# OMI Website Content ## Drew: OMI Goals Draft ### Principles [Help pick and prioritize 5-7 (or fewer) guiding principles] Privacy, security, accessibility, consent, interoperability, inter-connectability, transparency, human-centered, culture, community/communal, progress/progressive, cooperative, innovative, generative, sustainable, intentional, diverse, freedom, open-source, sharing, collaboration, agility, united, resilient, safe/safety, easy, progressive, meaningful, positive, consensus, useful/utility, efficiency, optimization, dependability, reliability, quality, integrity, sustainability, accountability, responsibility, creativity, equality, unity, intentional, empowerment, freedom of choice, identity, Portable Content, Portable Identity, Open Social Graph, ... ### Vision [something the reader can see in their mind] ### Vision Draft 1 [] We envision an accessible standard for Metaverse interconnections, as reliable paths by which to [navigate/traverse/experience/explore] other worlds. ### Vision Draft 2 [] To reach through the Metaverse to build, connect, and collaborate with others, wherever they are. ### Vision Draft 3 [more 'what' than vision] OMI is a cultural tool anyone can use for connecting across the Metaverse. ### Vision Draft 4 [] We see/envision a Metaverse which inherently enables the potentiality of human connection accessible interfaces and design structures. ### Vision Draft 5 [] # Mission [So ambitious/grand that we can perpetually orient towards, and support it with each decision made] - Metaverse is a shared virtual canvas will bypass natural reality. - Every tech connects to ever other tech for the user. ## Values [Fundamental beliefs that guide and motivate attitudes and actions] ## Goals [Incremental steps fulfilling toward the Mission alignment] Drew: About OMI Draft ### One Line Concept Draft 1 [wordy] OMI is a community (which is) centered on developing and supporting open-access paradigms for a continually generative Metaverse [to support the humans who use it]. ### OLC Draft 2 [prescriptive] OMI is community development of protocols for accessing our generative Metaverse. ### OLC Draft 3 [descriptive of action] OMI are community creators of protocols for accessing our developing Metaverse. ### OLC Draft 4 [lofty] OMI is a culture focused on enabling human connection in the Metaverse. ### OLC Draft 5 [too brief?] OMI is culture-focused on enabling human connection in the Metaverse. ### OLC Draft 6 [biomimicry] OMI is the synaptic connection between Metaverse [platforms/destinations/worlds/addresses]. ### OLC Draft 7 [techie] OMI is the connection protocol enabling human connection in the Metaverse. (other keywords: Accessible, Decentralized, Culture, FOSS, Privacy, User-centered development, UX, Silk Road, Network, Structure, Human-centered, Engagement, Design, Interoperability, Interconnection, Federated(?), Communal, ... ### OLC Draft 8 [Robert - generative community] OMI is a community developing protocols for accessing our generative Metaverse. ### OLC Draft 9 [Robert - supporting humans] OMI is a community developing protocols to connect virtual worlds and support the humans who inhabit them. ### OLC Draft 10 [Robert - public space for collaboration] OMI is a public space for collaboration on the technical and human fabric of interconnected virtual worlds. - weaving together the existing and new pieces of the metaverse - create and connect virtual worlds - not "making" - make implies that it will be "finished" at some point -protopian futures (Monika B, 2021 https://medium.com/protopia-futures/protopia-futures-framework-f3c2a5d09a1e) #### Goal (TBD) #### History [Please help add historical contexts] - Connection, tool use, using the tool, instead of the tool using us ### What/How [Please help add clarity as to what the work is] ### Why To enjoy and enable human interconnectivity between Metaverse [platforms/destinations/worlds/addresses]. To empower collaboration, enabling human connection and interconnected experiences across open metaverse communities - No single owner - Collective ownership of a shared metaverse. - Encourage collective participation in the shared metaverse. - Collective creation of the shared metaverse. - Collective investment in the shared metaverse. ### Other example contexts? ## Robert: Projects ### OMI glTF Extensions glTF is a 3D file format in use today by some of the largest tech, industrial, and game companies. It is a powerful and portable format that focuses on small file size and consistent visual rendering. It's also a very extensible file format. The OMI glTF Extensions project aims to make glTF the best format for portable metaverse media such as environments, avatars, interactable objects, and more. Extensions are being proposed for things such as audio, physics, and interactions. [Read more](https://github.com/omigroup/gltf-extensions) ### OMI Virtual Space OMI is dedicated to bridging virtual worlds so we decided that we would start working on our own virtual environment. This 3D scene will be used for OMI gatherings, but also as a testbed for interoperability proposals. This scene should be able to be used in multiple metaverse platforms and eventually we should be able to teleport between the different platforms. [Read more](https://github.com/omigroup/OMI/issues/44) ### OMI Creator Portal Creating portable content for the metaverse is currently a hard task with very few complete resources. The OMI Creator Portal will be a section of our website dedicated to providing high quality articles and reference documentation on metaverse content creation. We hope to provide a useful resource for those looking to make portable avatars and environments, as well as implement standards for portable content in their own applications. [Read more](https://github.com/omigroup/OMI/issues/49) ### Why Interoperability Matters Accountability vs ownership Contribution, individual soverignty (end user), personal agency (collaboative/collective) discovering and identifying user stories that are the fabric of interop expression, self-awareness and identity alignment on common ground #### User Stories: - World Traversal - Making it easier to go from one virtual world from the next. Siloed virtual worlds aren't as fun or as easy to use as things like the web, where you can easily go from one page to the next. - Portable Identity - Bringing avatars with you across different virtual world platforms. Being able to express youself and use your avatar that you identity with. - Ex. Anyone who has strong attachments to their virtual identity knows how important it is that virtual worlds support their avatar. By ensuring avatars and identity is portable, you are letting people be themselves across the metaverse. - It's painful to need to create avatars and accounts again on each platform. We should make this a better user experience. - Open Social Graph - Ensuring that communities are not controlled by the platforms. That they have longer lives than the platforms they were created on. - Ensuring that communities are supported by meaningful and resilient infrastructure. - Just like the contacts on your phone, your relationships with people in virtual worlds are currently stored by platform owners. We believe that an open social graph is needed to ensure that you maintain control over your contacts and relationships. - Ex. AltspaceVR almost shut down and the communities built there would have been without a home. We want to make sure that those social graphs are portable so that a community doesn't die with the platform. - Portable Content - Create content once and bring it to multiple virtual world platforms. Sell in multiple marketplaces. Ensure that your content lives on longer than the lifespan of a single platform. Just like the web, your content shouldn't break as the metaverse evolves. You should be able to go back 20 years later and still load up your old environment or avatar. - Standards for glTF/VRM that enable richer metaverse content and make glTF/VRM alternatives for proprietary formats like Unity's asset bundles or Unreal's assets. - Making these standards able to be implemented in multiple game engines and specifying them such that your content will continue working long from now. - Portable content means we can create open marketplaces for 3D content. Many options of where to share or purchase environments, avatars, and virtual items. - Ex. Currently many virtual worlds have their own marketplaces which lock content to that virtual world. App stores control what content can be sold on them as well as take a large cut of the creator's revenue. We would like to see multiple options for users and creators to buy and sell virtual assets. - Data Sovereignty - Agency over your data - Standard for profiles on federated homeservers. - Transparency over what data is being shared with other applications - Standardizing access to profile data. Designing prompts detailing what data will be shared. - Supporting the right to be forgotten - Maybe or maybe not from a technical perspective. Unclear on what our plan would be here. - Ex. Virtual worlds may need access to some of your personal information to work properly. We can help define standards for profile data and notifying users about what is accessed.