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Rimworld Multiplayer FAQ

Common Questions

Is the mod dead?
No. There will be a formal announcement if the mod ever dies. No-progress does not mean the death of the mod. The mod is developed by the community, who all have lives outside of the mod. If you want something in the mod so badly, code it yourself! We accept any constructive PRs.

What happened to Zetrith?
He's around doing his own thing, who knows, he might make an appearance every now and then if we're lucky.

How can players connect?
Players can connect through Steam, LAN, or Direct. To use direct connect, portforward 30502 through UDP or use a VPN like Hamachi.

Is there PVP? Can I make a seperate faction?
Currently everyone is cooperatively playing exactly the same game, with same maps, in the same faction. You can create multiple colonies.

Can mods be used in Multiplayer?
Yes, but not all mods will work in multiplayer. Check out the spreadsheet in #welcome or use the #mod-check channel to find compatible mods. When playing a "modpack", all players need to use the same load order and also the host has to share their Mod_ configs with the other players. (See bottom of this for tutorial)

What do the numbers on the mod spreadsheet/website mean?
0 means untested, 1 means unplayable, 2 is major issues, 3 is minor issues, and 4 is no problems.

What is a save replay?
A multiplayer save game.

Can I change my ingame username?
Yes, your name can be changed under options, mod settings, Multiplayer - Show Settings.

Can I play singleplayer with the mod enabled?
Yes, this should not cause any problems even with a lot of other mods enabled even if they are marked as incompatible.

Which RimWorld version should I be using?
The latest version always.

What is the maximum amount of players that can be online?
We recommend 8 players max, but there is no hardcoded limit.

Why does simulating take so long?
Simulations takes place from the last autosave made, so if you make a full save from the esc menu it'll eliminate the simulation time. The same applies to resyncing, so if the host forces a full save before someone resyncs it will also remove their simulation time.

Can I donate to the project?
If you're feeling generous then these are the people who are currently working on the mod:

NotFood: (Core) (Mod Compatiblity) (Compatability Commissions)

Nebual: (Core)

Sokyran (Mod Compatiblity) (Compatability Commissions)

Thomas107500 (Mod Compatiblity)

ZoeyVS (Support)

Mistress Mia (Support)

How do I convert a Multiplayer game back to Singleplayer?
Currently this will result in a save that can't be converted back to Multiplayer without corruption, this however can still be used in Singleplayer.
This can be done by hitting esc while in game and selecting "Convert to Singleplayer".

How to clean a dirty core folder?
This can help you if you're having trouble loading Rimworld or in resolving Desync issues. Go to your Rimworld install folder delete the Data folder. Then, verify Rimworld's game files in Steam.

How do I share config files?
If you are running modpacks with Rimworld Multiplayer, you will need to share the host's config files among the people who are connecting to the host. To do this, navigate to Rimworld's config folder, and copy the folders labled Config and HugsLib. Make the people you are playing with put the directory listed below, REPLACING THEM when it asks them too.

Windows Rimworld Config Dir : C:/Users/%USERPROFILE%/AppData/LocalLow/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/

Mac Rimworld Config Dir : ~/Library/Application\ Support/RimWorld/

Linux Rimworld Config Dir : ~/.config/unity3d/Ludeon Studios/RimWorld by Ludeon Studios/

Common Desync Reasons

Incompatible Mods
Not all mods are compatible with Rimworld Multiplayer. If you use ones that aren't compatible, you will desync. Before starting any kind of playthrough, use #modcheck, the spreadsheet link in #welcome, or the modlist checking website to make sure whatever mods you are using are compatible. There's also handy premade modlists in #mod-collections if you just wanna jump in.

Not sharing ModConfig files.
If you are using any kind of complex mods, they will usually generate a settings file on your PC. These files NEED to be shared between the people you are playing with, otherwise you will desync. There's a tutorial for how to do this in the #faq channel and just above on this very wiki.

Dirty "Core" folder.
Sometimes when installing/uninstalling mods, your Core folder might get something wrong with it. This is a rare issue but could be causing desyncs. Instructions on how to fix it are listed in #faq.

Bad Connection, Slow PC, Shit Internet.
Just like any other online game, if you have a poor connection, you will desync/lag a lot more. Same is true for Rimworld Multiplayer. Another cause of desyncs is low FPS. If you are running the game at 30fps or lower, you might have connections problem. I generally advise that the player who has the best single threaded CPU "hosts" when playing Rimworld Multiplayer.

Some desyncs are just chance
Sometimes, desyncs are unavoidable. If you're playing a 200+ modpack in Multiplayer and get a couple desyncs every 3-4 hours, you have a goodass modpack.

"Wrong Protocol Version"
You or your friend is using an outdated version of the multiplayer mod. Check #release-and-test-builds for the latest version.