--- title: Planning meeting 2023-11-01 tags: T-lang, planning-meeting, minutes date: 2023-11-01 discussion: https://rust-lang.zulipchat.com/#narrow/stream/410673-t-lang.2Fmeetings/topic/Planning.20meeting.202023-11-01 url: https://hackmd.io/mbc0KrugSTeUlbRrXr3F6Q --- # T-lang planning meeting agenda - Meeting date: 2023-11-01 ## Attendance - People: TC, nikomatsakis, tmandry, pnkfelix, scottmcm, waffle, eholk ## Meeting roles - Minutes, driver: TC ## Proposed meetings - "weak alias types for Rust 2024" [#227](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/227) - "T-types proposal for stabilizing type alias impl Trait (TAIT)" [#233](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/233) - "Nail down cargo-script syntax proposal" [#232](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/232) - "We need to settle the behaviour of floating-point in `const`" [#222](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/222) - "2023 roadmap update" [#188](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/188) - "discuss/resolve `fn { mod { (use) super::...; } }` and its interaction with derive patterns" [#193](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/193) - "Design meeting: Rust issues encountered by new Rust users in the Bevy project" [#229](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/229) Please update these in https://github.com/orgs/rust-lang/projects/31/views/7. ## Availability Dates: - 8th: "T-types proposal for stabilizing type alias impl Trait (TAIT)" [#233](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/233) - 15th: Edition roadmap review (?) - 22nd: Thanksgiving. No meeting. Unless we need spillover on the edition work. - 29th: "weak alias types for Rust 2024" [#227](https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/227) People: - scottmcm: - pnkfelix: out 22nd - NM: - tmandry: out 22nd(?) - josh: - TC: OK on all dates. ## Minutes ### Edition NM: tmandry, what the story on the edition? tmandry: There really haven't been meetings yet. The RFC was recently merged. NM: I agree with Josh we should be looking at lang team candidates. TC: Here is the 2024 edition survey: https://hackmd.io/itGzgM1fQl-oh4d1iP8sFg tmandry: It needs more organization. I'm interested in doing that. NM: I'm interested in the breaking changes. TC: We should review our lints for what should become hard errors. I.e., what did we plan to do in the past that we should do now. tmandry: Hopefully those would be tagged with the edition label. NM: We should talk with bstrie and esteban. tmandry: ... NM: I'm expecting to start from a list of all of the things that have been proposed. There's a spreadsheet we used last time. In particular the features tab of this: [spreadsheet link](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1chZ2SL9T444nvU9al1kQ7TJMwC3IVQQV2xIv1HWGQ_k/edit#gid=1034375760) NM: This had all the things proposed with checkpoints. tmandry: It's a short list. NM: It was pruned. And we didn't have a lot that year. sm: We have lots of things like <https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/114447> that we know we'd like to do but have had zero progress. tmandry: I'll set up a project tracking board. NM/TC: Should we schedule it? ... tmandry: What's the outcome we'd want for this meeting? NM: We largely want to triage. ### cargo-script NM: Maybe a whole hour on that would be premature. pnkfelix: +1. ### T-types proposals NM: If it'll take two weeks to get the editon done. Let's do one of the T-types ones ahead of that. ## Active initiatives ### "project-safe-transmute" lang-team#21 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/21 ### "const-evaluation" lang-team#22 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/22 ### "const-generics" lang-team#51 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/51 ### "Deref patterns" lang-team#88 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/88 ### "Generators (iterator functions), sync and async" lang-team#137 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/137 ### "Initiative: trusted external static declarations" lang-team#149 **Link:** https://github.com/rust-lang/lang-team/issues/149