly. ### (Nominated) rust.tf/122268 *Link MSVC default lib in core* Amanieu: Question is whether no_std can assume the system libs are available? I want to argue: yes The 8472: What if someone wants to build sandboxed code that will run in a very restricted environment? Josh: Then it should probably use the -none target The 8472: Do we have those? And do they have a matching ABI? Amanieu: I think we have them as tier 3 The 8472: We need a definition of what no_std means. We should collect use cases and find a good definition. Mara: We need RFRs: Request For Research. For this particular PR: Merge and continue. ### (Waiting on team) rust.tf/122661 *Assert that the first \`assert!\` expression is \`bool\`* Mara: Discussed this in libs-api yesterday, but we forgot to consider &bool Josh: Seems reasonable to accept &bool Josh: Might be worth crater'ing Conclusion: try crater first, then talk more. ### (Regressions) rust.tf/123285 *regression: unsafe precondition(s) violated: slice::get\_unchecked\_mut requires that the index is within the slice* Just detecting UB. Nothing to do; won't fix.